Prabhupāda: Our presentation is simplified. That is the beauty.
Brahmānanda: Yes. That's what he appreciated.
Prabhupāda: Yes. We do not make the things cumbersome.
Rāmeśvara: So that no one understands.
Prabhupāda: (chuckles) Vyāghra mane śārdūla. One student asked teacher, "What is the meaning of vyāghra?" He said "Śārdūla." I . . . vyāghra is already a difficult word, and he presented another difficult word.
Nanda-kumāra: They don't actually know anything, so they have to speak with so much . . .
Prabhupāda: All rascals. Therefore I call them as. My Guru Mahārāja used to say, bokāloka. Bokāloka. So I was thinking, "Why he's . . ." Even Rabindranath Tagore, he's a bokāloka. So I was thinking that, "Everyone is bokāloka?" Now I can understand that everyone is a bokāloka, mūḍha. So enthusiastically do everything. You are the beginner of this movement, one of the pioneers. So you should be more vigorous. You should not lag behind anyone. You voluntarily joined. You first joined in the Tompkinson Square. So keep that spirit. What is the situation in Africa?
Brahmānanda: Which? What . . .?
Prabhupāda: About these Asian, African, like that.
Brahmānanda: Well, it's the same. I mean everything is going . . . the government creates more difficulties, but still, everything is going on. No one is . . . I mean some are leaving, but of course many are staying.
Prabhupāda: Is it necessary to leave?
Brahmānanda: Well, the small men are leaving, but the big men, they're not leaving. Things are still going on.
Nanda-kumāra: Last year the government said within five years every Asian would be out of Kenya.
Prabhupāda: This government says like that?
Brahmānanda: I don't know if the government has said it, but people talk like that just to create some atmosphere of uncertainty. These unstable governments, they like to create this kind of atmosphere.
Prabhupāda: There are many Indians. Practically India. (chuckles)
Brahmānanda: Yes, everything. Tamāla, when he came there, he said that Mombassa was like Bombay . . .
Prabhupāda: Yes.
Brahmānanda: . . . and Nairobi was like Delhi.
Prabhupāda: Yes.