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1947 to 1965 Correspondence

Letter to Dr. Rajendra Prasad, President of Indian Union -- Delhi 21 November, 1956:

Please therefore save them from the great falldown. Believe me or not, I have got the clue of going "Back to Godhead" just after leaving my present material body and in order to take along with me all my contemporary men and women of the world, I have started my paper "Back to Godhead" as one of the means to the way.

Please do not think of me as an wonderful or a mad man when I say that I shall go "Back to Godhead" after leaving my present material body! It is quite possible for everyone and all of us.

Letter to Dr. Rajendra Prasad, President of Indian Union -- Delhi 21 November, 1956:

Please do not think of me as an wonderful or a mad man when I say that I shall go "Back to Godhead" after leaving my present material body! It is quite possible for everyone and all of us.

In the Bhagavad-gita it is said very clearly that whosoever may adopt the specific principle of accepting Sri Krishna the Personality of Godhead, he will be able to achieve the highest transcendental goal of life,—never mind what he is either a born untouchable, a fallen woman, a laborer or a man dealing in rupees annas pies. His being so, what is there difficulty for a pious "Brahmin" and devoted king for going "Back to Godhead"? Everyone should therefore adopt this principle of going "Back to Godhead" in order to get released from the world of miseries, with temporary existence.

1967 Correspondence

Letter to Kirtanananda -- New York 13 April, 1967:



by work, words & mind.

"A person, who is always anxious to render service unto the Supreme Lord Hari, as His eternal servitor, in all conditions of life he is considered to be liberated even though within the material body"

Letter to Gargamuni -- Delhi 15 September, 1967:

Please accept my blessings. I was very much anxious about your illness, but I've received news from Brahmananda that you are improving. Now whatever condition it may be I advise you to take rock candy as much as possible always keep a piece in your mouth. So far as eating is concerned, take ripe papaya as much as you can, also if possible boil green papaya, this will be your diet and medicine. Besides this take sufficient rest and chant Hare Krishna; so long as we have got this material body we have to undergo these situations, if we increase our love for Krishna we shall be able to get out of this maya. People who therefore not exerting to improve Krishna Consciousness are simply wasting there valuable time and human life. Their human life is a chance to be out of the entanglements of material bodies. We get material bodies according to our activities, doggish men get the bodies of dogs in the next life, men in Krishna Consciousness get bodies like Krishna, so developed consciousness of human life is to concentrate of Krishna Consciousness so that we may be out of the clutches of material entanglement.

Letter to Gargamuni -- Delhi 15 September, 1967:

These truth should be preached all over the world and those who are intelligent enough will take to Krishna Consciousness very seriously. You will be cured very soon rest assured, but after you get out of this diseased condition please keep fit with regular habits at least once a day take your bath and timely eat drink and sleep. Now you are married man you have got facility for sex life, but also this should be regulated. Increased Krishna Consciousness will reduce the propensity of sense gratification and too much sense gratification is the cause of obtaining material bodies. So there may not be bodily disturbance it is necessary to maintain a regulated life and easily prosecute our Krishna Consciousness. I shall pray to Krishna for your quick recovery.

Letter to Jadurani -- Navadvipa 26 October, 1967:

When the brahmacarini asrama is established then you should consider going. Most probably I also will go to San Francisco directly from India. When I am there I shall see if your presence is actually required there. In the meantime you can continue with your painting as usual & enjoy the spiritual life. In the Scriptures it is said that a woman is just like fire & a man is just like a butter pot. The butter melts in the pot while in contact with fire. In your country association of man and woman is very common without restriction; thus the result is known to you better than I am able to explain. In spiritual life attraction of man & woman in the understanding of material body hampers very much, therefore, some sort of restrictions are necessary to check this hampering problem. In spiritual life there is no allowance of association of man and woman without being married. I have already secured my visitors visa & have advised my travel agent to purchase my ticket via the pacific route, & I have already secured my passage money. So on any day I can start for your country, but recently I've received from Mukunda stating that he is arranging for my permanent visa which will enable me to move freely. I've already asked him to let me know whether I should wait or start on the visitors visa.

Letter to Madhusudana -- Navadvipa 2 November, 1967:

He cannot say anything genuine any more till he has had revival of his pure consciousness in the spiritual world as mentioned above. Differentiation between spirit & matter is clear & practical experience, when a living creature is dead no amount of material advancement of science can bring back a dead body to life. The thing which is absent from a dead body is the spirit. As there is individual spirit in individual body, similarly there is the Great Spirit in the universal material form. As the individual spirit is working systematically within the individual material body, similarly, the Supreme Spirit is conscious of the universal body. The lord knows what is happening in each & every planet as much as an individual soul knows what is happening in each & every part of his body. Therefore, the individual consciousness which is limited, when dovetailed with the Supreme Consciousness of the Lord is called Krishna Consciousness. When I return some of you shall be offered Sacred Thread. I very much appreciate your version that Rayarama is roaring like a Lion-cub. I wish that every one of you should be Lion's descendant. Our Lord Krishna assumed the form of Lion & killed the atheist, Hiranyakasipu, & by disciplic succession we shall also kill all impersonalist atheist. Absolutely there is no Krishna Consciousness for the impersonalist.

1968 Correspondence

Letter to Balai -- Los Angeles 25 January, 1968:

The example of darkness can be given herein. The darkness has no existence in the presence of sunlight, similarly Maya cannot exist in the presence of Krishna. As darkness and light exist eternally, similarly, Maya and Krishna exist eternally, but Maya has no existence in the presence of Krishna. Try to understand this simile.

The material body has got heart and Krishna is seated there with the jiva in His Paramatma feature. Krishna is so powerful that He can become smaller than the smallest and greater than the greatest. He can keep millions of skies within His Belly and at the same time He can enter within the existence of the smallest atom. He can enjoy eternally in Vrindaban with His Associates, at the same time He can present Himself in every nook and corner of His Creation. These are some of the inconceivable potencies of Krishna and as such living entity can never be equal with Krishna. The Mayavadi philosophers try to keep Krishna and living entities on equal level and that is proof of their less intelligence.

Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 1 March, 1968:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated Feb. 27, 1968, and I have already sent one letter a few days ago to Acyutananda sanctioning his coming back, in consideration of his deteriorated health. Today also I am writing one letter to him, the copy of which is enclosed herewith, which will speak for itself. This Maya will attack the body always, because the body itself is the source of all troubles. We try to make a solution of our misfortunes, but at the same time we want to keep this body. People do not understand the simple truth that if anyone wants real happiness, he has to get out of the entanglements of this material body, which is only possible by practice of Krishna Consciousness.

About going to India, via Europe, visiting several countries, like England, Amsterdam, Germany, etc., we shall confer together when I return back to N.Y. in April; I think Janardana will also come to join in the conference. So we have to make our program for future activity jointly.

Letter to Pradyumna -- San Francisco 23 March, 1968:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated March 20, 1968, regarding your illness. So long we have got this material body, the miseries will be coming and going, simply we have to tolerate them and try to make advancement in Krishna Consciousness as best we can. I am forwarding your letter to Brahmananda for taking care of your hospital charges; I do not know just what arrangements can be made, but Brahmananda will think how to take care of it.

You mention that you have enclosed the transliteration work of Srimad-Bhagavatam, but I do not find it here. You may have missed it. Anyway, I am happy to hear you are steadily studying Sanskrit and reading Srimad-Bhagavatam—that is very good.

Letter to Satsvarupa -- San Francisco 9 April, 1968:

So our devotees of the society should not remain in the neophyte position; neither should they try to imitate the topmost devotee. Best thing is to remain in the via media of middle class position, namely to love God, to make friendship with devotees, and to enlighten the innocent, and to avoid the demons. These differences of body according to Karma are there, but a devotee divides them into the above groups, and so we have to divide them into these different groups and behave differently with each of the groups. It is true that we should not be attached to the differences of material bodies, but practically, in practical field, the behavior should be as stated above.

So far standard Sanskrit transliteration, that which Pradyumna is doing will be our standard. The spelling should also be standard, and based on his work. So far the word "Ksatriya", this is the correct spelling. All these discrepancies are happening on account of my students being unaware of Sanskrit language. Therefore, I requested Pradyumna to learn Sanskrit very seriously. He has got the aptitude, and I hope he may come out very successful.

Letter to Sacisuta -- Montreal 17 June, 1968:

Although you can bear the intensity of heat, but if you put into the fire, you will be burned. The heat and fire are simultaneously one and different. That is the philosophy of inconceivably one and different, expounded by Lord Caitanya. Try to understand in that way.

Your next question, ("In Srimad-Bhagavatam, chap. 9, text 1, 'Suta Goswami said, thus being afraid of the act of killing the subjects in the battlefield of Kuruksetra, Maharaja Yudhisthira went to that place of massacre where Bhismadeva was lying on a bed of arrows for passing away. Bhismadeva was endowed with the power of leaving his material body at his will and his lying down on a bed of arrows was his own choice.' Did Bhismadeva get wounded by arrows at the battle of Kuruksetra, or did he simply chose to leave his mortal body and thus lay down for passing on a bed of arrows") Bhismadeva was surely wounded by the arrows of Arjuna. But wounding is not always the cause of death. In our own practical experience we know that many soldiers become wounded in battlefield, sometimes very severely, but still one is not dead—he recovers in the hospital.

Letter to Syama -- San Francisco 11 September, 1968:

I beg to thank you for your letter dated Sept. 10, 1968, and your nice presentations, which I have so gladly accepted. In the Vedas it is stated that simply by understanding Krishna, one understands everything. This means there are two departmental educational policy; one departmental education is spiritual education, and the other departmental educational system is material education. One who is highly elevated in material education, cannot understand about anything spiritual. But one who is elevated highly in his spiritual education can understand anything material. In other words, all material things are dependent on the spiritual soul. Just like your body, my body, this material body, they have developed on the basis of the spirit soul. Therefore, Krishna being the Supreme Spirit, one who tries to understand Krishna, he can understand everything else. From your statement of the letter under reply, I can understand that by the Grace of Krishna, you are improving in Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Nandarani -- Seattle 15 October, 1968:

The spirit soul of Krishna's entourage, all the associates of Krishna or anyone situated in Vaikuntha the spiritual sky, never mind, either in Vaikunthas or in Krishna Loka, they have no separate body. Just like Krishna has no differentiation between body and soul, similarly, those who are transferred or living eternally in the spiritual sky, they haven't got also such distinction, between spirit and body. The body is also spiritual and the soul is also spiritual. Not only the body, everything, all spiritual. The spiritual world is expansion of Krishna's spiritual or internal energy. So there is no difference of body. But if somebody comes from the spiritual world for material activities, he has to accept the material body, but that is not applicable in the case of the Supreme Lord. Because he does not come to the material world for some material enjoyment. Mayavadi philosophers they also say that when God comes also in the material world, He has to accept the material body but that is not a fact. Because even God accepts a material body, apparently, still He does not act materially.

Letter to Hayagriva -- Los Angeles 18 November, 1968:

And so, during that time, if you come here, it will be very nice. In January I may go to Hawaii, if Gaurasundara takes me there. As you have given up the idea of marriage, I think you can give up the idea of seeing your parents annually. You just prepare yourself for further advanced spiritual life. After all, our mundane relationships with father and mother, or wife and children, cannot protect us from the trap of maya. It is said by one Vaisnava poet that in every form of life, one gets a father and mother, because without father and mother, nobody is able to get a material body. So father and mother is possible in any form of body, but only in this human form of body one can get in touch with Krishna and a bona fide Spiritual Master. That is the highest gain of our travelling in different species of life in different planets.

Letter to Upendra -- Los Angeles 9 December, 1968:

I have received your letter of December 6, 1968 arriving last night and I have duly noted the contents. In your letter you have made it clear that you are finding some difficulty with sex desire and have asked guidance from me to instruct you how to handle this problem of the material body.

First of all I think you should know that such problems are not very unnatural because in the body the conditioned soul is very prone to failure. But also we must remember that such failure will not discourage us from executing the most important mission of our life, to become fully in Krishna Consciousness. So whatever falldown has been, you should be regretful about it, but it is not so serious nor is it a permanent disqualification. But you must try to check yourself from such artificial things and take full shelter of the Lotus Feet of Krishna. I think that for such checking marriage is the only solution. It is understood that everyone has some nasty habits but by sticking to Krishna Consciousness, chanting our required rounds loudly, and tending the deities, these items will surely save you.

Letter to Saradia -- Los Angeles 12 December, 1968:

I am in due receipt of your recent letter and I have noted the contents with pleasure. Your kind thoughts which you expressed are very nice and encouraging to me. Also you have asked some intelligent questions and I am answering them here.

You have asked how Krishna is with the spirit soul in the spiritual world and the answer is that Krishna is the heart of the spirit soul, or spiritual body, So Krishna is never apart from us. Either He remains in the heart of the material body, or He remains in the heart of the spiritual body. This is Krishna's Causeless Mercy to all of His beloved children, or living entities.

To answer your second question, you should know that Arjuna and Kunti Devi are not in Krishna Loka. They are eternally associated with Krishna only in the material world. Just like Krishna is always in the spiritual world, so similarly He is always in the material world and His Pastimes are going on there also.

1969 Correspondence

Letter to Kirtanananda -- Los Angeles 14 February, 1969:

I do not wish to engage you in litigation; that is not a sannyasi's business. In India, since I left, people have grabbed my money up to many thousands of rupees. That Hitsaran took away 2000 Rs, the landlord has taken away more than 2000 Rs, but what can I do? If I go to litigation I will have to put myself in so many anxieties. It is better to forget. If peacefuly you can draw the money from your father that is all right. I do not know what kinds of devious means you want to use in this connection, but any means, if it does not put you into difficulties, will be acceptable.

Regarding Syama Dasi's health, it is to be understood that so long we have got this material body there must be some trouble. Actually, medicine is not the remedial measures for our bodily troubles unless we are helped by Krishna. Therefore, whenever there is bodily trouble we may adopt the prescribed methods of medical science and depend upon Krishna for His Mercy. The best remedy, not only for Syama Dasi but for everyone, is to consult some approved physician. But ultimately we have to depend on the Mercy of Krishna, so we should chant regularly, pray to Krishna to give us a chance to serve Him, and, if required, we may adopt the approved method of treatment.

Letter to Yamuna -- Hawaii 13 March, 1969:

I am in due receipt of your very nice letter, and I am both happy and unhappy on reading it. I am happy to hear from you, but I am unhappy because I hear that for the last three months you are not keeping your good health. I do not know why you should reduce in your health, but after all, this body is external—we should not be very much disturbed with it. It is advised in the Bhagavad-gita that this bodily happiness and unhappiness are temporary, like seasonal changes, so as we are not very much disturbed even in severe cold or scorching heat, we have to execute our daily duties, we may not be very much disturbed with our bodily pains. But because we are long associated with this material body, sometimes we are afflicted, but by higher knowledge we have to tolerate the pains, wisely thinking that these bodily pains are not mine. But I am very much happy for your nice spiritual sentiments. In London there may be a temple or not, it does not matter; you are doing very nicely, more than having a temple.

Letter to Swami Bhaktivedanta -- Hawaii 14 March, 1969:

As such the living entities are eternal servitors and subordinate of God maintained by the Supreme Lord. This relationship is eternal, therefore time is also eternal. There are two kinds of natures, the spiritual nature and the material nature. Material nature is temporary and spiritual nature is permanent; Material nature is simply temporary manifestation within the jurisdiction of spiritual nature. The living entities somehow or other being entrapped by material nature are meeting all kinds of material conditions. His birth, death, old age, and diseases are due to his contact with this material nature. The living entity is evolving different kinds of material body numbering 8,400,000 different forms. The human form is a great opportunity for the living entity to understand God, the living entity, time, nature, and different activities. The material activities are temporary, therefore if the living entities are trained to transform his activities from material to spiritual he regains his original spiritual nature. And after such achievements he is promoted to the spiritual world, which is far beyond this visible material sky. All these understandings are based on authentic Vedic knowledge.

Letter to Jayagovinda -- Hawaii 30 March, 1969:

So certainly this is heavy task but by the Grace of Krishna, it does not depress me. I feel encouraged to act so busily day and night. But the body sometimes does not allow me to do so. So I have to sleep about 4 to 5 hours. But in comparison to our predecessors, the Goswamis, this engagement in insignificant. These Goswamis used to work almost 24 hours. They used to sleep not more than 2 hours, and they produced immense literature. Of course, it is not possible to be in their level of activities, but as far as possible, we should everyone of us try to work as hard as possible for Krishna's satisfaction. This material body can be adjusted with practice. If we adjust these bodily activities towards Krishna's side, then the labor is fruitful, but if we adjust towards maya's side, then the labor is useless. A little labor done for Krishna is never lost. But the greatest labor done for Maya is simply waste of time. So I think by the Grace of Krishna you are feeling nice now. Please try to work hard for Krishna, and your life will be glorious. By Krishna's Grace and by His desire, you are destined to go to Germany to take up the work of BTG in German. The three boys now working there are very sincere workers.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Allston, Mass 6 May, 1969:

So we have to train preachers, and they will go to the students in public institutions to educate them in Krishna Consciousness. So if our men simply study our books and magazines, and assimilate them nicely and clarify as soon as there is some doubt, then surely we shall drive out all these so-called yogis and propagandists who are simply cheating the innocent people to solve their pecuniary problems. Regarding the Radha-Krishna Murtis, they may be kept for the time being, and when I go there I shall take care of them. Regarding my backache, the 10% balance appears to be out of my body, but after all, the material body can be infected at any time, so we should not bother very much about it. We must simply go on with our activities in Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Upendra -- Columbus, Ohio 8 May, 1969:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 4 May, 1969, and I have noted the contents with much encouragement. Regarding the church, I think you should try for it by all means, and if need be I shall see that the funds which you need will be loaned to you. I have already informed Tamala Krishna that the Los Angeles temple may be called upon to give this loan. So try for it, because such a nice church will be a tremendous boon to our Seattle propaganda activities.

Regarding your question about the difference between mind and soul, the mind is one of the senses, and the soul is the owner of the senses, including the mind. The mind is material, just like the material body, but when the material coverings are taken away, as we revive our spiritual body, similarly we revive our spiritual mind also. At the present moment, my material mind, intelligence and ego is carrying me in different types of bodies, because mind has different desires, and it carries the soul just like finer air carries the flavor of the flower or some other smell. So the mind is an instrument, and the soul is the worker of the instrument.

Letter to Balabhadra -- Columbus, Ohio 12 May, 1969:

I can understand that you are working very nicely and sincerely for helping our movement in Hawaii, and this is very encouraging to me. Please continue with this attitude and surely Krishna will provide you from within the intelligence of how you can serve him in the best way. Regarding your question about maintaining your body nicely, I think that if you follow our regulations of diet, sufficient sleeping, and keep to the prescribed rules of cleanliness, two baths per day,* then you will be able to keep yourself in proper health. Of course disease will always be there at some time while there is this material body, but this we must tolerate and not be very much agitated by. Actually, the Vaisnava who knows that he is not this body, he does not therefore neglect his body, but he takes very nice care so that he may utilize his body in the service of Krishna. Just like a man may know that he is not his car, so he does not therefore neglect his car, but he will take care of it so it will be able to render service to him.

Letter to Nandarani -- New Vrindaban 23 May, 1969:

This process of birth and death can only be stopped by awakening Krishna Consciousness. As you have read in the Bhagavad-gita, simply by understanding how Krishna appears and performs His transcendental activities, one can immediately become eligible to enter into Krishna's Abode. And one who enters this Abode of Krishna never comes back again to suffer all sorts of material miseries. That is the sanguine process to stop repeated birth and death of the living entity. Simply by awakening the dormant love for Krishna, Who is known as Vasudeva, one can stop the material contamination of accepting a material body.

New Vrindaban is a very nice spot. We have to develop it in so many ways, and it will take time. For the time being there is no regular school because there is no sufficient accommodations for living, but soon it will be done when our children can be taken care of properly.

Letter to Satsvarupa -- Moundsville 31 May, 1969:

Regarding Jadurani, if she does not improve in a month or two, then she will come back and live with you, chanting Hare Krishna and depending on Krishna. Don't bother; Krishna will take care of her. I don't think that she is very dangerously ill because her face indication was not bad. But after all, we have got these material bodies, and some temporary ailments may come and go, but we have to tolerate. But in all cases, you must find out a nice place as temple, either by purchasing or by renting. If you think that advancing $10,000 will get a nice house, then you can find out and we may find out the money. But first you must let me know how you shall repay. If you purchase one house, even you make down payment of $10,000, you have to make monthly payments of $300 or $400. So these things are to be considered. But if you can find a nice house which will accommodate all the householders and brahmacaris, then that will be very good. But do not take on any big responsibilities now. Concentrate on organizing Sankirtana very nicely and try to sell Back To Godhead. That is our main propaganda. It is very encouraging that you are daily collecting about $50. Now you have got a nice carriage, and thus you can go anywhere you like.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Los Angeles 24 July, 1969:

Regarding your question, "what is the difference between the spirit souls comprising the Brahmajyoti and the spirit souls here in Maya?", in the Brahmajyoti the spirit souls on account of their impersonal views are devoid of a body, exactly like here in Maya there are ghosts who are devoid of any gross bodies. The ghost being devoid of a body, he suffers terribly because he is unable to satisfy his senses. The spirit souls in the Brahmajyoti, although they have no desire for sense gratification, still they feel inconvenience like the ghost, and they fall down again in the Maya's atmosphere and develop a material body. In the Bhagavat therefore it is said that persons who are impersonalists and do not develop the dormant devotional attitude, their intelligence is not pure, because for want of a spiritual body, they come down again to the material world. In the Bhagavad-gita it is clearly said by the Lord that the only way of not coming back to the material world is to be promoted to the spiritual planets. For the impersonalists there is no such assurance of not falling down in the whole Vedic literature.

Letter to Ann Clifford -- Los Angeles 2 August, 1969:

I am pleased to learn that you have become interested in Krishna Consciousness through living at the Krishna House in Montreal and associating with the devotees there. Your return address is not at this Krishna House, and I hope that you are attending the Kirtanas which are held at the temple on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. The chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra will clear away all of the difficulties that you have mentioned. Actually, as pure spirit soul, there is no difficulty; the cause of all problems is that we are forgetful of the fact that we are part and parcel of Krishna, and we are trying to enjoy the material nature through these material bodies. But the laws of material nature are so stringent that in spite of all attempts for enjoyment, the living entity in the material world must always come to the platform of suffering. This chanting of the Hare Krishna Mantra is especially recommended for chanting in this age of Kali yuga so that any sincere soul who takes to it will very soon regain his memory of being the transcendental loving servitor of the Lord, or Krishna.

Letter to Madhusudana -- London 23 November, 1969:

So for the present we should better stick our faith and observation to the Lotus Feet of Krishna and pray fervently that He may give us the strength and capacity to understand Him as He is. Because as soon as we are able to understand Him as He is, immediately we become liberated persons, eligible for entering into the Kingdom of God. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita, 4th Chapter where the Lord says "Simply by understanding My transcendental position, appearance, disappearance and activities, one becomes eligible to enter into My Abode, just after giving up the present material body."

Regarding your second question about the rasas in Narayana's Abode, it does not go higher than servitude and reverential friendship.

I am very glad that Kancanbala is performing the regulative principles and worshiping and helping you to become an ideal Vaisnava householder. Regarding sannyasa, yes, according to Vedic principles, as a married man, you must give your wife at least one boy child. And when he is grown up, after you are 50 years of age, you can take sannyasa. The grown up boy may take care of your old wife. That is the Vedic system.

1970 Correspondence

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 23 January, 1970:

One in quality because the original source is the Spiritual Whole, and different in quantity. This quantitative difference becomes more and more separate by increase of material consciousness.

The next question: the body of a pure devotee is all spiritual and He is not different from His body. That is also a fact. The bodies of all living entities, even though they are not pure devotees, are not actually the bodies of the spirit soul. It is always separate from the spiritual body. The Vedic mantra confirm it by the sound vibration that this spirit soul is always nonattached with the material body. Therefore, we do not see the actual spiritual body of a pure devotee; but what we see, that is matter.

Just like the example is given of the shining moon covered by the cloud. When the cloud moves along with the peeping moonshine, it appears that the moon is moving. Anyone who has seen such movement of cloud in the sky must have this experience.

Letter to Anil Grover -- Los Angeles 5 February, 1970:

Now coming to the point of questions—your first question is: "What am I? Is the body itself matter, or spiritual soul, or a combination of both?" Answer: You are eternal servant of Krishna. The body is matter. The spirit soul is different from the body—it is not exactly combination, but it is encagement. Just like if you put oil in the water, the oil does not mix up with the water. Similarly, soul does not mix with the material body; but due to our material consciousness, we are thinking that the movement of this body is movement of the soul. Therefore, when the body is destroyed, we think the soul is destroyed. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, that the soul does not die with the destruction of the body. With the destruction of one body, the soul transmigrates to another body, thus the bondage of material existence. Therefore, to train the soul properly to revive his original consciousness, or Krishna Consciousness, is the real purpose of human life.

Letter to Anil Grover -- Los Angeles 5 February, 1970:

This is explained in the Bhagavad-gita as brahma-bhutah status. This brahma-bhutah status means free from all anxieties, without any hankering or lamentation. At that stage only, one can think of universal brotherhood. And the next stage is to be engaged in pure Krishna Consciousness, and thus gradually be transferred to the spiritual world where there is eternal life full of bliss and knowledge.

In other words, the spirit soul, when he is fully liberated from material contamination or designation, he no longer transmigrates to another material body after death. He is transferred to the spiritual world for eternal residence in one of the spiritual planets known as Vaikunthas. The abode of Lord Krishna is the highest Vaikuntha planet, known as Goloka Vrindaban.

Letter to Anil Grover -- Los Angeles 5 February, 1970:

Everyone of us can remember our childhood body or past body. That past body is no longer existing; but I am existing now and I existed in the past, and therefore, I must exist in the future in spite of change of body. These things are nicely explained in the Bhagavad-gita, and we should take advantage of this knowledge.

Fifth question: "To achieve the goal of Krishna, should we pass our life through matter to spiritual life or direct to spiritual life?" The goal of Krishna can be achieved in a second if we simply accept the truth that we are eternal servant of Krishna. Although I am within this material body, I can immediately stop its material function simply by developing my Krishna Consciousness, which means to accept that I am eternal servant of Krishna.

Unfortunately, all the Karmis, Jnanis, and Yogis are thinking of themselves in different degrees that they are not servants of Krishna. Therefore, it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita that after many, many births of different activities under different concepts of life, when actually one becomes wise, he surrenders unto Krishna, understanding Vasudeva Lord Krishna is the Cause of all causes. But such great soul, accepting Krishna as the Supreme Master is very, very rarely to be found.

Letter to Hayagriva -- Los Angeles 23 February, 1970:

Regarding the chapter end tags, that information has already been sent to you with my last letter.

It is correct that Nanda, Krsna, the gopas, gopis, etc. left Gokula to move to Vrindaban. There is no discrepancy because the whole area of Mathura is known as Vrindaban. Every place there is known as Vrindaban, but there are different quarters.

Some of the Gopis were detained, not allowed to go to Krsna, we accept that the Gopis danced with Krsna anyway, and they went in their spiritual body. Whatever was detained was material body.

Regarding the speeches of Brahma and Nagapatni to Krsna, that is not their quoting, that is my quoting—therefore it is called the Bhaktivedanta purport. But it is not incompatible, as you have suggested, because the Bhagavad-gita existed long before.

Regarding your change of the title to "Kamsa Begins His Persecutions," it is alright. I am enclosing herewith a preface which I have written for the Krsna book. Please edit it nicely and send one copy of the edited version back to me, and another to Brahmananda for printing.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Los Angeles 21 June, 1970:

So I do not know why you have asked about my previous life. Whether I was subjected to the laws of material nature? So, even though accepting that I was subjected to the laws of material nature, does it hamper in my becoming Spiritual Master? What is your opinion? From the life of Narada Muni it is distinct that although He was a conditioned soul in His previous life, there was no impediment of His becoming the Spiritual Master. This law is applicable not only to the Spiritual Master, but to every living entity.

There are thousands of examples explained in our books that the conditioned soul is never affected with the material body. It is said in the Vedas asamga ayam purusa which means the living entity is always unaffected with matter. Another example is given that the reflection of the moon on water appears to be moving, but actually the moon is not moving, it is fixed up. So any living entity is like that. His reflection on the material body appears to be changing, but the spirit soul is fixed up, therefore this movement is called illusion.

Letter to Jagadisa -- Los Angeles 9 July, 1970:

Children learn by imitation of their parents, so if you both set Krsna conscious example the child will very naturally and easily become advanced in Krsna consciousness by following. Please offer my blessings to your good wife, Laksmimoni, and your son.

Regarding your several questions: Where are the spirit souls coming from that are taking microbe bodies? It is not a matter of any particular body. These spirit souls and all spirit souls are coming from Vaikuntha, but in these material worlds they are taking various grades of bodies according to their material activities. There is no "new" soul. "New" and "old" are due to this material body, but the soul is never born and never dies, so if there is no birth how there can be new soul?

Your second question: Is there any particular reason why some spirit souls become directed toward Krsna Consciousness in the first place? How does one get on the progressive path of elevation to Krsna Consciousness? The answer is that it is by the mercy of the Lord that one comes in contact with a Spiritual Master Who can revive the dormant Krsna consciousness of the conditioned soul.

1971 Correspondence

Letter to Paramananda -- Allahabad 27 January, 1971:

So Krishna has blessed you with a nice Krishna Conscious wife and a devotee son and good atmosphere for raising a family in Krishna Consciousness. You are one of the main members of our New Vrindaban scheme. So be very serious to develop it nicely so that we can show the world how the ideal God-conscious community is working.

So far as your questions are concerned: 1) How the five great elements are a gross representation of the subtle false ego. Where is the problem? By false ego, which is part of the subtle body, we are thinking that we are this gross material body made up of the five great elements. That is all. (2) There are 16 factors—10 senses, 5 sense objects and the mind. When the three modes of nature react, then from these 16 factors the gross and subtle elements come out. The soul is the 17th factor.

Letter to Jadurani -- Calcutta 19 May, 1971:

The picture may be shown of Arjuna going step by step to the Himalayas; Yes, occasionally devotees may be pictured with full head of hair instead of sikha. You should use your own discretion; the garb can be Vedic or "American." There is no harm. Dress has nothing to do with the soul; Foods in the mode of passion are those that are very rich, such as kachori, halava, rasgulah, etc. They are also foods too much spicy. All this is described there in Bhagavad-gita.

Vidura looks like a human being; "self-same body" means looking like material body. Any devotee always is in a spiritual body although it may appear material; Smoke is smoke; When Krishna says unto me, he means unto "me." So he should not be pictured with Radharani,* Why a snake? Being entangled in the qualities of material nature is very subtle, so why a snake?

I am so glad to hear that the devotees are appreciating that everything belongs to Krishna. That attitude is very nice and should be maintained. Actually it is a fact. By illusion only we think things belong to someone else. And if the painters are new, certainly they should be given instruction. They should be helped in every way.

Letter to Jadurani -- Bombay 8 June, 1971:

And each time Jagannatha is offered prasadam, there is enough for one thousand men. Similarly he is offered 56 times in a day. And they don't purchase any ingredients from the market. They have got their own agricultural field and big management. Another temple in South India is called Tirupati where daily they collect Rs 100,000/-. The floor of Jagannatha temple is made of stone and the room is dark behind Lord Jagannatha. Generally in India the Deity room is very dark; no electricity and only two lamps.

You can show in sequence in a painting how Narada Muni is leaving the material body and accepting a spiritual body and entering into Lord Visnu and again coming out through Brahma's heart.

Arjuna was not present when Krishna spoke Bhagavad-gita to the sun god. He was present on a different occasion. So the picture is all right. The painting of the chariot of the body is nice.

1972 Correspondence

Letter to Aksayananda -- Vrndavana October 27, 1972:

Now try to produce literature more and more in the native language, and introduce our philosophy into all the schools and colleges in Holland.

Regarding your questions, in the spiritual sky everything is spiritual, so Krsna has no need for living in the heart. They are seeing Krsna face to face always, so what is the use of being in heart? Outside, inside, they are the same, even their heart that is also sat-cid-ananda. There is no mechanical arrangement like this material body for anyone in the spiritual sky, what to speak of Krsna.

You can calculate how old is Lord Brahma. It is very difficult to say, but only one day of Brahma in which we are, that has not yet passed. We have come in the middle of his one day. We find in Bhagavad-gita that Brahma's one day is equal to 1000 times 400,300 years. So we are fixing his one day, so similarly he has got one night of same duration, such month, such year, similarly such 100 years he will live. He is not even yet one day old, and there are millions of Brahmas, and he is one of the smallest.

1973 Correspondence

Letter to Mahajan 2 -- Los Angeles 25 April, 1973:

I am in due receipt of your note along with the $60.00 daksina, and I thank you very much. Now you have taken this initiation, and it is a very serious matter. You must always keep very strongly to the principles of Krishna consciousness; rising early, taking bath, attending mongol aratrik, chanting at least 16 rounds on the beads daily, reading our books, going for sankirtan as much as possible. These things, if strictly followed, will keep you always in a purified condition and will give you spiritual strength to defeat maya, and when this body is finished, no more material bodies, but back to home, back to Godhead. This Krishna consciousness is so nice, so sublime. Take it and be happy.

1974 Correspondence

Letter to Sukadeva -- Bombay 5 April, 1974:

There, in our Los Angeles center, he was given his own room, and was able to recuperate comfortably, and now he has returned to his full duties in Bombay. Now Tamala Krsna Goswami has just had a successful hernia operation which was arranged free of charge at one of the most modern hospitals, and there is also a girl devotee undergoing operation there also. Tamala Krsna is now living in a room at our temple; the devotees see that he gets all facility, a hospital bed, proper prasadam, and personal care and visiting. So there is no question of ill treating of our own Godbrothers simply because they are sick, nor should you allow such neglect to go on. So long we have this material body there will be sickness, but we have to remain on the transcendental platform nevertheless.

As far as a centralized medical plan for the whole society, no such plan or facility or insurance has seemed practical as yet. The best thing is to work it out locally, try to find the services of a free medical facility in Seattle, or some way that sick devotees can be cared for; that is your responsibility. I think further questions of this sort can be handled by the GBC.

1975 Correspondence

Letter to Prabhanu -- Honolulu 2 February, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 1-31-75 and have noted the contents carefully. Regarding your problem, first thing is that the philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita is that one must learn to tolerate the sufferings due to the frailties of the material body. Whenever there is a material body, we have to expect birth, disease, old age and death. We don't want these things, but they are forced upon us, therefore we should try to attain that position in which these miseries will not be forced upon us—eternal life in the kingdom of God. Material life means great risk—at every step there is danger. But, a devotee is not jolted by this. He simply tries to render whatever service possible and accepts everything as the mercy of Krishna. So, you should carefully consider these points and do the needful.

Letter to Yadunandana -- Honolulu 2 February, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated Jan. 22, 1975 and have noted the contents. Regarding your child, the vedic philosophy is that the miseries of the material body must be tolerated. When material body is there, we must expect so many problems. Considering these things, it is up to you to decide what to do.

It seems to be the best thing to continue our Gurukula program in Dallas, at least for now. However, the GBC is considering building another school at New Vrndavana since one very wealthy man has offered to do so. You can contact Kirtanananda Svami in this connection.

Letter to Krsnanandini -- Mayapur 8 April, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated March 3rd, 1975 and have noted the contents carefully. Regarding Bhumata devi dasi's affliction, she should simply take the proper treatment. Make the best out of a bad bargain. This material body is a bad bargain because it is always miserable. So, to make the best out of this bad bargain means to render devotional service in any circumstance. The dust from the lotus feet of the spiritual master is never to be used for material benefit. That is a great misconception. The best thing is that the girl tries her best to chant 16 rounds daily and to follow all of the rules and regulations even if she is afflicted with something, and in this way, she willfully understand the mercy of Krishna and the spiritual master.

Letter to Viruha -- Vrindaban 19 April, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 2-4-75 and have noted the contents. This body belongs to Krishna and therefore we must always keep it in healthy condition to the best of our ability, but if due to some past sinful activities, we are suffering some bodily miseries we should not become discouraged. Devotional service must continue under all circumstances. This material body is actually a bad bargain because it is prone to suffer, but we must make the best use of this bad bargain. That means to always be engaged in the service of Krishna without fail.

Letter to Professor Stillson Judah -- Honolulu 11 June, 1975:

Krishna is just like the root of the tree and if you pour water on the root, it automatically reaches other parts of the tree. It is said in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, yasyasti bhaktir bhagavaty akincana sarvair gunais tatra samasate surah harav abhaktasya kuto mahad-guna manorathenasati dhavato bahih (SB 5.18.12). If a person has unflinching devotion at the lotus feet of Hari (God), then all the good qualities of great personalities like the demigods, automatically becomes manifest in the person of a devotee. Whereas a nondevotee, even he is decorated with material qualities, he is forced to act on the material plane and he stays in temporary field of activities. The idea is that spirit-soul is eternal and the material body is temporary, or for the sake of sense gratification. The mental plane is also material. People being forced to stay on the material platform, they are planning for temporary happiness, and being frustrated, they are jumping from one platform to another which are all temporary.

Letter to Dr. W.H. Wolf-Rottkay -- Honolulu 18 June, 1975:

And he carries with him the infection and he develops another disease. In this way, the soul although part and parcel of God in diseased condition, they are forced to change body. That is transmigration of the soul from one body to another.

To be more clear, the disease is there. Just as the Small-pox disease is there. One has to become diseased, being infected. Similarly, the forms of the body are there. One has to infect the form and it develops. karanam guna sango'sya sad-asad-yoni-janmasu. Because he is infecting different diseased forms, therefore he is developing different forms of body. There is no such case of Small-pox changing into Malaria. Small-pox is Small-pox, and Malaria is Malaria. By the desire of the living entity, he becomes infected with a certain disease or body. Krishna Consciousness is the vaccine for all the diseases (different forms of material bodies).

Letter to Swami Sahajananda -- Durban 12 October, 1975:

It means that Your Holiness is a great devotee of Lord Krishna. So, out of your natural humbleness you have presented yourself as my "humble child." Certainly, in consideration of age, you are my child but I see in devotion you are greater than me. So as you are a devotee of Lord Krishna you are my guru. Thank you very much.

It has become a fashion nowadays amongst the politicians, scholars, and so-called swamis to deride Krishna. This is very dangerous position. Any blasphemous activities to Krishna will not affect His body. He has no material body, therefore prayers or accusations do not affect Him. He is always kind and equal to everyone.

Letter to Bhurijana -- Bombay 9 November, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letters dated September 19 and October 17, 1975 with enclosed checks for $100 and $500 respectively. So this is very nice that your checks are getting bigger. You are one of my older experienced students and I am always praying for your advancement in Krsna consciousness. As the husband of your wife, you should see that she is trained up nicely in Krishna consciousness. You also have a child, so this is your responsibility to see that your family no longer again has to come back and take material body in this world of birth and death. This is the responsibility of a father in Krsna consciousness.

Letter to Aja -- Vrindaban 4 December, 1975:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 17, 1975. I am very pleased to note that you are attempting to preach seriously in the schools and colleges. Prahlada Maharaja, a great devotee and authority in our line said, Krishna consciousness should be taught from the beginning of Childhood. The defect of modern education is that the children are taught all nonsense things. They do not receive even the first point of knowledge, that I am pure spirit soul part and parcel of God. Everyone is interested in the body only, which is compared in Bhagavad gita to a dress, "As a person puts on new garments, giving up the old and useless ones, similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones." (BG 2.22) this simple fact they have yet to learn. So if you can teach them just this one point it will be a great success, because this is the basic platform of advancing in spiritual understanding. If we want to read and write, then it is essential to learn first of all A, B, C's.

1976 Correspondence

Letter to Bala Krsna -- Vrindaban 23 October, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated October 6, 1976.

Your report of book distribution is very encouraging. Please go on increasing more and more. Yes, you should become the topmost temple for distributing my books. This is a very good proposal. That is the only way to please me. Distribute my books profusely. That is real preaching.

The girl who has got health problems must learn to be tolerant. As long as the material body will be there, there will only be pain. Pleasure is a misconception.

Upon your recommendation I will accept as my duly initiated disciples the following devotees. Make sure that they strictly follow the regulative principles and always chant a minimum of 16 rounds, avoiding the 10 offenses. Hold a fire sacrifice and have Ramesvara Maharaja chant on their beads. I also enclose one sacred thread and gayatri mantra sheets for the devotees you have recommended. They should also participate in the fire ceremony.

Letter to Dr. Suresh Candra -- Hyderabad 8 December, 1976:

So, if you continue this status of life for the matter of executing devotional service, that will be a great advantage. Many great personalities remain brahmacari throughout their whole lives and get freedom from material bondage very easily. Of course marriage is not prohibited in devotional service, but if one can remain brahmacari, in unmarried life, it is a great facility.

I'm very much pleased for your proposal to devote your life for Krishna's service. You are a qualified man. Anyone can become a pure devotee by engaging himself in the business of glorifying the Supreme Lord (Sankirtana movement). So long we have got this material body the problems of birth, death, old age, and disease will continue. Therefore, to help the devotees when they're in bodily ailments is also a great great service. If you so desire you can join our Movement. We have got very good centers, especially in Mayapur, Bombay, Sri Vrindaban, Hyderabad, etc. If you decide to join, we can give you all facilities for rendering this service. At present I am staying at Hyderabad center and very soon I shall go to Bombay by the end of the month. Our Bombay address is as follows: Hare Krishna Land, Juhu Road, Juhu, Bombay 400 054. I shall be glad to hear from you. Thanking you once more for your offering service to Lord Krishna.

Letter to Vegavan -- Hyderabad 17 December, 1976:

Regarding the question you have asked, you can give a very straight answer. Bhagavad-gita says, "dehantara praptih (BG 2.13)". The soul transmigrates, but there is no regular process. In the beginning of creation, when all the world was water, all living entities were aquatics. Then gradually from aquatics the soul passes into plant bodies, then insect bodies, then bird bodies, then animal bodies, then human beings. In the human form the soul can decide whether to go back to home, back to Godhead or return to birth and death, accepting material bodies according to his karma. Therefore, it is advised to take advantage of the human form of body to go back home, back to Godhead. Our movement is for this purpose, to offer all human beings a chance to go back home, back to Godhead.

1977 Correspondence

Letter to Ved Prakash ji -- Unknown Place Unknown Date:

The Vasana is an eternal function of the soul and as the soul is eternal or "Sanatana" souls so also is the Vasana Therefore Vasana can be changed only from one object to another. The mind is always a thinking and feeling organ. It does not matter what does it think but it is a fact that it thinks. I am sure that you cannot probably put the mind completely at rest without thinking something. So the quality of thinking feeling and willing has to be changed but we may not attempt to kill the mind altogether. That is an impossible fact because the mind acts even after the so-called death or after the annihilation of the material body.

So far "Paropakara", which you have very nicely explained, is concerned—it is the only function of every living being. But what is the standard of "Paropakara" that should be known. On that way we must know the actual position of the entity entitled to received benefit.

Letter to VARIOUS -- Unknown Place Unknown Date:

Regarding your questions, in the spiritual sky everything is spiritual, so Krsna has no need for living in the heart. They are seeing Krsna face to face always, so what is the use of being in the heart? Outside, inside they are always the same, even their heart that is also sat-cit-ananda. There is no mechanical arrangement like this material body for anyone in the spiritual, what to speak of Krsna.

You can calculate how old is Lord Brahma. It is very difficult to say but only one day of Brahma in which we are, that has not yet passed. We have come in the middle of his first day. We find in Bhagavad-gita that Brahma's one day is equal to 1000 times 400,300 years. So we are fixing his one day, so similarly he has got one night of same duration, such month, such year, similarly such 100 years he will live. He is not even yet one day old, and there are millions of Brahmas and he is one of the smallest.