Bhuñjāna, by raising him very affectionately, by giving him all necessities of life, bhuñjānaḥ prapiban, all kinds of drinks, milk, fruit juice; khādan, solid food. . . There are four kinds of foodstuff: something we chew, something we swallow, something we lick up and something we drink. So everything was being supplied, bālakam, to that small boy. Every mother, every father does so. It is very natural. Sneha-yantritaḥ. Why do they do so? That is God's arrangement. If the father and mother hasn't got such affection, then the helpless child. . . In the beginning there is no other means of living. Even cats and dogs, even tigers, they also take care.
So this is not very extraordinary thing, that human being has got affection. That affection is there even in tiger. So you are not very, in that way, advanced. That is natural. That kind of affection for the small child you will find in cats and dogs and tigers, even snake. These things are not extraordinary thing. They are very much proud, "How I have to take care of my children." So that is taken care by other animals also. Bhuñjānaḥ prapiban khādan bālakaṁ sneha-yantritaḥ, bhojayan pāyayan mūḍhaḥ. In spite of so much affection and taking care of the children, he is addressed here, mūḍha. Just see. (laughs) They are very much proud of being affectionate, but śāstra says, "You are rascal, that's all." Mūḍha. Bhojayan pāyayan mūḍho na veda āgatam antakam. He could not understand that "I am very busy in raising my child, but here, back side, there is death. Death is waiting to scramble me."