Category:Engaged in Sinful Activities
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Pages in category "Engaged in Sinful Activities"
The following 40 pages are in this category, out of 40 total.
- A man engages in sinful activities because he does not know what he did in his past life to get his present materially conditioned body, which is subjected to the threefold miseries
- All these activities are sinful, and because we are engaged in such sinful activities constantly we are constantly reaping the result of our sinful work, which is suffering in one way or another
- Although Ajamila engaged in sinful activities, he never chanted the holy name of Narayana to counteract them; he simply chanted the name Narayana to call his son. Therefore his chanting was effective
- As long as one is under the clutches of maya in the material energy, one has to engage in sinful activity. Bhagavad-gita describes such people as duskrtinah, which indicates that they are always engaged in sinful activity
- At the present moment some missionary institutions, without referring to the Vedic rituals, have introduced some sannyasis who engage in sinful activities
- Due to neglecting one's good intelligence, or Krsna consciousness, one becomes bewildered and engages in sinful activities. Upon realizing this, a man becomes repentant
- Duskrtina means always engaged in sinful activities. They have got brain, but their brain is being utilized only for sinful activities. Krti means good brain, and duskrti means brain is being utilized for sinful act. Therefore they are mudha
- Duskrtina means miscreants or always engaged in sinful activities. If you are not religious, then you must act sinfully
- Duskrtinah means one who has got merit, but the merit is being engaged for sinful activities. Just like the atomic bomb. One who has manufactured this, he has got merit, certainly, great scientist. But how he has used his merit? To kill men, that's all
- Foolish person thinks he is independent of any law. He thinks there is no God or regulative principle and that he can do whatever he likes. Thus he engages in different sinful activities, and as a result, he is put into different hellish conditions life
- Forgetting that however one may try to maintain the body, the body is subject to birth, death, old age and disease, such foolish rascals (influenced by passion and ignorance) engage in sinful activities, one after another
- If you do not prepare yourself in this life, if you simply become engaged in sinful activities, then you'll be degraded
- In Bhagavad-gita materialistic persons are described as duskrtinah, which indicates those who are always engaged in sinful activities
- In the conditioned stage of the living entities, there are two kinds of results of fruitive activities: the conditioned living entity who is constantly engaged in sinful activities has suffering as his result
- In this material world, when the conditioned soul forgets his relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead and does not care for Krsna consciousness, he simply engages in different types of mischievous and sinful activities
- Karmis who engage in sinful acts and who do not know the true objective of life are called mudhas, asses
- King Puranjana repented that he had neglected his intelligence and had engaged himself in the forest in killing animals. In other words, when one's good intelligence is separated or neglected, he fully engages in sinful activities
- O Janardana, although these men, their hearts overtaken by greed, see no fault in killing one's family or quarreling with friends, why should we (Arjuna and Krsna), who can see the crime in destroying a family, engage in these acts of sin?
- On the basis of asuri bhavam, one is always constantly engaged in duskrtina, I mean to say, sinful activities, and mudha, falsely thinking that he is God. Therefore he is a mudha. That is the sign. A big mudha
- One who has finished sinful activities, he can be engaged in God consciousness. One who is engaged in sinful activities, he cannot. Devil citing scripture. A devil cannot cite scripture. Angel can cite scripture
- One who is always engaged in sinful activities must utilize the process of ablution called prayascitta. Without doing so, one surely will be transferred to hellish planets to undergo miserable lives as the result of sinful activities. BG 1972 purports
- One who is engaged in sinful activities cannot change his consciousness. Our real function is to change our consciousness from kasmala, sinful consciousness, to Krsna, the supreme pure
- Rascals and fools, the lowest of men, who engage in sinful activities, cannot suddenly surrender to Krsna. Nevertheless, if they begin chanting the Hare Krsna mantra and rendering service unto the tulasi plant, they will very soon be able to surrender
- Rascals have been described in Bhagavad-gita as duskrtino mudhah. Nondevotees, those who are not Krsna conscious, must engage in sinful activities, and therefore they are mudhas - fools and rascals
- The atheist class men are described as the lowest of the mankind. Why? Naradhamah, na duskrtinah: always engaged in sinful activities, that na mam duskrtino mudhah, and rascals
- The leaders incite them toward false, illusory gain and thus engage them in various acts of sin. In temporarily benefiting themselves, such leaders sacrifice the real interest of their followers and destroy the followers
- The mind becomes sinful because we are always engaged in sinful activities. Anything not connected with Krsna consciousness should be understood to be sinful
- The Sixteenth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita fully explains how the demons engage in sinful activities for the destruction of the populace
- There are many contaminations within the heart, and the people in this age are engaged in many sinful activities - illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling
- There are many so-called devotees passing themselves off as devotees while engaging in these sinful activities - illicit sex, intoxication, gambling, and meat-eating
- We are so much in this age engaged in sinful activities. The sinful activities are generally . . . the four pillars of sinful activities are illicit sex life, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling. So this whole world is now full of all this business
- When a person comes to his senses and understands how he is engaging in sinful activities, he returns to his conscience, which is herein (SB 4.26.11) figuratively described as the palace
- When a person loses his Krsna consciousness and loses interest in self-realization, he must engage in sinful activities