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Training of Radhavallabha dasa (Letters, 1971 - 1977)

Expressions researched:
"Account" |"Activities" |"BBF" |"BBFD" |"BBT" |"BKF" |"BTG" |"Back to Godhead" |"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust" |"Book Fund" |"Book Trust" |"Book Trust," |"Book" |"Books" |"Branch" |"Branches" |"Business" |"Center" |"Centers" |"Check" |"Checks" |"Consult" |"Consulting" |"Cooperate" |"Cooperated" |"Cooperation" |"Cooperatively" |"Dai Nippon" |"Debt" |"Debts" |"Deities" |"Deity" |"Deposit" |"Distribute" |"Distributed" |"Distributing" |"Distribution" |"Duty" |"Festival" |"Finances" |"Financial" |"Funds" |"GBC members" |"GBC" |"Governing Board Commission" |"Governing Board Commissioners" |"Governing Body Commission" |"Governing Body Commissioners" |"ISKCON" |"Initiate" |"Initiated" |"Initiates" |"Initiating" |"Initiation" |"Initiations" |"Iskcon" |"Kirtana" |"Language" |"Languages" |"Leader" |"Leaders" |"Leadership" |"Leading" |"Literature" |"Literatures" |"M-V trust" |"M-V" |"M.V trust" |"Macmillan" |"Magazine" |"Magazines" |"Manage" |"Managed" |"Management" |"Managers" |"Managing" |"Manuscript" |"Manuscripts" |"Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust" |"Mayapura-Vrndavana Trust" |"Meeting" |"Mission" |"Missionary" |"Money" |"Movement" |"Organize" |"Our society" |"Preach" |"Preacher" |"Preaching" |"Press" |"Print" |"Printing" |"Program" |"Programs" |"Publication" |"Publications" |"Publish" |"Publishing" |"Radhaballaba" |"Radhaballabah" |"Radhavallabha" |"Rathayatra" |"Report" |"Reports" |"Sankirtana" |"Temple" |"Temples" |"The society" |"Translate" |"Translated" |"Translating" |"Translation" |"Translations" |"Zonal" |"Zone" |"Zones"


1971 Correspondence

Letter to Hrdayananda -- Los Angeles 5 July, 1971:

You will be glad to know that I have consented to initiate your good wife, Elaine, as well as (legal name removed by request), and have given them spiritual names Anangamanjari Devi and Radhaballaba Das, respectively; their beads and letters are enclosed herewith. So far as Radhaballaba getting himself married, you must first discuss with him that this marriage business is not a farce, but it must be taken very seriously. There is no question of divorce, and if he will promise not to separate from his wife, then my sanction for the marriage is there; otherwise not. Recently too many couples have been drifting into maya's waters, and it is very discouraging. So if he will agree on these points, then you can perform the marriage with my blessings.

Letter to Radhavallabha (legal name removed by request) -- Los Angeles 5 July, 1971:

At the request of Sriman Hrdayananda Prabhu, I have gladly consented to accept you as my duly initiated disciple. Your beads are chanted and they are enclosed herewith. I have given you the spiritual name Radhaballaba Das Brahmacari. Radhaballaba means Krishna, who pleases Radharani. Only Krishna can please Srimati Radharani, so He is known as Radhaballaba.

I am so glad to hear that you are working cooperatively with Hrdayananda Prabhu in our Gainesville center to push on this Krishna Consciousness movement. It is surely Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy that such sincere boys as you are helping me to fulfill the order of my Spiritual Master. I am doing the work of my Spiritual Master and similarly you also help me and we will all be benefited in Krishna Consciousness. So stay strong in Krishna's service by strictly following the regulative principles of devotional life, chant at least 16 rounds daily, read all our books, and if there are any questions you can refer them to Hrdayananda Prabhu. He is very intelligent boy. So together you work cooperatively to make our Gainesville center a grand success and I will be very pleased.

1972 Correspondence

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Bombay 6 January, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your first and second copies of your letter dated December 18th, 1971 which were sent to Bombay and Madras respectively. I am very glad to know that you are seriously taking to Srimati Tulasi Devi worship. Tulasi Devi is a pure devotee of Krishna and she should be treated with the same respect given to all Krishna's pure devotees. Simply by worshiping her faithfully, a devotee can get himself free of from all material miseries. In the Nectar of Devotion I have given two verses from the Skanda Purana, one of which is: "Tulasi is auspicious in all respects. Simply by seeing, simply by touching, simply by remembering, simply by praying to, simply by bowing before, simply by hearing about, or simply by sowing the tree, there is always auspiciousness. Anyone who comes in touch with the Tulasi tree in the above mentioned ways lives eternally in the Vaikuntha world." So from this verse we can understand how pure is the service which Tulasi offers to Sri Krishna. So we should always endeavor after becoming servant of Tulasi Devi. I do not know who has taught you that part of a Tulasi plant may be cut off and then replanted? From the Tulasi plant you can cut off only leaves for offering them to Krishna, never for cutting and planting. That is an offense. The manjaris (seeds) can be offered in water and it makes the water fragrant and tasteful. And the manjaris can be planted for growing new Tulasi plants. Yes, the prayer you have enclosed is bona fide. Tulasi Devi never goes back to Godhead, she is always with Godhead. She is a pure devotee and thus she has appeared on this planet to render service to Krishna by being offered in all temples throughout the world by being offered up to the lotus feet of Krishna.

Chanting japa should be done early in the morning with full concentration preferably during the Brahma Muhurta time. Concentrate fully on the sound vibration of the mantra, pronouncing each name distinctly and gradually your speed in chanting will increase naturally. Do not worry so much about chanting fast, most important is the hearing. A devotee should always be grave and silent which means that he only discusses topics relating to Krishna Consciousness. Yes, spend your time chanting and reading and taking Krishna Prasadam and automatically your tongue will come under control. If you sincerely engage 24 hours daily in devotional service according to the instructions of the Spiritual Master, chant daily 16 rounds, attend the arati ceremony of Lord Krishna, associate with the devotees and adhere strictly to the regulative principles then Krishna will reveal Himself personally to you.

1974 Correspondence

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Bombay 9 May, 1974:

I am in due receipt of your letter undated. Now you are preparing the publications of Vol.1 and Vol.3 of Caitanya Caritamrta. As far as subtitles all the volumes should have on the cover just as it is on the cover of Vol.2, "The Pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu". As for the subtitle on the inside title page which is now printed in Vol.2 as "Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the renounced Order of Life," you can make a subtitle suitable according to the subject matter of the subsequent volume. But the phrase "The Pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu" should appear on the cover of every volume.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Geneva 31 May, 1974:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your recent letter regarding the printing of the first volume of Caitanya Caritamrta.

As for introduction, you may use the Introduction I have already written and printed in Teachings of Lord Caitanya' I think it will also be suitable for Caitanya-caritamrta. As for dedication, please use the following:

"Presented to my friends and devotees who like to read my books and approached to request me to render the great Caitanya-caritamrta into English."

You have also inquired whether the picture of Lord Brahma and Visnu on the back cover of Srimad-Bhagavatam Third Canto volume one may be used. Yes, there is no objection to go on using it as it is.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Calcutta 22 September, 1974:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 14/9/74 with enclosed advance copies of BTG No. 66. The color is not at all good. It is not attractive, and not as good as Dai Nippon.

Why is the printing being changed from Dai Nippon? This Los Angeles quality is not good. The standard quality of Dai Nippon must be maintained. On what consideration is the printer being changed? I do not know anything of the printer being changed. In my opinion no one can print better than Dai Nippon. Why is the plan changed without my consent?

Why there is need of supervising the Kingsport printer? There was no need of supervising in Japan, but here it requires supervising. That means there is some discrepancy. So why these things are changed?

We cannot change the quality of printing for the matter of a little change in the price. This printing is not approved by me. Repeatedly changing of printers is not at all good. We cannot approve any printing less than quality of printing of Dai Nippon.

I am sending copies of this letter to all BBT Trustees for necessary action.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


CC: Bali Mardan, N.Y.; Hamsaduta, London, Ramesvara, L.A.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Mayapur 29 September, 1974:

I am in due receipt of your telegram dated September 26, 1974 and have noted the contents. Your telegram reads as follows:


Laksmi holds in her two hands lotus flower and offers blessings with the other hand like you see with the murtis of Radha Krsna with palm open and facing forward. I have never seen Laksmi with four hands, so I do not know what she is holding.

I do not think it necessary to reply this matter by cable.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- India 3 November, 1974:

your letter addressed to Nitai Prabhu dated 25/10/74 has been brought to Srila Prabhupada's attention. Regarding book production, Srila Prabhupada is most concerned that you finish C.C. Ādi:1 as soon as you can and at least by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's disappearance day as you have anticipated.

Regarding the indexing for Srimad-Bhagavatam, that has caused some confusion. From you letter it appears that you are printing a one volume index covering the first four Cantos, in a softcover edition. But, the indexes for the First and Second Cantos have already been published at the concluding volume of the Canto. Why are you now changing the procedure? Since the indexes for the first two Cantos have already appeared, why not just publish indexes for the next two Cantos which have not yet appeared? And, even if you bring out indexes for all the first four Cantos, since the entire work is not yet completed, you will again have to do the work over again when the succeeding Cantos are published.

Anyway you can do it as you are doing it, but it is advisable to consult directly with Srila Prabhupada on such a matter specially if you are making some change in any of the publishing, that should be consulted with Srila Prabhupada first. Kindly do this.

Prabhupada is expected to remain in Bombay for one month so that the samples of the newly printed books may be sent here.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your servant,

Brahmananda Swami

Personal Secretary

Approved: ACBS

Letter to Radhavallabha -- India 3 December, 1974:

I am in due receipt of you letter dated November 20, 1974 and also your telegram regarding the S.B. indexes. I have discussed the points of your letter with Srila Prabhupada. He said that yes, it was a very good idea to offer the first published edition of C.C. Ādi:1 to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura on his disappearance day, January 1, 1975.

Regarding the S.B. index idea of separate volumes, Prabhupada does not like this idea. He said that we are selling the books mostly to casual customers, so what will be the fate of the index for them? They will never see the index. Therefore, Srila Prabhupada prefers that each volume have its own separate index. This system should be revived.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your servant

Brahmananda Swami

Personal Secretary

Approved: ACBS

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Bombay 8 December, 1974:

Yes, New York needs a big house. I am not expert in giving my opinion in this matter, so you three, Ramesvara, Radhavallabha, and yourself consider and do what is best.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Bombay 8 December, 1974:

I have seen your letter addressed to Brahmananda Maharaja dated November 26, 1974 and I am glad to learn that the situation in New York is proper again. Thank you very much. So now do everything nicely and cooperate together, and keep everything purified. That is the brahminical qualification, truthfulness and cleanliness, satyam and saucam. These are the first qualifications. Then controlling the mind and the senses, simplicity, full knowledge, and practical application of knowledge, and faith in the Vedas and the spiritual master. Those who are initiated by the brahminical thread, their first duty is to maintain cleanliness and truthfulness. I hope you can understand the importance of this.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- India 10 December, 1974:

Srila Prabhupada has requested me that you should please publish one new book of Lord Kapiladeva's teachings. The book should consist of Prabhupada's purports to Chapter 25 of S.B. #4 as well as all the lectures he has given on these verses here in the last month and a half. The title of the book should be: Kapila's (the son of Devahuti) Sankhya Philosophy.

The tapes of these lectures have been sent to L.A. via one devotee returning to Washington D.C. (4 tapes) and Bali Mardan (3 tapes). The balance of 4 tapes is with Srutakirti and he will hand them over to you in Hawaii, via Ramesvara. Prabhupada suggested that Hayagriva could edit the lectures into the purports for making this book.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your servant

Brahmananda Swami

Personal Secretary

Approved: ACBS

1975 Correspondence

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Bombay 19 January, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 1-8-75 and have noted the contents. I have received one copy of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto 4, Volume 4, and Krsna Consciousness: the Matchless Gift. Thank you very much for these books. One thing is that every volume of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Caitanya Caritamrta and any other big volumes, must have a full index. It is not a very prestigious presentation without the index. All volumes in the future must have the index.

Please go on there with great enthusiasm and strength to print my books very nicely.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Bombay 21 January, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 1-7-75 and have noted the contents. Regarding the book on Kapila's philosophy, you can call it "the Sankhya Philosophy of Kapila, (the Son of Devahuti)". You can give the roman transliteration for the sanskrit and the English translation and then the lecture. There is no need of the original sanskrit (deva-nagari), or the synonyms. For the time being, I shall consider regarding the dedication, and introduction. After it is ready, I will tell you. You can use pictures from the Srimad-Bhagavatam. That will be alright.

Finish the Caitanya-Caritamrta as soon as possible.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Honolulu 6 February, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated Feb. 3, 1975 and have noted the contents. Thank you for distributing my books everyday. This is a nice program for the press workers to increase enthusiasm.

The sample that you sent me of the new design for the BBT logo is approved by me. For the sake of consistency, you can also use it on the cover jacket.

Every volume of Srimad-Bhagavatam as well as Caitanya Caritamrta must be fully complete with an index, list of references, glossary, Sanskrit pronunciation guide, and index of Sanskrit (or Bengali) verses. This will be best.

I will be glad to see you all (at least 15 of you) in Mayapur for our festival.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Honolulu 26 May, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 5/17/75 and have noted the contents. I have also received the first volume of the Madhya-lila. It is very nice. The pictures of Jagannatha Puri and the Samadhi tombs of Rupa Goswami, Jiva Goswami, and Krishna das Kaviraja are very nice. I will be very pleased if you can produce these books at top speed. Please do this.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Berkeley 20 July, 1975:

In the next issue of "Back to Godhead" you should put one note of thanks to Mr. Alexander Kulik of Laguna Beach California. This boy has kindly paid BBT Dollars 25,000.00 for publication of books.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- New Delhi 21 August, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 15, 1975 and also the copies of the Vyasa Puja book. It is done nicely, but why it is mentioned my 79th birthday. It is my 80th birthday. That is correct. You do not know this? One of the GBC articles says 79th birthday. Big GBC man, so many editors, and it is not detected? You are all mudhas, what can I do? Anyway it is better to remain a mudha before your spiritual master. Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He said that My spiritual master saw Me as mudha.

Do not worry, in spite of war, Srimad-Bhagavatam will be distributed. We don't care for war. Our preaching business will go on. Your desire for the complete Srimad-Bhagavatam will be fulfilled. The Sixth Canto I have already completed and I shall begin the Seventh Canto within a fortnight. When I am relieved from the administration work, then it will be done.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Vrindaban 26 August, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 17, 1975 and have noted the contents. Regarding the English editing discrepancies, that how can I know? Let them point out which part and on which page so I can see.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Vrindaban 11 September, 1975:

I have seen your letter dated August 31, 1975 regarding the calculation of my birthday. The system for calculating is as follows: the first day of birth is the first birthday. The next year that day is the second birthday; i.e. the second birthday means that one year has been completed. So it is my 80th birthday, and I have completed 79 years.

According to the Hindu system, on the first birthday there is jata karma ceremony and all big, big astrologers assemble and give the horoscope. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam the birthday of Maharaja Pariksit is there.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Vrndavana 21 September, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 13, 1975 with enclosures. Regarding 6th Canto, Nitai has just yesterday sent off Chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8 and next week he expects to send off Chapters 9 through 13. This will be sufficient for you to publish one volume. I expect before leaving India on September 30th to have finished the 6th Canto. I have received a letter from Jayadvaita das dated September 8th regarding the Upadesamrta book. The title of the book can be Nectar of Instruction. We already have the Nectar of Devotion so now you will have the Nectar of Instruction. You can make it just like the set-up of the Nectar of Devotion book. The words Sri Upadesamrta do not have to appear in the title. A dedication is not required because it is not a big book. The suggestion for the picture of Rupa Gosvami's Govindaji Temple is approved. Regarding the conclusion of the book, yes, it says in the text that the most fortunate devotees execute devotional service near Radha-kunda. That is stated in the book. I am enclosing the introduction for the book; please find.

Regarding the corrections you have sent, this kind of changes is admissible. There is no harm.

Regarding your managing production of Spanish and German books, yes, it is approved by me. Why not?

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Ahmedabad 26 September, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 19, 1975 and the two copies of the three other parts of Caitanya Caritamrta. Yes, I am very pleased with how you have done it. I have ordered you in two months to do it, and you have done it. I know you have worked very hard. The art paintings are very, very good. Everyone likes them, and I know they have worked especially hard. You should know that I am very pleased that you have fulfilled my request without any hesitation. This is your success in spiritual life. The photographs are all also wonderful. He has done nicely, the boy Bhargava.

The translations . . . I am not using. There is some fault. I am doing the translations, and Nitai will see that the synonyms are done. I have finished now the Sixth Canto and have already started the Seventh Canto.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Johannesburg 20 October, 1975:

I am in due receipt of the 4 volumes of Caitanya-caritamrta and your letter dated October 1, 1975 and I have noted the contents carefully.

Concerning the synonyms, henceforward I am adding the synonyms myself. From yesterday night I have begun adding the synonyms as it doesn't save very much time to have the synonyms.

The Upadesamrta can be composed in the Bhagavatam format in the size of the pocket NOD.

Letter to Hrdayananda -- Vrindaban 7 December, 1975:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 22 November 1975 and the new books in Portuguese and Spanish. They are very nice and the reports of sales are also very encouraging. If Radhavallabha Prabhu can help you that is all right, but you have to discuss this with the BBT trustees.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Bombay 24 December, 1975:


1976 Correspondence

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Nellore 5 January, 1976:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 27th, 1975 and I have noted the contents carefully. Also, I wish to thank you and all the devotees serving at the BBT for helping to produce these new volumes. Thank you very much.

This type of decoration on the books, the gold guilding and gold stamping, is generally found on Bibles and Shakespearean texts. Whether people will now confuse our books with these others? Our get-up is already approved, you should not unnecessarily increase the price. You say that these additions will be especially useful for libraries, but if the price is increased they may not accept them. Of course, it depends on the local sellers—they can say whatever is best. You should only make these changes if the sales will actually be increased. I don't want the BBT or the temples to lose.

The Nectar of Instruction has come out very nice. It is very important and must be immediately read by all devotees. In the near future we shall introduce the Bhakti-sastri examination for second initiation and this shall be one of the required books of study. Anyone who reads it will immediately understand what Krishna Consciousness is. Some minister in Bombay recently asked me how to create morality amongst the students, because the students are all vagabounds. If this book is introduced for study in the schools and colleges it will give a clear idea of what morality actually is. It is a most important book.

Yes, I have already seen the Gopala coloring book.

I will have to see personally what are the mistakes in the synonyms and also how you intend to correct them. I was not satisfied with the corrections that were made before. I saw some changes which I did no approve. Nitai may correct whatever mistakes are there, but the corrected material must be sent to me for final approval. So reprinting the volumes will have to wait until the mistakes are corrected and approved by me. In the meantime you can supply the standing orders whatever new volumes are published.

Yes, try to supply the damaged books to the prisoners. That is a very nice idea. The books should not be wasted, just for some small defect.

Please dedicate your life to publishing all our books. It is our most important work.

Letter to Ramesvara -- Calcutta 12 January, 1976:

Regarding the improvements of gold stamping and gold guilding on the Bhagavatams, I have already advised Radhavallabha Prabhu. Simply to make fashionable and increase the price may hamper the sales. Rather decrease the price.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Mayapur 3 February, 1976:

I beg to thank you for your letter dated January, 19th, 1976.

If the gold stamping on the bindings will increase the appeal of the books then it is O.K. Yes, I have also seen that the old cover cloths were very poor quality. It is good that you have improved them.

You can add to the Songbook the poem I wrote before arriving at the Boston Port when I first came to America. This can be printed at the beginning of the books.

Ramesvara has asked some questions regarding the art work for the 7th canto, 1st volume. Please inform him of the following:

1. The sketch showing Hiranyakasipu very big is the better of the two. Yes, you should show fire emanating from his head.

2. There should be no effulgence around Prahlada. Hiranyakasipu should not be shown with a pipe. He was a non-smoker.

3. Krishna killing Sisupala took place inside, not outside.

4. To illustrate Prahlada being protected when he is thrown of the cliff, there should be a semi-visible Krishna waiting below, as if to catch.

5. Yes, you can show dead bones, skulls, and snakes in the dungeon. Prahlada was not actually attacked with the tridents, just threatened.

Please also inform Ramesvara that in future any transfers to Bank of America, Bombay, he should send me a photocopy of the bank advice to wherever I am.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Honolulu 4 May, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated April 22, 1976, and I have noted the contents with care. Yes, there is no need for corrections for the first and second Cantos. Whatever is there is alright. Once Pradyumna comes to join me here from India, then there will be no need for Nitai das or Jagannatha das to edit the Srimad-Bhagavatam.

I would like to know who has done the advertising layout for the ad on page 98 and 99 of the brochure entitled, Association for Asian Studies, San Francisco, March 24-25, 1975. Please make enquiry and inform me who has done the layout and who placed the advertisement. If you do not know, then perhaps Ramesvara das Swami or Satsvarupa das Maharaja would know.

Letter to Gopala Krsna -- Honolulu 16 May, 1976:

I have requested Radhavallabha in Los Angeles to send you all the transparencies for printing the color pictures in all of our books.

Letter to Yasodanandana -- Honolulu 16 May, 1976:

Radhavallabha is sending Gopala Krsna all the transparencies from all of our books as we intend to print all of our books in India for profuse distribution.

Letter to Ramesvara , Radhavallabha -- Bombay 14 August, 1976:

I am in due receipt of the package from Los Angeles containing the Vyasa Puja and the latest BBT newsletter and I have found both to be extremely pleasing.

The report of the book printing is both encouraging and surprising. Every time I see this I remember the words of my Guru Maharaja when he told me that wherever there was money it should be used to print books, not that we shall have big big temples and then fight in the court. He asked me to do this and I am trying my little bit, that's all. It is all by his blessings for without his blessings this wonderful thing would not have happened. He said personally to me, "If I could sell this Gaudiya Matha building, that would have been better." He predicted that there would be fire within these walls. So I took it, "O, His Divine Grace wants some books." So I accepted it, "Yes, I shall do it." It is all by his blessings. Mukam karoti vacalam pangum langhayate girim, by his mercy a dumb man can speak and a lame man can cross a mountain.

Regarding the return of Indrapramada to the press, thank him for coming back. Krsna is so kind that anyone who does some service for Him, Krsna immediately captures him. Svalpam apy asya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat, a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear. There are many instances. Tyaktva sva-dharman caranambujam harer bhajan na pakvo'tha patet tato yadi... (SB 1.5.17) "If someone gives up self-gratificatory pursuits and works in Krsna consciousness and then falls down on account of not completing his work, what loss is there on his part? And if one performs his material activities perfectly, what gain is there?" So let us try to render service to Krsna very sincerely. Even a drop will never go in vain, nitya. In this connection Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's prayer, ayi nanda tanuja kinkarama patitam mam . . . is very instructive. Let us remain in that attitude and Krsna will give us protection.

I have received the photocopy of the August transfer to Bank of America, Bombay. I think that the reprinted books should have a list of the numbers on the first page. The totals listed will be very good publicity.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- New Delhi 26 August, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 13, 1976 and have noted the contents with care.

You may title this book, Teachings of Lord Kapila, but it must be subtitled, "The Son of Devahuti". That will remain, do not try to change it. The Americans may like it or not like it, but we must make the distinction between devahuti putra kapila, and the atheistic Kapila. Do not try to change anything without my permission.

I will give you a foreword for this book.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Vrindaban 7 September, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letters dated August 25 and 31 and have noted the contents.

Concerning the editing of Jayadvaita Prabhu, whatever he does is approved by me. I have confidence in him. Your changes which I have seen of the sanskrit synonyms is also approved by me. Tanmayataya refers to the fact that the trees and the father were absorbed in the same feelings.

Titling of the Ninth Canto as Liberation is good, and the Tenth Canto should be called "The Summum Bonum". As far as the 11th and 12th Cantos are concerned they shall be named when they are presented. The title which you have given to the Eighth Canto was a little hard to understand at first but if it refers to pralaya, then it is alright. You must consult with me on such matters. Do not manufacture anything.

All of the sketches which you have sent to me while I am in India are approved. The picture of the Mohini Murti capturing the demons should take place outside on grass, there is no floor or walls. Prahlada Maharaja does not have a beard. Always avoid beards. It is not true that there are no shoes in Krsna lila, rather there are shoes except for the Vrndavana pastimes. But the shoes are of another quality, they are beautiful with jewels etc. On the battlefield they must wear shoes. The severed head of Rahu should look like the head of a demon, not round like a planet.

By controlling sex desire one becomes the most perfect sober person, kandutivan manasajivam visaheta dhirah.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Vrindaban 26 September, 1976:

I am in receipt of your letter dated 17th inst. and copies of 8th Canto, vol 1 Srimad-Bhagavatam. Thank you very much.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Chandigarh 15 October, 1976:

I am in receipt of your letter dated October 5th 1976.

Geetar-gan (Bengali) may be added in the front piece as you have suggested, spelling as above with Bengali in brackets.

There is no need to print Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, His Life and Precepts, it is already there in other books.

Ādi-Lila may be printed in 4 volumes as suggested by you.

Let me finish 9th canto then I shall decide, most probably I shall start 11th canto, but as yet I have not decided.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Vrindaban 24 November, 1976:

I am on due receipt of your letter dated November 15, 1976 regarding the Dialectical Spiritualism book. However, you have called it Spiritual Dialecticism. It should be Dialectical Spiritualism.

1977 Correspondence

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Bombay 6 April, 1977:

I beg to thank you for your letter dated March 29, 1977.

The photographs you have sent are all excellent. I have ordered them to be mounted and hung in various places in the temple. Thank you very much.

Just now I am not completely fit but as soon as I become fit I shall write an introduction to the Kapila Book.

Yes, try to reduce the expenditures more and more. It is only with great difficulty upon all our book distributers that BBT gets its funds. So those who are responsible should be very frugal to see that not one penny is unnecessarily spent.

Thank you all for praying to Lord Nrsimhadeva for my good health.

Letter to Harikesa -- Bombay 28 April, 1977:

I have written one letter to Radhavallabha telling the Press to immediately print all pending German books lying with them in Los Angeles.

Letter to Radhavallabha -- Bombay 28 April, 1977:

As you probably know, our society is facing a very serious courtcase in Germany. It is understand that if we have difficulty in this courtcase, we may not get further chance to print our German books. Whatever German books you have lying with you ready for printing should be immediately printed. This work should be given priority as our society's well-being there depends upon it.

Page Title:Training of Radhavallabha dasa (Letters, 1971 - 1977)
Created:06 of Jun, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=40
No. of Quotes:40