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Regarding the initiations, I have duly initiated them as follows: Matt Johnson - Mahaksa, Greg Price - Daksa, Rick Parish - Rtu, Mike - Manohara

Expressions researched:
"Regarding the initiations, I have duly initiated them as follows"


1974 Correspondence

Regarding the initiations, I have duly initiated them as follows:

Matt Johnson—Mahaksa Greg Price—Daksa Rick Parish—Rtu Mike—Manohara.

Letter to Sudama -- Bombay 26 July, 1974:

My Dear Sudama Maharaja:

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 18, 1974 and have noted the contents. Regarding the initiations, I have duly initiated them as follows:

Matt Johnson—Mahaksa

Greg Price—Daksa

Rick Parish—Rtu


I also accept Sukhi devi for twice born brahmana initiation. So you can chant on the beads as it is required and hold a fire sacrifice and let the new brahmana hear the mantra through the right ear from the tape of my recording.

More when we meet in Vrindaban. I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Page Title:Regarding the initiations, I have duly initiated them as follows: Matt Johnson - Mahaksa, Greg Price - Daksa, Rick Parish - Rtu, Mike - Manohara
Created:28 of Nov, 2012
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No. of Quotes:1