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Indian classical songs are appreciated here and in foreign countries also. This program of presenting the Bhagavatam in classical song is a good idea

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"Indian classical songs are appreciated here and in foreign countries also. This program of presenting the Bhagavatam in classical song is a good idea"


1976 Correspondence

Indian classical songs are appreciated here and in foreign countries also. This program of presenting the Bhagavatam in classical song is a good idea.

October 06, 1976

Dr. S.B. Chatterjee, CALCUTTA-45

Dear Dr. Chatterjee,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 1st inst. and have noted the contents. Your suggestion is very good—if the verses from Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita are presented in classical art it will be something wonderful—the whole world will appreciate. We already have a dramatic party in New York, and their performances are very much appreciated. Indian classical songs are appreciated here and in foreign countries also. This program of presenting the Bhagavatam in classical song is a good idea.

vedaih sangapada-kramopanisadair ga yanti yam samagah (Bhag. 12.13.1)

Regarding your other suggestions, Ayurvedic medicine is a good idea, provided we can get an expert manufacturer. And agriculture we can also take up—we already have land, many farms. Too much modern machinery is not suitable for our country.

I shall inform you of our arrival in Calcutta, and trust we shall meet for further discussion there.

I hope this meets you in good health

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Page Title:Indian classical songs are appreciated here and in foreign countries also. This program of presenting the Bhagavatam in classical song is a good idea
Created:2015-12-28, 14:48:36
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No. of Quotes:1