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Information for "Just like a wrestler, simply by practicing wrestling amongst friends, gradually becomes stronger and the body is built up very nicely, Krishna Consciousness is exactly like that: The more you serve Krishna, the more you get better strength to serve Him"

Basic information

Display titleJust like a wrestler, simply by practicing wrestling amongst friends, gradually becomes stronger and the body is built up very nicely, Krishna Consciousness is exactly like that: The more you serve Krishna, the more you get better strength to serve Him
Default sort keyJust like a wrestler, simply by practicing wrestling amongst friends, gradually becomes stronger and the body is built up very nicely, Krishna Consciousness is exactly like that: The more you serve Krishna, the more you get better strength to serve Him
Page length (in bytes)3,516
Namespace ID0
Page ID37908
Page content languageen - English
Page content modelwikitext
Indexing by robotsAllowed
Number of redirects to this page0
Counted as a content pageYes

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Edit history

Page creatorMatea (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation11:17, 18 November 2010
Latest editor141.101.76.190 (talk)
Date of latest edit20:56, 2 March 2021
Total number of edits2
Total number of distinct authors2
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days)0
Recent number of distinct authors0

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