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As soon as I remember that you are trying to fulfill my desire of trying to open ten centers, it gives me renewed vigor and life. Please do it nicely

Expressions researched:
"As soon as I remember that you are trying to fulfill my desire of trying to open ten centers, it gives me renewed vigor and life. Please do it nicely"


1971 Correspondence

As soon as I remember that you are trying to fulfill my desire of trying to open ten centers, it gives me renewed vigor and life. Please do it nicely. I have got confidence in you because Krishna has given you special talent for chanting Hare Krishna Mantra.
Letter to Visnujana -- Bombay 4 April, 1971:

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 25th March, 1971 and have noted the contents. Because I have been very busy with the movement which is going on here, I haven't had time to reply your letter until now. As soon as I remember that you are trying to fulfill my desire of trying to open ten centers, it gives me renewed vigor and life. Please do it nicely. I have got confidence in you because Krishna has given you special talent for chanting Hare Krishna Mantra. When you were chanting in L.A. temple in the evenings, or in the mornings, I enjoyed your chanting so nicely that I thought myself immediately carried to Vaikuntha. So I am always thankful to you for your activities in announcing the interest of our mission. Thank you very much. Most probably when I return to L.A. I may call you back just to hear your chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra. I am very anxious to meet you also. I am thinking of returning very soon, but I am also contemplating going to Russia. So on my way back I may go there to Russia for a few days and then to U.S.A. Although I am Indian materially, still I have adopted U.S.A. as my fatherland and you are all my fathers. In India I had one father who raised me a Krishna Conscious child but in America I have got many fathers who are reminding me always of Krishna. Therefore I will always wish to live under your care.

Page Title:As soon as I remember that you are trying to fulfill my desire of trying to open ten centers, it gives me renewed vigor and life. Please do it nicely
Created:30 of Nov, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=1
No. of Quotes:1