If you can always remember Kṛṣṇa, then your life is successful. It doesn't matter. Yena tena prakāreṇa manaḥ kṛṣṇe niveśayet (Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu 1.2.4). And if you remember always Kṛṣṇa, that means you are becoming purified. You are purified immediately.
So that is required. Prāyaścitta and other things, they may be temporarily. . . That is. . . We are discussing this point. The real point is that nārāyaṇa-parāṅmukham. Without thinking of Nārāyaṇa or Kṛṣṇa or Viṣṇu, no other method will be able to purify you. There are many places. . . Vīta-rāga-bhaya-krodhā, man-manā. . . What is that verse? Vīta-rāga-bhaya-krodhā, mām upāśritāḥ (BG 4.10). . . The simple process to become purified. And that simple process is this chanting. Chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, this name "Kṛṣṇa" is reminding me. I must hear and I must chant with the tongue. Then you keep yourself always in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Our method is very simple. It doesn't require much education or to become rich or become beautiful or become. . . to take birth in high family. No. In any condition. Ahaituky apratihatā (SB 1.2.6). If you want to chant Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra, there is no impediment in the world. You can, walking on the street, you can chant Hare Kṛṣṇa. That will keep you purified. No other method. This is the purport of this verse.
- prāyaścittāni cīrṇāni
- nārāyaṇa-parāṅmukham
- na niṣpunanti rājendra
- surā-kumbham ivāpagāḥ
- (SB 6.1.18)
So this purificatory process. . . Bhakti means purificatory process. We are impure. Because we are impure, therefore we are undergoing so many tribulations, so many miserable condition of life. Otherwise we are spirit soul, ānandamayo 'bhyāsāt (Vedānta-sūtra 1.1.12). Our position is ānandamaya. Ānandamaya, the Vedānta-sūtra says, ānandamaya. "By nature, spirit soul is ānandamaya, always full of jolly."