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I have a great hope to train some of my disciples for preaching work, even in my absence; I wish to leave some trained preachers so that they can do the work of Krishna Consciousness in the western world

Expressions researched:
"I have a great hope to train some of my disciples for preaching work, even in my absence" |"younger section, if they take it very seriously, then I have hopes that they will preach in future, even in my absence"

Conversations and Morning Walks

1968 Conversations and Morning Walks

The oldest student I have got at the present moment, he is twenty-eight years. No, Kirtanananda is about thirty years old. That's all. So, of course, I do not get any older people. That is nice, hopeful, because younger section, if they take it very seriously, then I have hopes that they will preach in future, even in my absence.

Interview -- February 1, 1968, Los Angeles:

I notice that most of your followers, at least in this temple, are young, like in the college age or in the teen age. Is it because Kṛṣṇa doesn't attract the older generation—I mean, yourself excluded? (laughs)

Prabhupāda: No. Kṛṣṇa attracts everyone . . . just like magnetic stone attracts iron. But the iron is covered with too much muddy things e magnetic force does not work. This younger generation, they are not too much dirty; therefore they are very easily attracted. You see? It is like a magnetic force. The same example, that magnetic force attracts iron. That is natural. But if the iron is too much rusty and covered with muddy things, then it does not act.

So older generation means they are convinced in some way. They cannot accept any new thing. You see? They are in their last stage of life. Whatever they have understood, they cannot forget. But younger generation, they have got capacity to take new things. Just like nobody goes . . . no old man goes to school, because they are unable to receive education. But younger generation, they go. There is a age to receive. So this age is recipient. Therefore naturally, it is nice thing, they are receiving.

Reporter: You spoke of initiation. What is that initiation?

Prabhupāda: Initiation means formally acceptance of the line of activities in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Before that, before initiation, we invite everyone to come and sit down with us, chant, dance, take prasādam, hear philosophy. And if he understands, "Oh, this is very nice," then he offers himself to be initiated. Then we accept. Then we impose this restriction, that "If you want to be initiated . . ."

We get hundreds of letters by everyone who has attended our classes. Daily we are getting some married couples or boys and girls, but most of them are younger. My students are within thirties. The oldest student I have got at the present moment, he is twenty-eight years. No, Kīrtanānanda is about thirty years old. That's all.

So, of course, I do not get any older people. But that is nice, hopeful, because younger section, if they take it very seriously, then I have hopes that they will preach in future, even in my absence. And old people . . . if a man becomes too much accustomed to a certain limited habits, in old age it is very difficult to give it up unless one is extraordinarily intelligent.


1967 Correspondence

I have a great hope to train some of my disciples for preaching work, even in my absence. I am now old man, and attacked with serious disease; I may be overcome by death at any moment. Therefore I wish to leave some trained preachers so that they can do the work of Krishna Consciousness in the western world. That is my ambition.
Letter to Janardana, Hamsaduta, Himavati, Pradyumna -- New York 28 June, 1967:

While on my sick bed I was so much encouraged by your successful carrying on the Montreal Branch even in spite of the absence of Kirtanananda. There is a verse in the Bhagavad gita tenth chapter that anyone who serves the Lord sincerely with love and affection is certainly instructed by the Lord from within. The Lord helps us in two ways: internally as paramatman, and externally as Spiritual Master. So I think your sincere activities are being appreciated by the Lord from within and He is dictating you all for advancement of Krishna Consciousness. I hope that I may be able to go to San Francisco on July 5th, and from there if I get my permanent visa I shall go to Vancouver where there is every possibility of opening a new branch. There is a friend who is prepared to cooperate, and I understand that there are many Indians also. From Vancouver I may come to Montreal, perform the opening ceremony of installation of Radha-Krishna Vigraha. Then I may go back to India for six months, as there is a program for construction of an American house for training preachers at Vrindaban. Vrindaban is the only solitary transcendental abode within this universe where Krishna Consciousness automatically reveals. Therefore I have a great hope to train some of my disciples for preaching work, even in my absence. I am now old man, and attacked with serious disease; I may be overcome by death at any moment. Therefore I wish to leave some trained preachers so that they can do the work of Krishna Consciousness in the western world. That is my ambition. I hope you all pray to Krishna so I may be able to execute my duty properly.

Page Title:I have a great hope to train some of my disciples for preaching work, even in my absence; I wish to leave some trained preachers so that they can do the work of Krishna Consciousness in the western world
Created:13 of Nov, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=1, Let=1
No. of Quotes:2