Nityam, daily. Or twenty-four hours. By studying Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam or associating with devotees, bhāgavata-sevayā . . . bhakti, bhagavaty uttama-śloke bhaktir bhavati naiṣṭhikī. Then the Supreme Personality of Godhead, bhagavaty uttama-śloke, bhaktir bhavati naiṣṭhikī, devotional service becomes strong and fixed up—simply by this process, hearing. There is no necessity of education or Ph.D. degree.
Simply God has given you these ears and you hear, śṛṇvatām. Hear about Kṛṣṇa from realized soul. This process will make you to be situated on the platform of goodness, and as soon as you are promoted to the platform of goodness, that means you have already surpassed the other two platforms—means ignorance—and the symptom will be . . . that is clear here. The symptom is that the two things, lust and greediness, will not disturb you. You haven't got to take certificate from anyone, "Just give me certificate that I have become a Kṛṣṇa conscious."
You take your certificate yourself, see yourself, whether you are free from lust and greediness. That's the certificate. If you are confident that, "I am free from lust and greediness," then I am making progress. Otherwise, (chuckles) I am again in the same, no progress. This is the test. This is test.
If we want to cheat others, that is a different thing, that "I have become very advanced in Kṛṣṇa consciousness." That is another thing, cheating. But you test yourself by this process, whether you are free from lust and greediness. This is the test. Tadā rajas-tamo-bhāvāḥ (SB 1.2.19). And when you become free from these two things, lust and greediness, tadā, ceta etair anāviddhaṁ sthitaṁ sattve prasīdati.
Ceta, consciousness, not being attacked by these two nonsense things, ignorance and passion . . . ceta etair anāviddham. Viddham means piercing. They are always piercing, pinching, pinching: "Come on. Come on." They are always pinching. But if you are actually situated in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, these things will not pinch you. Tadā, ceta etaiḥ . . .
Because everything is in the heart. Whole thing is cleansing the heart. So heart is being pinched. "Here is . . . I am beautiful boy," "I am beautiful girl. Why not come?" So this is pinching. So if you are actually situated on the platform of Kṛṣṇa consciousness—not fully; a little advanced—then these things will be visible. Tadā ceta etair anāviddham. And when you stop, when you are able to stop this pinching in your heart by these two modes of material nature, passion and greediness—tadā ceta etair anāviddhaṁ sthitaṁ sattve prasīdati-prasīdati—then you become joyful. That is the stage of joyfulness.