Prabhupāda: (Devotees chant prayers responsively) Chant. (devotees chant) Names? (japa)
Devotee: Serge?
Prabhupāda: You know the rules? What is that?
Devotee: No meat, fish or eggs, no illicit sex, no gambling.
Prabhupāda: Thank you. Your name is Śuklāmbara. Śuklāmbara was a great brahmacārī devotee of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu. You are servant of Śuklāmbara. Hare Kṛṣṇa.
(Another devotee is called; sounds like Carla) (japa) Kaumudī. Do you know the rules and regulations? Yes, tell. (devotee recites rules) So, your name is Kaumudī dāsī. Kaumudī is a nice flower liked by Kṛṣṇa. (japa)
Next. What is your name? You know the rules and regulations? What is that? (devotee recites rules) Hm. Hare Kṛṣṇa. So your name is Rūpa-mañjarī dasi. There are different gopīs. The assistant gopīs is mañjarīs. So Rūpa-mañjarī, you, this maidservant of Rūpa-mañjarī.
Come on. (another devotee is called) What are the rules? (devotee recites rules) Hm. Thank you. Brahmaṇya-tīrtha dāsa. (japa)
Devotee: Will? Will McLoughlin.
Prabhupāda: ... just do it nicely. You know the rules and regulation?
Will: ... meat, fish or eggs, no intoxication, no gambling, no illicit sex.
Prabhupāda: Hm. Thank you. Varuṇa dāsa. Varuṇadeva. Varuṇadeva is the demigod of sea? Yes. You have to control the Pacific Ocean. (laughter) Preaching. (laughter) All the Pacific islands, you have to preach. Is that all right? (laughter) Hare Kṛṣṇa. Kaumadakī(?)
(another devotee is called) (japa) So you know the rules and regulations? Yes. What are they?
Sheila: ...meat, fish or eggs, no intoxication...
Prabhupāda: What is that, next? Four you have not mentioned.
Sheila: I have not mentioned four? No intoxicants, no eating meat, fish or eggs, no gambling and no illicit sex.
Prabhupāda: That's all. So your name is Śrīla dāsī, maidservant of the goddess of fortune. Śrīla. Yes. S-r-i-l-a. (japa)
Devotee: Next, ah, Laurie? Laura?
Prabhupāda: (japa) Hm, you know the rules? Yes.
Laura: meat, fish or eggs, no intoxicants, no illicit sex.
Prabhupāda: Thank you.
Devotee: Lakaṅga-mañjarī dasi ...
Prabhupāda: Lakaṅga? Lavaṅga.
Devotee: Lakaṅga ...
Prabhupāda: What is the spelling?
Devotee: L-a-k(?)-a-n-g-a. Lavaṅga. Lavaṅga-mañjarī.
Prabhupāda: Lavaṅga-mañjarī is already there. (japa) The Lavaṅga is already there. Lavaṅga mañjarī, Lavaṅga-latika. Hm? Anaṅga-mañjarī, all right? No. Anaṅga-mañjarī is there?
Devotee (2): Yes.
Prabhupāda: So all right, Lavaṅga-mañjarī. Lavaṅga-mañjarī. Assistant of Lavaṅga-latā. (japa)
Pradyumna: Robert Dorman?
Prabhupāda: (japa) You know the rules and regulations? (indistinct) And how many rounds you have to chant? Thank you. Vyāsatīrtha, one of the ācāryas in our sampradāya. Vyāsatīrtha. Remember; don't forget. (laughter)
Pradyumna: Katherine?
Prabhupāda: (japa) Very good. Kalā ... What is that? (indistinct) There is no such name. All right, give her name. Kalāvatī. So your name is Kalāvatī dāsī. You know the rules and regulations?
Kalāvatī: Yes, Śrīla Prabhupāda.
Prabhupāda: Hare Kṛṣṇa. Come on. Come on, that's all right. Don't take ...
Pradyumna: Dirk.
Prabhupāda: You know the rules and regulations? What are they? (indistinct) That's nice. So you are Dattātreya dāsa. Dattātreya dāsa, the incarnation of Kṛṣṇa, Dattātreya. Hare Kṛṣṇa. So ārati, begin. Bhaja bhakata-vatsala? (japa) (end)