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Descend (Letters): Difference between revisions

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<div id="LettertoRajaMohendraPratapCawnpore13July1947_0" class="quote" parent="1947_to_1965_Correspondence" book="Let" index="2" link="Letter to Raja Mohendra Pratap -- Cawnpore 13 July, 1947" link_text="Letter to Raja Mohendra Pratap -- Cawnpore 13 July, 1947">
<div id="LettertoRajaMohendraPratapCawnpore13July1947_0" class="quote" parent="1947_to_1965_Correspondence" book="Let" index="2" link="Letter to Raja Mohendra Pratap -- Cawnpore 13 July, 1947" link_text="Letter to Raja Mohendra Pratap -- Cawnpore 13 July, 1947">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Raja Mohendra Pratap -- Cawnpore 13 July, 1947|Letter to Raja Mohendra Pratap -- Cawnpore 13 July, 1947]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">6) He is better realized when He by His causeless mercy agrees to descend in this mortal world but he He is never realized by the partial speculations of the empiric philosophers however systematic and long-termed it may be.</p>
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Raja Mohendra Pratap -- Cawnpore 13 July, 1947|Letter to Raja Mohendra Pratap -- Cawnpore 13 July, 1947]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">6) He is better realized when He by His causeless mercy agrees to descend in this mortal world but he He is never realized by the partial speculations of the empiric philosophers however systematic and long-termed it may be.</p>
<div id="LettertoMrBaileyAllahabad14September1951_1" class="quote" parent="1947_to_1965_Correspondence" book="Let" index="11" link="Letter to Mr. Bailey -- Allahabad 14 September, 1951" link_text="Letter to Mr. Bailey -- Allahabad 14 September, 1951">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Mr. Bailey -- Allahabad 14 September, 1951|Letter to Mr. Bailey -- Allahabad 14 September, 1951]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">When we speak of Philosophy it is something higher than the attempt of combining the East and the West. The whole cosmic situation is a complete unit and unless an attempt genuine is made for harmonizing the whole disturbed system and partial attempt on our part however large in magnitude will fail to approach the ultimate goal.</p>
<p>Sages of India realized this by a perfect deductive process which descends on human consciousness by the transcendental unbroken chain of disciplic succession—that material civilization is a gigantic temporary demonstration of a rabid process of sense-gratification. In that mode of civilization the sense organs are given unrestricted liberty to gratify ever-increasing desires and the whole show of cultural advancement in science, art, education, trade, industry economics and politics is only varied activities of the sense organs.</p>
<p>While I appreciate contribution by Swami Nikhilananda of Ramakrishna Mission in New York towards "India American relation—A way to world peace." It will not be out place to mention that comparative study &amp; philosophical ideas expressed by different religious heads will not only bring large contributions to the said _ _ but will also give the public at large a conviction of the Bhagavad. gita.</p>
<div id="LettertoMrBaileyAllahabad7July1953_2" class="quote" parent="1947_to_1965_Correspondence" book="Let" index="15" link="Letter to Mr. Bailey -- Allahabad 7 July, 1953" link_text="Letter to Mr. Bailey -- Allahabad 7 July, 1953">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Mr. Bailey -- Allahabad 7 July, 1953|Letter to Mr. Bailey -- Allahabad 7 July, 1953]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">When we speak of philosophy it is something higher than the attempt of combining the East &amp; West. The whole cosmic situation is a complete whole and unless an attempt genuine is made for harmonizing the whole system any partial attempt on our part however large in magnitude will fail to approach the ultimate goal.</p>
<p>Sages of India realized it by a perfect deductive process which descends on human consciousness by a transcendental chain of unbroken bona fide disciplic succession that material civilization is a temporary gigantic demonstration of a rabid process of sense gratification. The sense organs are given uncertain liberty to gratify their desires and the whole show of science education, trade, industry, economy and politics are but different spheres of activities in the realm of gratifying the senses.</p>
<div id="LettertoDrYGNaikMScPhDDelhi28March1960_3" class="quote" parent="1947_to_1965_Correspondence" book="Let" index="44" link="Letter to Dr. Y. G. Naik M.Sc., Ph.D -- Delhi 28 March, 1960" link_text="Letter to Dr. Y. G. Naik M.Sc., Ph.D -- Delhi 28 March, 1960">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Dr. Y. G. Naik M.Sc., Ph.D -- Delhi 28 March, 1960|Letter to Dr. Y. G. Naik M.Sc., Ph.D -- Delhi 28 March, 1960]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">According to the Bhagavata Puranam the Supreme Truth is realized in three stages namely the Impersonal Brahman or the Nirakara Absolute. The Paramatma or the localized aspect of Brahman. The neutron part of the atom may be taken as the representation of Paramatma who enters into the atom also. It is described in the Brahma-samhita. But ultimately the Supreme Divine Being is realized as the Supreme Person all attractive (Krishna) with full and inconceivable potencies of opulence, strength, fame, beauty, knowledge and renunciation. The six potencies are fully exhibited by Sri Rama and Sri Krishna when He descends before the human being. Only a section of the human being who are unalloyed devotees could recognize Him on the authority of revealed scriptures but others are bewildered under the influence of material energy. The Absolute Truth is therefore the Absolute Person without an equal or high competitor Personality. Impersonal Brahman Rays are the rays of His body transcendental as much as the sun rays are emanations from the sun planet.</p>
<div id="1967_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="2" parent="Correspondence" text="1967 Correspondence"><h3>1967 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoJaduraniVrindaban9September1967_2" class="quote" parent="1967_Correspondence" book="Let" index="140" link="Letter to Jadurani -- Vrindaban 9 September, 1967" link_text="Letter to Jadurani -- Vrindaban 9 September, 1967">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Jadurani -- Vrindaban 9 September, 1967|Letter to Jadurani -- Vrindaban 9 September, 1967]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">The six goswamis are not all eternal associates of Krishna. Only Rupa and Raghunath Goswami are eternal associates. You know there are two kinds of living entities: nityamukta or eternal associates of the Lord, and nityabaddha or eternally conditioned. This material manifestation is a chance for the eternally conditioned entities to go Back to Godhead; but when they go back there is no distinction between the two. When Krishna appears some of his eternal associates come with Him to assist Him in His different incarnational activities; and some of the living entities from conditioned life are liberated by following the footprint of Lord Krishna and His bona associates; so all the six became eternal associates of Krishna. Regarding Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, he decended from higher planet for being liberated in the association of Lord Caitanya, so his conditioned life came to an end after he contacted Lord Caitanya.</p>
<div id="LettertoJayanandaDelhi16September1967_0" class="quote" parent="1967_Correspondence" book="Let" index="146" link="Letter to Jayananda -- Delhi 16 September, 1967" link_text="Letter to Jayananda -- Delhi 16 September, 1967">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Jayananda -- Delhi 16 September, 1967|Letter to Jayananda -- Delhi 16 September, 1967]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I'm so glad to receive your letter of Aug 30, and I know also that you are a sincere devotee of Lord Krishna. When you drive your car you always chant "Hare Krishna" and when I was by your side I could understand how heartily you have accepted the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness. Krishna is very kind to all but He is especially kind to his sincere devotees. Krishna is always with us, within our hearts and He is always ready to give us direction but because everyone is independent Krishna responds cooperatively. Anyone who voluntarily cooperates with Krishna's desire He responds to his call very eagerly. Krishna descends to teach us Bhagavad-gita begging our cooperation and anyone who cooperates with Him becomes blessed. You are sincerely cooperating with Krishna and therefore you all boys and girls in San Francisco, working together harmoniously. Harmony means Krishna Consciousness. Without Krishna Consciousness there cannot be harmony in the world. I've received the report of successful performance of Janmashtami ceremony. I'm glad to learn that you are willing to come to India for further study. I received no letter from Dayananda or his wife Nandarani. I'm anxious to receive the report of the Los Angeles center. I do not know their address. Your acknowledgement "Krishna has been very merciful to me" is remarkable. You are realizing the fruit of chanting.</p>
<div id="LettertoGargamuniCalcutta19October1967_1" class="quote" parent="1967_Correspondence" book="Let" index="186" link="Letter to Gargamuni -- Calcutta 19 October, 1967" link_text="Letter to Gargamuni -- Calcutta 19 October, 1967">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Gargamuni -- Calcutta 19 October, 1967|Letter to Gargamuni -- Calcutta 19 October, 1967]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">To save a man from impersonal calamity is the greatest service to humanity. I also thank Rupanuga &amp; Rayarama for helping you in your very laudable action. Brahmananda is very pure at heart. He might have been misled by Kirtanananda for the time being but Krishna did not allow him to fall back. According to Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Lord is full in six opulences &amp; the rascal impersonalists says that the Lord has no form &amp; the most dangerous accusation for the Lord that He assumes a material form when he descends. The Impersonalist is of the opinion that the absolute has no form &amp; He appears in a particular type of form according to the whim of nonsense; The impersonalist presents any form nonsensical by his imagination &amp; worships it as God. This accusation of the Lord is the greatest offense of the nonsense impersonalist. Such offender can never realize the transcendental form of the Lord &amp; the Lord puts such nonsense into more &amp; more darkness so that the dangerous impersonalist can never know the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I do not believe that Kirtanananda has gone to such an extent of ailing situation but if he does not rectify himself immediately his future is very dark. If he is sincere in his concept of impersonal Absolute he should enter into correspondence with me &amp; I shall refute all his arguments; but I understand that he could not answer you even when you hit him with some questions. I shall request that you save this poor creature from impersonal calamity.</p>
<div id="1968_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="3" parent="Correspondence" text="1968 Correspondence"><h3>1968 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoJanardanaLosAngeles21January1968_0" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="22" link="Letter to Janardana -- Los Angeles 21 January, 1968" link_text="Letter to Janardana -- Los Angeles 21 January, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Janardana -- Los Angeles 21 January, 1968|Letter to Janardana -- Los Angeles 21 January, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">The confusion must continue because this measurement of spirit soul is beyond the range of experimental mind, and understanding. Therefore, confusion. Therefore you have to accept the experience of spirit soul from Vedic literature. If one tries to understand otherwise they will remain in confusion. Subject which is beyond their understanding by experimental knowledge, and if they try to understand it by the same experimental knowledge, that means confusion. This has to be understood by descending process of disciplic succession, or by deductive process, meaning for instance, my mother says this man is my father, I accept, there is no experience. God's name is therefore Adhoksaja which means beyond experimental knowledge. You can inform them that here is statement in Vedic literature (Padma Purāṇa) that the measurement of soul is 1/10,000 of the upper portion of the hair. You are meant for doing this and I shall assist you as far as possible. I thank you for your promise to send me one letter a week.</p>
<p>We are trying to get U.S.A. Immigration, permanent visa, and I am waiting for the result.</p>
<div id="LettertoKrsnaDeviMontreal21August1968_1" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="270" link="Letter to Krsna Devi -- Montreal 21 August, 1968" link_text="Letter to Krsna Devi -- Montreal 21 August, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Krsna Devi -- Montreal 21 August, 1968|Letter to Krsna Devi -- Montreal 21 August, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Regarding your question about Cintamani dham, I may inform you that all the planets in the spiritual world is known as Cintamani dhama (Bs. 5.29). And Goloka Vrndavana is one of the planets. Regarding the Queens of Dvaraka, mostly they were devotees, and some of them descended from the Vaikuntha planets, or they were manifestation from Goddess of Fortune, Laksmi.</p>
<p>The lump of iron stone which was delivered by Samba, the members of the Yadu family wanted to destroy it, by rubbing on a stone, and the pulp made out of the stone gridded down on the bank of a river, and gradually it grew into log. So at the end all the members of the Yadu family when they were fighting, took advantage of the log and beat one another and thus the whole family was dead and gone.</p>
<p>Your humbleness in the matter of becoming my disciple is very much appreciated by me, and keep this mentality, always, and you will be happy and advance in Krishna Consciousness. With all my blessings, I beg to remain</p>
<div id="LettertoTosanaKrsnaSeattle7October1968_2" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="353" link="Letter to Tosana Krsna -- Seattle 7 October, 1968" link_text="Letter to Tosana Krsna -- Seattle 7 October, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Tosana Krsna -- Seattle 7 October, 1968|Letter to Tosana Krsna -- Seattle 7 October, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">The original name of this planet is called Bharatavarsa, and before that it was known as Ilavrtavarsa. Now since the day of Emperor Bharata, this planet is know as Bharatavarsa, but in course of time, the human race divided, therefore we find so many other names. But the original name of this planet is Bharatavarsa, and in the Vedic literature, it is stated that anyone who takes birth on this planet, they are very fortunate. Because it is the special planet where Krishna descends when He comes.</p>
<p>Regarding your proposal to become a doctor, because your mother wants to prosecute your education, I think if you can learn Krishna Consciousness perfectly, by reading our different literatures, and books, you will be a better doctor than the ordinary physician. The ordinary physician may cure the disease of the body, but if you become advanced in Krishna Consciousness, you will be able to cure the disease of the soul for many many persons.</p>
<div id="1969_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="4" parent="Correspondence" text="1969 Correspondence"><h3>1969 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoJanakiLosAngeles28February1969_0" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="153" link="Letter to Janaki -- Los Angeles 28 February, 1969" link_text="Letter to Janaki -- Los Angeles 28 February, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Janaki -- Los Angeles 28 February, 1969|Letter to Janaki -- Los Angeles 28 February, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">So far as your question about the disciplic succession, in all Vedic literatures it is mentioned about the disciplic succession. You have read in Srimad-Bhagavatam, first canto, first chapter where it is said that Brahma was inspired from within the heart by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Similarly, in the Katha Upanisad it is said that "in order to learn the transcendental science, one has to approach the Spiritual Master." This spiritual master means one who has heard correctly from his Spiritual Master. In this way, ultimately it goes to Krishna, the Supreme Spiritual Master. There is no possibility of understanding the Vedic knowledge without this descending process. The modern world is puffed up with personal research knowledge, but the person who is engaging in this research work does not know that he is imperfect on account of his aptitude for becoming illusioned, for committing mistakes, for his cheating propensity and for his possessing imperfect senses. Therefore there is no possibility of receiving perfect knowledge without approaching a self-realized Spiritual Master coming down in disciplic succession. The mental speculator, no matter how advanced he may be, cannot deliver us the right knowledge.</p>
<div id="LettertoMartinMallesLosAngeles22July1969_1" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="464" link="Letter to Martin Malles -- Los Angeles 22 July, 1969" link_text="Letter to Martin Malles -- Los Angeles 22 July, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Martin Malles -- Los Angeles 22 July, 1969|Letter to Martin Malles -- Los Angeles 22 July, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">To do actual Hatha Yoga one must not live in the city, but he must go to a sacred spot, and completely freed from all attachments and all material desires and disturbances, he must concentrate his mind upon the Lord within his heart. This process is not completed in just six months time, but it extends over many, many lifetimes. So in this age of Kali Yuga it is not possible to faithfully follow the procedures of Hatha Yoga because our minds are too restless and our lives are very brief. Therefore, the Lord has descended upon this earth five hundred years ago as Lord Caitanya to encourage the process among all men of chanting the Holy Names of God, the Hare Krishna Mantra. This chanting will immediately captivate the hearts and minds of all sincere souls, and therefore it is the prime benediction for the most fallen souls of the age of Kali Yuga. If you will continue to come to our temple and associate with the devotees as much as possible, you will see practically how you are making very, very nice progress in spiritual advancement. Krishna Consciousness is not some invented process nor is it some brought to America in an altered form. Krishna Consciousness is the bona fide process of God-realization that has brought so many great saints and sages to the perfectional level of knowledge of God.</p>
<div id="LettertoHimavatiLondon20December1969_2" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="731" link="Letter to Himavati -- London 20 December, 1969" link_text="Letter to Himavati -- London 20 December, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Himavati -- London 20 December, 1969|Letter to Himavati -- London 20 December, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 9, 1969, along with Deity clothes and my cap. I thank you very much for this. I have learned the story of the delivering of the Berkeley Jagai-Madhais. Although it is surprising, yet it is possible to happen in this Krishna Consciousness Movement. Sri Narottama das Thakura says all sinful persons and suffering persons were delivered by the Sankirtana Movement inaugurated by Lord Caitanya, Who was formerly the Son of Nanda Maharaja, accompanied by Nityananda Prabhu, Who was formerly Sri Balarama. If we keep ourselves purely on the standard of Lord Caitanya's order, then chanting by us of the Holy Names of Krishna will descend as powerfully as He acted previously, during the time of Jagai and Madhai. So I am very glad that you both, husband and wife, are executing the mission of Lord Caitanya so nicely and faithfully. Please continue to act like that and certainly Lord Caitanya will bestow all His blessings and power upon you. Personally I am so much engladdened that the pairs of young boys and girls whom I have placed in householder life are doing so nicely in the Western world. When Lord Caitanya delivered Jagai and Madhai He was also a householder, but when Jagai and Madhai were actually reclaimed, His wife, Visnupriya, was not there.</p>
<div id="1970_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="5" parent="Correspondence" text="1970 Correspondence"><h3>1970 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoMadhusudanaLosAngeles16January1970_0" class="quote" parent="1970_Correspondence" book="Let" index="30" link="Letter to Madhusudana -- Los Angeles 16 January, 1970" link_text="Letter to Madhusudana -- Los Angeles 16 January, 1970">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Madhusudana -- Los Angeles 16 January, 1970|Letter to Madhusudana -- Los Angeles 16 January, 1970]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">You say that within your heart you know that Krishna is the Original Personality of Godhead but when you think of Krishna or try to feel Him you think Krishna as foreign on account of Sanskrit language. Please, therefore, be careful that Maya is peeping at you and if you do not take care timely it may prove fatal. Please, therefore, chant regularly without the offenses and be steady in your situation without any tottering of the mind. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead without any question. He is accepted as such beginning from Arjuna through all the great Acaryas—Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Sankaracarya, Lord Caitanya, Lord Brahma, the Vedic authorities Vyasadeva and Narada—like that, down to ourselves.</p>
<p>So this knowledge descends through bona fide disciplic succession. You have accepted this chain of authorities, now you are feeling doubts means certainly you are being attacked by Maya.</p>
<div id="LettertoHamsadutaLosAngeles23January1970_1" class="quote" parent="1970_Correspondence" book="Let" index="43" link="Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 23 January, 1970" link_text="Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 23 January, 1970">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 23 January, 1970|Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 23 January, 1970]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">So actually the transcendental sound is the cause of creation, but material sound is not transcendental sound. We have to receive transcendental sound through the transcendental channel, therefore, Vedas are called Sruti. That means transcendental sound can be received through the ear. And by hearing this transcendental sound through the ear our heart becomes spiritually purified, and we can realize at that stage the transcendental Name, transcendental Qualities, transcendental Form, transcendental Pastimes etc. That is the way of descending process.</p>
<p>Because everything manifested is creation of the original transcendental Sound, therefore, factually everything is spiritual. But being covered by material cloud, we do not appreciate properly the spiritual nature of everything. The Krishna Consciousness Movement means gradually advancing towards that stage of spiritual realization. As such, the philosophy of acintya bhedabheda tattva is perfect. Everything is simultaneously one and different from the Supreme. One in quality because the original source is the Spiritual Whole, and different in quantity. This quantitative difference becomes more and more separate by increase of material consciousness.</p>
<div id="LettertoSyamasundaraLosAngeles25February1970_2" class="quote" parent="1970_Correspondence" book="Let" index="124" link="Letter to Syamasundara -- Los Angeles 25 February, 1970" link_text="Letter to Syamasundara -- Los Angeles 25 February, 1970">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Syamasundara -- Los Angeles 25 February, 1970|Letter to Syamasundara -- Los Angeles 25 February, 1970]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I have simply wasted my privileges of human form of life. This life was meant for understanding Krsna Consciousness and the pastimes of Lord Krsna with Radharani, but I did not take care of this important business of life. Therefore I have not only wasted my valuable time, but also I have willingly drunk poison for committing suicide. My heart is always in blazing fire because of my association with material sense enjoyment, and I did not fix up my mind in the Krsna Consciousness movement which is imported directly from the Kingdom of God. This Krsna Consciousness movement is inaugurated by Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda Who are Krsna and Balarama respectively. They have descended very kindly to reclaim all fallen souls of this age of whom the typical examples are the two brothers Jagai and Madhai. Now, forgetting all mistakes that I have committed in my past life, I humbly surrender unto You, my Lord Krsna the Son of Nanda Maharaja, and also to Srimati Radharani the daughter of King Vrsabhanu. So both of You are present together, and I fully surrender unto You. Please do not reject me as I have no other shelter except Yourselves."</p>
<div id="LettertoSyamasundaraLosAngeles15April1970_3" class="quote" parent="1970_Correspondence" book="Let" index="236" link="Letter to Syamasundara -- Los Angeles 15 April, 1970" link_text="Letter to Syamasundara -- Los Angeles 15 April, 1970">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Syamasundara -- Los Angeles 15 April, 1970|Letter to Syamasundara -- Los Angeles 15 April, 1970]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">The atheist theoretically can deny the presence of God, but the presence of God in form of Death is present before him despite his flouting. You have seen the picture of Lord Narayana—He has got four hands, two hands are for the atheist and two hands are for the theist. For the theist-devotee the Lord has the Lotus-flower or blooming peace and prosperity, and the Conchshell dissipating all inauspicity by its vibration. But for the atheist there is the big Club for hammering on the head of the atheist, or separate the head of the atheist by the sharpened edge of the Disc.</p>
<p>In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that He descends in every millenium to give protection to the faithful and to annihilate the miscreants. So God has got always these two features of His authority, namely protection and death.</p>
<div id="LettertoEkayaniLosAngeles25July1970_4" class="quote" parent="1970_Correspondence" book="Let" index="447" link="Letter to Ekayani -- Los Angeles 25 July, 1970" link_text="Letter to Ekayani -- Los Angeles 25 July, 1970">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Ekayani -- Los Angeles 25 July, 1970|Letter to Ekayani -- Los Angeles 25 July, 1970]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Whatever has to do with Krsna is on the spiritual platform and on that spiritual platform there is no difference between being together and being apart from Krsna. So even in the feeling of being separated from Krsna, Krsna is there.</p>
<p>So far the Avataras are concerned there are two types. One is called nitya and the other is called naimittic. Nitya means eternal and namittic Avataras appear for some specific function in the material worlds. Nitya Avataras have their eternal abodes in the spiritual sky from which they may sometimes descend to the material worlds, but naimittic Avataras are expansions of Nitya Avataras for some timely purpose. So the non-human forms of Avataras do not have their planets in the spiritual sky.</p>
<p>Yes, Mahesa Dama is in the spiritual sky. That is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and Brahma Samhita. At the time of dissolution of the material worlds, Lord Siva remains in His spiritual abode while the cosmic manifestation merges into the body of Mahavisnu.</p>
<div id="1972_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="7" parent="Correspondence" text="1972 Correspondence"><h3>1972 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoAcyutanandaLosAngeles12June1972_0" class="quote" parent="1972_Correspondence" book="Let" index="310" link="Letter to Acyutananda -- Los Angeles 12 June, 1972" link_text="Letter to Acyutananda -- Los Angeles 12 June, 1972">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Acyutananda -- Los Angeles 12 June, 1972|Letter to Acyutananda -- Los Angeles 12 June, 1972]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">You also write to Yadubara at Bombay in this connection and request him to join you in Birnagar immediately. I have also written him. These items are very, very priceless and are a great treasure house of Vaisnava lore, so be very careful in the matter and take all precautions to guard them.</p>
<p>Regarding your questions, no, the descendants from Advaita are to be considered as dvijabandhu, that is, unless they are like brahmanas, that is, very highly qualified to know the higher values of life in the Vedic traditional way, so in that way even he is long descended from Advaita, unless he is qualified he cannot be worshipable. Nityananda has no seminal descendants, his son Birbhadra was never married. If someone said he is descended from Nityananda, that means from one of his disciples. These persons may be given some respect, but they are not equal to Advaita. Dvijabandhu means son of a brahmana father but without the qualifications. Similarly, there are Advaita-bandhus. So far the Mayapur construction work, kindly send me some photos of the current progress.</p>
<div id="1974_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="9" parent="Correspondence" text="1974 Correspondence"><h3>1974 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoBahudakBombay19December1974_0" class="quote" parent="1974_Correspondence" book="Let" index="691" link="Letter to Bahudak -- Bombay 19 December, 1974" link_text="Letter to Bahudak -- Bombay 19 December, 1974">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Bahudak -- Bombay 19 December, 1974|Letter to Bahudak -- Bombay 19 December, 1974]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">The pictures of your newly installed Deities are very very nice. And you can name them Sri Sri Radha-Madan Mohan. The Deity worship should be done very carefully and nicely. Sri-vigraharadhana-nitya-nana, srngara-tan-mandira-marjanadau, yuktasya bhaktams ca niyunjato'pi, vande guroh sri-caranaravindam **. You should make sure that there is nice arati program; six arati daily at least. You should make sure that there is nice fresh, clean dress every morning, nice bathing ceremony every morning, nice offerings of prasadam. You should see that the Deity is tended for and cooked for only by the duly second initiated brahmanas. The Deity should have nice flowers everyday etc., etc. You should try to bring Them up to the highest standard, such as we have in Los Angeles or New Vrndavana. Sri Sri Radha-Madan Mohan have kindly descended in Their arca vigraha form now you must receive Them with that consciousness. And by serving Them you will all develop pure love of Krsna.</p>
<div id="1976_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="11" parent="Correspondence" text="1976 Correspondence"><h3>1976 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoDrChittaranjanMohapatraMayapur21March1976_0" class="quote" parent="1976_Correspondence" book="Let" index="197" link="Letter to Dr. Chittaranjan Mohapatra -- Mayapur 21 March, 1976" link_text="Letter to Dr. Chittaranjan Mohapatra -- Mayapur 21 March, 1976">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Dr. Chittaranjan Mohapatra -- Mayapur 21 March, 1976|Letter to Dr. Chittaranjan Mohapatra -- Mayapur 21 March, 1976]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Therefore, perfection of life is when we deliver or return everything to Him, and He tells us this for our benefit! The sooner we return everything to Him, the better it is for us. Our Krishna Consciousness Movement is teaching this fact all over the world.</p>
<p>One should not think that Krishna is an ordinary man. If you think like that then you do not know anything about Krishna. Avajananti man mudha manusim tanum asritah . . . ([[Vanisource:BG 9.11 (1972)|BG 9.11]]). "Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that be." All the mudhas or rascals consider Krishna to be an ordinary man, but He is not ordinary, He is the Supreme Being. Where do you get this information that Krishna is an ordinary man like us? In no Vedic Literature is it said that Krishna is an ordinary human being. In the Brahma-Samhita it is said: Isvara Parama Krishna . . . He is described as the Supreme Being. I do not know on what authority you can say that Krishna is an ordinary human being like you or me?</p>

Latest revision as of 08:59, 16 May 2018


1947 to 1965 Correspondence

Letter to Raja Mohendra Pratap -- Cawnpore 13 July, 1947:

6) He is better realized when He by His causeless mercy agrees to descend in this mortal world but he He is never realized by the partial speculations of the empiric philosophers however systematic and long-termed it may be.

Letter to Mr. Bailey -- Allahabad 14 September, 1951:

When we speak of Philosophy it is something higher than the attempt of combining the East and the West. The whole cosmic situation is a complete unit and unless an attempt genuine is made for harmonizing the whole disturbed system and partial attempt on our part however large in magnitude will fail to approach the ultimate goal.

Sages of India realized this by a perfect deductive process which descends on human consciousness by the transcendental unbroken chain of disciplic succession—that material civilization is a gigantic temporary demonstration of a rabid process of sense-gratification. In that mode of civilization the sense organs are given unrestricted liberty to gratify ever-increasing desires and the whole show of cultural advancement in science, art, education, trade, industry economics and politics is only varied activities of the sense organs.

While I appreciate contribution by Swami Nikhilananda of Ramakrishna Mission in New York towards "India American relation—A way to world peace." It will not be out place to mention that comparative study & philosophical ideas expressed by different religious heads will not only bring large contributions to the said _ _ but will also give the public at large a conviction of the Bhagavad. gita.

Letter to Mr. Bailey -- Allahabad 7 July, 1953:

When we speak of philosophy it is something higher than the attempt of combining the East & West. The whole cosmic situation is a complete whole and unless an attempt genuine is made for harmonizing the whole system any partial attempt on our part however large in magnitude will fail to approach the ultimate goal.

Sages of India realized it by a perfect deductive process which descends on human consciousness by a transcendental chain of unbroken bona fide disciplic succession that material civilization is a temporary gigantic demonstration of a rabid process of sense gratification. The sense organs are given uncertain liberty to gratify their desires and the whole show of science education, trade, industry, economy and politics are but different spheres of activities in the realm of gratifying the senses.

Letter to Dr. Y. G. Naik M.Sc., Ph.D -- Delhi 28 March, 1960:

According to the Bhagavata Puranam the Supreme Truth is realized in three stages namely the Impersonal Brahman or the Nirakara Absolute. The Paramatma or the localized aspect of Brahman. The neutron part of the atom may be taken as the representation of Paramatma who enters into the atom also. It is described in the Brahma-samhita. But ultimately the Supreme Divine Being is realized as the Supreme Person all attractive (Krishna) with full and inconceivable potencies of opulence, strength, fame, beauty, knowledge and renunciation. The six potencies are fully exhibited by Sri Rama and Sri Krishna when He descends before the human being. Only a section of the human being who are unalloyed devotees could recognize Him on the authority of revealed scriptures but others are bewildered under the influence of material energy. The Absolute Truth is therefore the Absolute Person without an equal or high competitor Personality. Impersonal Brahman Rays are the rays of His body transcendental as much as the sun rays are emanations from the sun planet.

1967 Correspondence

Letter to Jadurani -- Vrindaban 9 September, 1967:

The six goswamis are not all eternal associates of Krishna. Only Rupa and Raghunath Goswami are eternal associates. You know there are two kinds of living entities: nityamukta or eternal associates of the Lord, and nityabaddha or eternally conditioned. This material manifestation is a chance for the eternally conditioned entities to go Back to Godhead; but when they go back there is no distinction between the two. When Krishna appears some of his eternal associates come with Him to assist Him in His different incarnational activities; and some of the living entities from conditioned life are liberated by following the footprint of Lord Krishna and His bona associates; so all the six became eternal associates of Krishna. Regarding Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, he decended from higher planet for being liberated in the association of Lord Caitanya, so his conditioned life came to an end after he contacted Lord Caitanya.

Letter to Jayananda -- Delhi 16 September, 1967:

I'm so glad to receive your letter of Aug 30, and I know also that you are a sincere devotee of Lord Krishna. When you drive your car you always chant "Hare Krishna" and when I was by your side I could understand how heartily you have accepted the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness. Krishna is very kind to all but He is especially kind to his sincere devotees. Krishna is always with us, within our hearts and He is always ready to give us direction but because everyone is independent Krishna responds cooperatively. Anyone who voluntarily cooperates with Krishna's desire He responds to his call very eagerly. Krishna descends to teach us Bhagavad-gita begging our cooperation and anyone who cooperates with Him becomes blessed. You are sincerely cooperating with Krishna and therefore you all boys and girls in San Francisco, working together harmoniously. Harmony means Krishna Consciousness. Without Krishna Consciousness there cannot be harmony in the world. I've received the report of successful performance of Janmashtami ceremony. I'm glad to learn that you are willing to come to India for further study. I received no letter from Dayananda or his wife Nandarani. I'm anxious to receive the report of the Los Angeles center. I do not know their address. Your acknowledgement "Krishna has been very merciful to me" is remarkable. You are realizing the fruit of chanting.

Letter to Gargamuni -- Calcutta 19 October, 1967:

To save a man from impersonal calamity is the greatest service to humanity. I also thank Rupanuga & Rayarama for helping you in your very laudable action. Brahmananda is very pure at heart. He might have been misled by Kirtanananda for the time being but Krishna did not allow him to fall back. According to Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Lord is full in six opulences & the rascal impersonalists says that the Lord has no form & the most dangerous accusation for the Lord that He assumes a material form when he descends. The Impersonalist is of the opinion that the absolute has no form & He appears in a particular type of form according to the whim of nonsense; The impersonalist presents any form nonsensical by his imagination & worships it as God. This accusation of the Lord is the greatest offense of the nonsense impersonalist. Such offender can never realize the transcendental form of the Lord & the Lord puts such nonsense into more & more darkness so that the dangerous impersonalist can never know the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I do not believe that Kirtanananda has gone to such an extent of ailing situation but if he does not rectify himself immediately his future is very dark. If he is sincere in his concept of impersonal Absolute he should enter into correspondence with me & I shall refute all his arguments; but I understand that he could not answer you even when you hit him with some questions. I shall request that you save this poor creature from impersonal calamity.

1968 Correspondence

Letter to Janardana -- Los Angeles 21 January, 1968:

The confusion must continue because this measurement of spirit soul is beyond the range of experimental mind, and understanding. Therefore, confusion. Therefore you have to accept the experience of spirit soul from Vedic literature. If one tries to understand otherwise they will remain in confusion. Subject which is beyond their understanding by experimental knowledge, and if they try to understand it by the same experimental knowledge, that means confusion. This has to be understood by descending process of disciplic succession, or by deductive process, meaning for instance, my mother says this man is my father, I accept, there is no experience. God's name is therefore Adhoksaja which means beyond experimental knowledge. You can inform them that here is statement in Vedic literature (Padma Purāṇa) that the measurement of soul is 1/10,000 of the upper portion of the hair. You are meant for doing this and I shall assist you as far as possible. I thank you for your promise to send me one letter a week.

We are trying to get U.S.A. Immigration, permanent visa, and I am waiting for the result.

Letter to Krsna Devi -- Montreal 21 August, 1968:

Regarding your question about Cintamani dham, I may inform you that all the planets in the spiritual world is known as Cintamani dhama (Bs. 5.29). And Goloka Vrndavana is one of the planets. Regarding the Queens of Dvaraka, mostly they were devotees, and some of them descended from the Vaikuntha planets, or they were manifestation from Goddess of Fortune, Laksmi.

The lump of iron stone which was delivered by Samba, the members of the Yadu family wanted to destroy it, by rubbing on a stone, and the pulp made out of the stone gridded down on the bank of a river, and gradually it grew into log. So at the end all the members of the Yadu family when they were fighting, took advantage of the log and beat one another and thus the whole family was dead and gone.

Your humbleness in the matter of becoming my disciple is very much appreciated by me, and keep this mentality, always, and you will be happy and advance in Krishna Consciousness. With all my blessings, I beg to remain

Letter to Tosana Krsna -- Seattle 7 October, 1968:

The original name of this planet is called Bharatavarsa, and before that it was known as Ilavrtavarsa. Now since the day of Emperor Bharata, this planet is know as Bharatavarsa, but in course of time, the human race divided, therefore we find so many other names. But the original name of this planet is Bharatavarsa, and in the Vedic literature, it is stated that anyone who takes birth on this planet, they are very fortunate. Because it is the special planet where Krishna descends when He comes.

Regarding your proposal to become a doctor, because your mother wants to prosecute your education, I think if you can learn Krishna Consciousness perfectly, by reading our different literatures, and books, you will be a better doctor than the ordinary physician. The ordinary physician may cure the disease of the body, but if you become advanced in Krishna Consciousness, you will be able to cure the disease of the soul for many many persons.

1969 Correspondence

Letter to Janaki -- Los Angeles 28 February, 1969:

So far as your question about the disciplic succession, in all Vedic literatures it is mentioned about the disciplic succession. You have read in Srimad-Bhagavatam, first canto, first chapter where it is said that Brahma was inspired from within the heart by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Similarly, in the Katha Upanisad it is said that "in order to learn the transcendental science, one has to approach the Spiritual Master." This spiritual master means one who has heard correctly from his Spiritual Master. In this way, ultimately it goes to Krishna, the Supreme Spiritual Master. There is no possibility of understanding the Vedic knowledge without this descending process. The modern world is puffed up with personal research knowledge, but the person who is engaging in this research work does not know that he is imperfect on account of his aptitude for becoming illusioned, for committing mistakes, for his cheating propensity and for his possessing imperfect senses. Therefore there is no possibility of receiving perfect knowledge without approaching a self-realized Spiritual Master coming down in disciplic succession. The mental speculator, no matter how advanced he may be, cannot deliver us the right knowledge.

Letter to Martin Malles -- Los Angeles 22 July, 1969:

To do actual Hatha Yoga one must not live in the city, but he must go to a sacred spot, and completely freed from all attachments and all material desires and disturbances, he must concentrate his mind upon the Lord within his heart. This process is not completed in just six months time, but it extends over many, many lifetimes. So in this age of Kali Yuga it is not possible to faithfully follow the procedures of Hatha Yoga because our minds are too restless and our lives are very brief. Therefore, the Lord has descended upon this earth five hundred years ago as Lord Caitanya to encourage the process among all men of chanting the Holy Names of God, the Hare Krishna Mantra. This chanting will immediately captivate the hearts and minds of all sincere souls, and therefore it is the prime benediction for the most fallen souls of the age of Kali Yuga. If you will continue to come to our temple and associate with the devotees as much as possible, you will see practically how you are making very, very nice progress in spiritual advancement. Krishna Consciousness is not some invented process nor is it some brought to America in an altered form. Krishna Consciousness is the bona fide process of God-realization that has brought so many great saints and sages to the perfectional level of knowledge of God.

Letter to Himavati -- London 20 December, 1969:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 9, 1969, along with Deity clothes and my cap. I thank you very much for this. I have learned the story of the delivering of the Berkeley Jagai-Madhais. Although it is surprising, yet it is possible to happen in this Krishna Consciousness Movement. Sri Narottama das Thakura says all sinful persons and suffering persons were delivered by the Sankirtana Movement inaugurated by Lord Caitanya, Who was formerly the Son of Nanda Maharaja, accompanied by Nityananda Prabhu, Who was formerly Sri Balarama. If we keep ourselves purely on the standard of Lord Caitanya's order, then chanting by us of the Holy Names of Krishna will descend as powerfully as He acted previously, during the time of Jagai and Madhai. So I am very glad that you both, husband and wife, are executing the mission of Lord Caitanya so nicely and faithfully. Please continue to act like that and certainly Lord Caitanya will bestow all His blessings and power upon you. Personally I am so much engladdened that the pairs of young boys and girls whom I have placed in householder life are doing so nicely in the Western world. When Lord Caitanya delivered Jagai and Madhai He was also a householder, but when Jagai and Madhai were actually reclaimed, His wife, Visnupriya, was not there.

1970 Correspondence

Letter to Madhusudana -- Los Angeles 16 January, 1970:

You say that within your heart you know that Krishna is the Original Personality of Godhead but when you think of Krishna or try to feel Him you think Krishna as foreign on account of Sanskrit language. Please, therefore, be careful that Maya is peeping at you and if you do not take care timely it may prove fatal. Please, therefore, chant regularly without the offenses and be steady in your situation without any tottering of the mind. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead without any question. He is accepted as such beginning from Arjuna through all the great Acaryas—Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Sankaracarya, Lord Caitanya, Lord Brahma, the Vedic authorities Vyasadeva and Narada—like that, down to ourselves.

So this knowledge descends through bona fide disciplic succession. You have accepted this chain of authorities, now you are feeling doubts means certainly you are being attacked by Maya.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 23 January, 1970:

So actually the transcendental sound is the cause of creation, but material sound is not transcendental sound. We have to receive transcendental sound through the transcendental channel, therefore, Vedas are called Sruti. That means transcendental sound can be received through the ear. And by hearing this transcendental sound through the ear our heart becomes spiritually purified, and we can realize at that stage the transcendental Name, transcendental Qualities, transcendental Form, transcendental Pastimes etc. That is the way of descending process.

Because everything manifested is creation of the original transcendental Sound, therefore, factually everything is spiritual. But being covered by material cloud, we do not appreciate properly the spiritual nature of everything. The Krishna Consciousness Movement means gradually advancing towards that stage of spiritual realization. As such, the philosophy of acintya bhedabheda tattva is perfect. Everything is simultaneously one and different from the Supreme. One in quality because the original source is the Spiritual Whole, and different in quantity. This quantitative difference becomes more and more separate by increase of material consciousness.

Letter to Syamasundara -- Los Angeles 25 February, 1970:

I have simply wasted my privileges of human form of life. This life was meant for understanding Krsna Consciousness and the pastimes of Lord Krsna with Radharani, but I did not take care of this important business of life. Therefore I have not only wasted my valuable time, but also I have willingly drunk poison for committing suicide. My heart is always in blazing fire because of my association with material sense enjoyment, and I did not fix up my mind in the Krsna Consciousness movement which is imported directly from the Kingdom of God. This Krsna Consciousness movement is inaugurated by Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda Who are Krsna and Balarama respectively. They have descended very kindly to reclaim all fallen souls of this age of whom the typical examples are the two brothers Jagai and Madhai. Now, forgetting all mistakes that I have committed in my past life, I humbly surrender unto You, my Lord Krsna the Son of Nanda Maharaja, and also to Srimati Radharani the daughter of King Vrsabhanu. So both of You are present together, and I fully surrender unto You. Please do not reject me as I have no other shelter except Yourselves."

Letter to Syamasundara -- Los Angeles 15 April, 1970:

The atheist theoretically can deny the presence of God, but the presence of God in form of Death is present before him despite his flouting. You have seen the picture of Lord Narayana—He has got four hands, two hands are for the atheist and two hands are for the theist. For the theist-devotee the Lord has the Lotus-flower or blooming peace and prosperity, and the Conchshell dissipating all inauspicity by its vibration. But for the atheist there is the big Club for hammering on the head of the atheist, or separate the head of the atheist by the sharpened edge of the Disc.

In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that He descends in every millenium to give protection to the faithful and to annihilate the miscreants. So God has got always these two features of His authority, namely protection and death.

Letter to Ekayani -- Los Angeles 25 July, 1970:

Whatever has to do with Krsna is on the spiritual platform and on that spiritual platform there is no difference between being together and being apart from Krsna. So even in the feeling of being separated from Krsna, Krsna is there.

So far the Avataras are concerned there are two types. One is called nitya and the other is called naimittic. Nitya means eternal and namittic Avataras appear for some specific function in the material worlds. Nitya Avataras have their eternal abodes in the spiritual sky from which they may sometimes descend to the material worlds, but naimittic Avataras are expansions of Nitya Avataras for some timely purpose. So the non-human forms of Avataras do not have their planets in the spiritual sky.

Yes, Mahesa Dama is in the spiritual sky. That is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and Brahma Samhita. At the time of dissolution of the material worlds, Lord Siva remains in His spiritual abode while the cosmic manifestation merges into the body of Mahavisnu.

1972 Correspondence

Letter to Acyutananda -- Los Angeles 12 June, 1972:

You also write to Yadubara at Bombay in this connection and request him to join you in Birnagar immediately. I have also written him. These items are very, very priceless and are a great treasure house of Vaisnava lore, so be very careful in the matter and take all precautions to guard them.

Regarding your questions, no, the descendants from Advaita are to be considered as dvijabandhu, that is, unless they are like brahmanas, that is, very highly qualified to know the higher values of life in the Vedic traditional way, so in that way even he is long descended from Advaita, unless he is qualified he cannot be worshipable. Nityananda has no seminal descendants, his son Birbhadra was never married. If someone said he is descended from Nityananda, that means from one of his disciples. These persons may be given some respect, but they are not equal to Advaita. Dvijabandhu means son of a brahmana father but without the qualifications. Similarly, there are Advaita-bandhus. So far the Mayapur construction work, kindly send me some photos of the current progress.

1974 Correspondence

Letter to Bahudak -- Bombay 19 December, 1974:

The pictures of your newly installed Deities are very very nice. And you can name them Sri Sri Radha-Madan Mohan. The Deity worship should be done very carefully and nicely. Sri-vigraharadhana-nitya-nana, srngara-tan-mandira-marjanadau, yuktasya bhaktams ca niyunjato'pi, vande guroh sri-caranaravindam **. You should make sure that there is nice arati program; six arati daily at least. You should make sure that there is nice fresh, clean dress every morning, nice bathing ceremony every morning, nice offerings of prasadam. You should see that the Deity is tended for and cooked for only by the duly second initiated brahmanas. The Deity should have nice flowers everyday etc., etc. You should try to bring Them up to the highest standard, such as we have in Los Angeles or New Vrndavana. Sri Sri Radha-Madan Mohan have kindly descended in Their arca vigraha form now you must receive Them with that consciousness. And by serving Them you will all develop pure love of Krsna.

1976 Correspondence

Letter to Dr. Chittaranjan Mohapatra -- Mayapur 21 March, 1976:

Therefore, perfection of life is when we deliver or return everything to Him, and He tells us this for our benefit! The sooner we return everything to Him, the better it is for us. Our Krishna Consciousness Movement is teaching this fact all over the world.

One should not think that Krishna is an ordinary man. If you think like that then you do not know anything about Krishna. Avajananti man mudha manusim tanum asritah . . . (BG 9.11). "Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that be." All the mudhas or rascals consider Krishna to be an ordinary man, but He is not ordinary, He is the Supreme Being. Where do you get this information that Krishna is an ordinary man like us? In no Vedic Literature is it said that Krishna is an ordinary human being. In the Brahma-Samhita it is said: Isvara Parama Krishna . . . He is described as the Supreme Being. I do not know on what authority you can say that Krishna is an ordinary human being like you or me?