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Training of Rupanuga dasa (Letters, 1971 - 1976)

Expressions researched:
"Account" |"Activities" |"BBF" |"BBFD" |"BBT" |"BKF" |"BTG" |"Back to Godhead" |"Bhaktivedanta Book Trust" |"Book Fund" |"Book Trust" |"Book" |"Books" |"Branch" |"Branches" |"Business" |"Center" |"Centers" |"Check" |"Checks" |"Consult" |"Consulting" |"Cooperate" |"Cooperated" |"Cooperation" |"Cooperatively" |"Dai Nippon" |"Debt" |"Debts" |"Deities" |"Deity" |"Deposit" |"Distribute" |"Distributed" |"Distributing" |"Distribution" |"Duty" |"Festival" |"Finances" |"Financial" |"Funds" |"GBC members" |"GBC" |"Governing Board Commission" |"Governing Board Commissioners" |"Governing Body Commission" |"Governing Body Commissioners" |"ISKCON" |"Initiate" |"Initiated" |"Initiates" |"Initiating" |"Initiation" |"Initiations" |"Iskcon" |"Kirtana" |"Language" |"Leader" |"Leaders" |"Leadership" |"Leading" |"Literature" |"Literatures" |"M-V trust" |"M-V" |"M.V trust" |"Macmillan" |"Magazine" |"Magazines" |"Manage" |"Managed" |"Management" |"Managers" |"Managing" |"Manuscript" |"Manuscripts" |"Mayapur-Vrndavana Trust" |"Mayapura-Vrndavana Trust" |"Meeting" |"Mission" |"Missionary" |"Money" |"Movement" |"Organize" |"Our society" |"Preach" |"Preacher" |"Preaching" |"Press" |"Print" |"Printing" |"Program" |"Programs" |"Publication" |"Publications" |"Publish" |"Publishing" |"Rathayatra" |"Report" |"Reports" |"Rupanuga" |"Sankirtana" |"Temple" |"Temples" |"The society" |"Translate" |"Translated" |"Translating" |"Translation" |"Translations" |"Zonal" |"Zone"


1971 Correspondence

Letter to Rupanuga -- Allahabad 11 January, 1971:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 14th December, 1970. In the meantime we have come from Surat to Bombay and from Bombay to Calcutta and tomorrow morning we are going to Allahabad to attend the Adha Kumbh Mela festival. We shall be going all 40 strong devotees and there are an expected 7,000,000 going there also for the month of Magh. I expect that by this time you are touring Europe and especially overseeing London Temple, so I am expecting another letter from you soon reporting the situation there. Anyway, I shall address this to your Buffalo Temple.

I was glad to know from you that in your tour of the East coast temples everything is going on nicely. Please encourage our devotees to continue in their good efforts to spread this sublime Movement. The standard of purity must be kept intact along with firm faith in Spiritual Master and Krsna, then everything will go on smoothly. I have just received a letter from Bhavananda from New York and it appears that there are many persons regularly attending our classes and following the regulative principles as well as chanting Hare Krsna Mantra. That is the success of our preaching work when there is this result of more persons joining, so I am confident that things are going on.

Please increase the book distribution program as far as you can. The proposal to open a center in Trinidad with the help of Mr. Gajjar and others is very encouraging.

Hope this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. I have received your London letter at Allahabad.

Letter to Gunagrahi -- Gorakhpur 12 February, 1971:

When you chant, avoid very carefully the ten offenses to the Holy Name. If you have any doubts or questions be sure to clear them by inquiry from either Rupanuga Prabhu, your other Godbrothers or if need be by writing to me. Be blessed and happy chanting Hare Krsna.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Gorakhpur 19 February, 1971:

I beg to thank you for your kind letters dated from London and Buffalo respectively. I am so pleased to learn of favorable reports of your touring and you'll be also pleased to know that preaching work in India is going on nicely. At present we are staying at Gorakhpur, one of the important cities in Northern India and we are for the present guests of Gita Press authorities. Temporarily we have installed very nice Deity and people come here to attend lecture and arati to the fullest extent. I'm negotiating with local university authorities to donate a piece of land within the university campus so that we may construct a nice temple there and preach this cult amongst the students. If this program is successful here, then we shall be able to introduce this system in all universities of the world and probably in different factories, institutes, etc. gradually.

Although our philosophy is revolutionary, even in India also, it is being received favorably. In our Kumba Mela camp it was very successful. Our camp stood out first in the whole campus. Many government high officials, retired high-court judges, big police officers came to see me and invited me also for lecture and all of them were very much encouraging. Our program of recruiting life members is also going on nicely. Actually we are and meeting our expenditures very heavily on this book distribution scheme of life membership. 50% is utilized for reprinting books and 50% is being utilized for increasing the number of centers. I think the same program may be vigorously introduced in your country and that will be a great success.

I've received one letter from Gargamuni and replied it and have just now received one from Visnujana Swami, but have not heard from Brahmananda Swami for some time. Reports from Subala Maharaja are very encouraging. He has sent me some photos also. But our long outstanding program for opening a center in Paris is still in oblivion. I understand that Jaya Govinda is now very much interested in family life. Similarly Umapati has also left Europe and gone back to the U.S.A. The wife is maya but at the same time a great friend. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu remarked that the wife is the goddess of fortune somewhere and somewhere she is a witch. Anyway, you are very strong and an ideal grhastha and therefore instead of being influenced by your wife, you have influenced her to take to Krishna Consciousness. I expect every one of my students to come to your standard and remain steadfast in pushing on this movement of Krishna Consciousness. Mandali Bhadra has changed his wife because he was also being deviated by his former wife and I hope he will stand on this point steadily.

I am very glad to learn that the situation in London is improving and I'm sure that as soon as Mukunda joins wholeheartedly, it will be all right. As soon as the new record album is imprinted, please send a copy to the above given Bombay address.

I'm so glad to learn that a scientific bookkeeping system is being introduced in our different centers. If possible, some instruction may be sent here in Bombay for this scientific bookkeeping system. Here in India, although they are trying their best, still it is not satisfactory. Perfect accounts means every information regarding financial and stock situation must be ready for immediate reference and not a single farthing should be wasted.

There are many candidates for being initiated who are waiting and I think when I return to U.S.A. by month of April, all their initiations can be performed. Yes, Tejios can be initiated for the second time by that tape record with earphoning method.

It is very encouraging to note that a new branch is being opened in Wilmington, Delaware by Lalita Kumar and his wife. Encourage them and offer my full blessings for their endeavor.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Bombay 28 March, 1971:

In continuation of my last letter to you dated 23rd March, with regards to your proposal for helping the disturbed members of the greater society by Krsna consciousness, it is a very nice idea. As you know, I was also visiting the prisoners here in India for preaching this Sankirtana Movement and thus saving them from the material disaster.

We should recruit any sort of men out of the four classes; brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. For our members we do not make any discrimination. One half of the membership fee is to go for printing of my books and one half for development of our Centers. I think we will require a huge amount of money for developing New Vrindaban scheme with seven Temples. Then it will be nice. That will be a grand success.

The boys and girls from bad backgrounds may be helped certainly by our program, but we cannot make a new program for them. They can simply come and live with us and attend Kirtana and classes as usual. We can give nice Prasadam and lectures to them and invite their questions. Counseling can be done by some experienced member.

Regarding the relocation of ISKCON Press and the accounting department, I want to see the management going on nicely; that is all. It is very encouraging that Sriman Karunamaya has opened a new Center in Amherst, Mass. Please try and maintain it very nicely. I have received the press cutting from Chicago and in India also our Movement is being appreciated as "new wave". So let our waves roll on until it reaches the great ocean of transcendental Nectar of Devotion (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu). The issue of "Krsna Sun" is nice. It is good. They may be distributed to our prospective Life Members, etc.

Sometimes on the "Isavasya Hour" people should chant Isopanisad; that will purify the whole atmosphere. The vedic mantra has powerful effect as good as Hare Krsna Mahamantra. I think that while in Los Angeles with me you learned the mantras and they should be practiced and chanted on the radio and television.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Bombay 9 April, 1971:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 22nd March, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. You say that Bhagavatam printing is going on, but what about Bhagavad-gita As It Is? Some San Francisco Indian friends promised to pay $20,000, for this. So somehow get this money and manage to print Bhagavad-gita as quickly as possible, without stopping. Best thing is to get Bhagavad-gita printed on our own press, some soft bound and some hard bound, regularly sewn. Now in N.Y. we have got large space. If required we can increase by another press, but try to get all our books printed on our own press.

You write to say that you are relocating in N.Y. but I have received a letter from Satsvarupa saying that he cannot leave because of some financial difficulties. This complaint is practically coming from every temple. Why there is financial difficulty?

What GBC man from India has written that GBC member should be "disentangled from local management"? I have no information who it is. I never advised GBC men to write like that. Why should the presidents give up their posts? GBC work should go on but the temples must be looked after simultaneously. Of course for better management you can go to N.Y.; yours is special case. But this was not my advice. This instruction should be given to all that I never advised that they give up the post of presidency. I asked Tamala if he had written any such direction, but he denied. I do not know which GBC member has advised like that. Jagadisa was also divorcing himself from temple management but found the devotees enthusiasm slackened and so he has returned to the temple schedule. The temples must be maintained.

So far as "youth work" is concerned, it can be taken up, but our process must be followed strictly. Anyone may come but our process must remain the same. The men are expected to shave their heads and wear robes; they must attend classes, read our books, chant 16 rounds, attend arati, go for street Sankirtana, take prasadam only, etc. To have any separate institution apart from the temple, that we cannot do. Everything must be within the scope of our activities, then this "youth problem" can be solved. Our process is proven as the only effective means. If the government or any other organization gives up a place, then we can train up such youth in our own way and surely they will come out sane. That place given will be a temple. So the process remains the same, except on a larger scale. Not that there is a separate division of ISKCON to handle youth problem, but that we have a bigger temple to accommodate them is all, and then the people will see practically how we are doing the highest welfare work.

Letter to Jagadisa -- Bombay 11 April, 1971:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated 12th February, 5th and 25th March, 1971, respectively and have noted the contents carefully. So far as the "rehabilitation center" is concerned, such work can be taken up, but to have any separate institution apart from the temple is not possible. I have written Rupanuga in this regard as follows:

"Youth work can be taken up, but our process must be followed strictly. Anyone may come but our process must remain the same.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Bombay 24 April, 1971:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 17th April, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. I have received one letter from Dai Nippon. They want immediately $30,000.00 more. Formerly the total amount to be paid for BTG was $52,000.00, and they were not willing to publish any more. Therefore from my book fund I paid them immediately $20,000. Now there is an additional $30,000.00 because another two issues of BTG were printed. So if you can send them another $10,000. immediately, they will be satisfied for the time being. I do not know exactly what the account is, but they are hesitating. They should be satisfied as much as possible. Their dealing and craftsmanship has always been very good so we must keep good relationship with them. Whatever BTG collection made should be quickly sent to Dai Nippon so that they will be pacified.

Recently I have received one letter from Hayagriva in which he wanted to know in 24 hours whether I could pay $20,000, but I have already given $20,000 to BTG. Besides that, New Vrindaban has to be developed very nicely but whether Hayagriva has already transferred the property to the society's name? This is required now. We require seven temples in New Vrindaban and 50% of the membership collection (Building fund) may be invested for this purpose. But Hayagriva should transfer the property to the society's name.

Our incense trademark should be registered now. I understand that there is one man in Bombay who has plagiarized our Spiritual Sky label, so we are serving him the proper notice to stop this plagiarizing business. So income is increasing there. That is very good. But in the winter season the collections are not so good so you should make some compensation for those months. The point is that there must not be any financial difficulty. If there is not sufficient engagement in the temple, the devotees should work outside, although if we can manage without our men working outside that is best.

So far as the Indians in San Francisco, they should be tackled nicely. They have promised, so someone should collect that proposed $20,000. Yes, Tejiyas and Laura can be married. His name is Tejiyas, not Tejios. I was confused by the mispelling.

Letter to Karandhara -- Calcutta 17 May, 1971:

Yes, I advised Rupanuga to pay $10,000, but not from the book fund. Anyway, the book fund and BTG should be kept separate. Book fund collections should go to Dai Nippon now because I am thinking of printing small KRSNA books.

Letter to Kirtika (Judith Cornell) -- Calcutta 21 May, 1971:

Rupanuga Prabhu has recommended you for initiation and I am so glad to accept you as my duly initiated disciple. I have given you the spiritual name Kirtika Devi Dasi. Kirtika is the name of one of the gopis. Also your beads have been duly chanted on by me and are enclosed herewith.

Letter to Bhagavan -- Calcutta 26 May, 1971:

You will be glad to know that I have ordered 50,000 paperback KRSNA books. Rupanuga has expressed his opinion that we should get $1.95, but that is too much. I will make it $.95 instead of the $.75 originally proposed.

Letter to Rupanuga, Bhagavan, Satsvarupa -- Bombay 15 June, 1971:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 1st June, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. The preface to the enlarged edition of Bhagavad-gita As It Is was sent to you long ago, from Australia. It was sent on 12th May, 1971 and you should have received it by now. I do not know why it is missing. So I am enclosing a second copy herewith.

Regarding press matters, whatever you GBC men decide amongst yourselves I have no objection, but economically the press operation must be sound. Formerly it was contemplated that the press would charge 10% of the total costs for maintenance of the press. Maintenance cost is $1,500 per month. So that means $15,000 worth of books must be produced each month. And this $15,000 is our cost, not the face value of the books. So if you can produce books in this manner, then it is all right. But past experience has proved otherwise.

It appears that Dai Nippon quoted for Bhagavad-gita $23,000. and ISKCON Press quoted $20,000. So $3000 difference. But if the book fund has to maintain the press expenditure by $1,500 per month and the printing takes two years, then what becomes the total cost of Bhagavad-gita As It Is?

I think the book fund can maintain only 10% of the books produced. That will be economical. Otherwise, whatever GBC members decide, I have nothing to disagree with. But economically the existing proposal is not very sound. Books must be produced to the extent of $15,000 per month and then it is all right.

Letter to Karandhara -- Bombay 16 June, 1971:

So if the book distribution program is going so nicely, then we should produce books on our own press in great quantity. I have written Rupanuga one letter, the essence of which is that $15,000 worth of books, at our cost and not at face value, should be printed each month and distributed. Since it was formerly agreed that the press would charge 10% of the total costs for maintenance, so if $15,000 worth of books are printed then the $1,500 per month maintenance cost is taken care of. Other than that, our press operation is not economically sound proposal. But if books can be produced to the extent of $15,000 per month, then it is all right.

Letter to Sri Govinda -- Los Angeles 13 July, 1971:

Also it is much more important that you utilize your valuable time and energy to distribute our magazines and books. That is real propaganda work. And the householders can earn their livelihood by distributing our books also. That is one of the points of our new book distribution program and you can get more details from Karandhara or Rupanuga.

Letter to Satsvarupa -- London 4 August, 1971:

So far the marriage of Shakuntala and Ajamita is concerned, I have no objection but you must brief them thoroughly on married life in Krishna Consciousness, how serious business it is, and that separation is not allowed under any circumstances. At one marriage ceremony in N.Y. Rupanuga had the boy and girl both sign documents saying that they promised never to separate under any circumstances. So you can correspond with him and do likewise.

Letter to Karandhara -- London 5 August, 1971:

In my opinion, Bhavananda is as much required in N.Y. as you are required in L.A., but he is wanting some change. So I think he can go to Mayapur to manage the building construction. Then Rupanuga can take over management of N.Y. center.

Letter to Madhukantha -- London 8 August, 1971:

This marriage is serious business and not to be taken lightly. There is no question of separation in Krishna Conscious marriages. Therefore I am asking all those who want to be married that they sign one paper promising that there will be no separation. Karandhara Prabhu can be consulted in this connection and he should draw up such document in the manner Rupanuga has done in N.Y. Then, if you are feeling able to handle the responsibilities of grhastha life, you can go ahead with the ceremony immediately and with my blessings.

Letter to Atreya Rsi -- London 20 August, 1971:

So your desire to serve Krishna is very much appreciated. This very desire will enlighten you more and more about Krishna and the more you advance the more you will like to serve and because you are a very sincere soul Krishna is giving you good opportunity to render service to Him in the Mayapur scheme. So you can open a separate account "ISKCON Mayapur Scheme" in consultation with Rupanuga Prabhu and do the needful.

Letter to Satsvarupa -- London 22 August, 1971:

So far the marriage proposed for 29th August, I have no objection provided they are firmly in agreement never to separate and are willing to sign such a statement. This was done recently by Rupanuga Prabhu and you can get the wording from him.

Letter to Sri Govinda -- London 6 September, 1971:

So all your ideas are very good and I have no objection to any of them. But these are all matters that should be discussed with Rupanuga and other GBC members. These matters are in their jurisdiction of GBC affairs and should be handled accordingly.

Letter to Karandhara -- Mombassa, Kenya 19 September, 1971:

Regarding the MacMillan agreement, Brahmananda says that he left everything with Rupanuga when he left N.Y. So kindly inquire from him. So far I know the agreement was made that my royalty would be paid directly to the society. In the beginning they paid me $1,000. and later on I think I got another $600. Besides this I have never received any money from them. If they paid anything it may have been paid directly to N.Y. ISKCON. So you can inquire and do the needful.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Nairobi 13 October, 1971:

So whatever has been done in the past you forget, but now do things nicely. All new matters should be consulted with all the members and a vote taken. I think you should immediately consult with Rupanuga and Karandhara also about the record impressions, what would be the cost in USA.

Letter to Jadurani -- Calcutta 4 November, 1971:

So far whether to print posters, of course paintings are always nicer, but if posters can be printed I have no objection. If good printing is done, as you have described, then where from the money will come? So whether such investment is possible; you should consult with Rupanuga in this connection.

Letter to Gunagrahi -- Delhi 16 November, 1971:

Rupanuga has a tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra, so you can get this from him. One thing is that the tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear. So the fire yajna can be held for all four devotees.

Letter to Sridama -- Delhi 17 November, 1971:

Unless ________ you will find two copies of Gayatri mantra and two threads duly chanted on for your wife Manmohini dasi and Satyahit das Brahmacari. Hold a fire yagna and give them Gayatri mantra. Rupanuga has a tape of me chanting Gayatri mantra, so you can get a copy of this from him. The tape must be heard through the right ear only by the initiates.

Letter to Krsna Devi -- Delhi 20 November, 1971:

I have notified the GBC that they should supply you with more men as they are required by you, so when that time comes you may apply to Syamasundara., who is travelling with me, or to Karandhara or Rupanuga in the US and they will do the needful.

Letter to Kirtiraja -- Vrindaban 27 November, 1971:

If the letter you receive in my name are simply requests for information, then you may answer on my behalf. However if there are questions of philosophy or for personal advice, you should either answer them by consulting Rupanuga or a senior devotee, or send them to me and I shall answer. You can send me a few samples of such letters and I shall see them.

Letter to Bahulasva -- Vrindaban 30 November, 1971:

Actually it was my original idea that our press should print many smaller books by the millions, but that they are not doing. Instead they talk of expanding more and more, but they cannot produce any big books. So you may approach Bhagavan das and Rupanuga with your suggestions for books, and among yourselves you just chalk out some practical plan.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Vrindaban 30 November, 1971:

I am in due receipt of your letter of November 10, 1971, and have noted the contents carefully. I am currently in Vrindaban with a party of 40 devotees, and we are having daily parikrama of the holy places. We shall return to Delhi tomorrow by coach. The officials and residents of Vrindaban have greeted us very nicely, and they are simply astounded to see our SKP chanting with great jubilation through the city streets. The Mayor has publicly proclaimed that I have done something wonderful, and practically speaking, they realize that before I went to the western countries no one there knew about Vrindaban. Now hundreds of visitors and hippies from your country come here to see Krishna's place. The Vrindaban devotees have understood that Vrindaban is now world-famous due to my preaching work, so they are all very much appreciating their hometown Swamiji.

So far the posters for temple altars, if you have got extra money you can print the posters. But I am against the policy of our ISKCON Press charging exorbitant prices for books and other things which they sell to the temples. Our policy should be cost price, or if a little more (10% above cost) is required for other expenses, that may be added. But it is not that we are in business to make profit from each other. With the public, that is a different thing. But our real business is to spread Krishna Consciousness, and for that our centers require so many things like books, tapes, photos, like that—and these should be freely exchanged between the temples to be utilized nicely in preaching work, without profit-making.

As far as Bhagavad-gita is concerned, I do not know why it is delayed. For the last three years you've been saying Bhagavad-gita is going to be printed and the last deadline was given by Advaita that it would be printed by the 1st October, 1971. Unfortunately, nothing has been done by now. Now it is December, 1971. If for printing one book it takes so much time I do not know how the other 60 books will be printed. I am very much depressed. The MacMillan Company simply wants to consider their business point of view. But we have to print our books just to present to the world. Please therefore have Dai Nippon print the books immediately, without any consideration by MacMillan Co.—promotion or no promotion. If by this time they have agreed to print the book from their side it is all right. Otherwise ask Dai Nippon to print immediately without delay.

The photography exhibit for Delhi pandal arrived, but the exorbitant price of $240 plus shipping costs was too much for 70 photos, so I have advised them to pay only the actual cost price as will be determined by Gurudasa. I have seen the photo price list from Uddhava and the prices quoted are very high. He is simply taking advantage of our devotees' sentiment to make money, and this is not a very good position.

There is no limit to expanding—you talk of expanding—we have to invest more and more to remain modern by purchasing machines, etc. But if the machines we have cannot even be utilized properly, then what is the use of expanding? I want that all of these big plans should be realized, and there will be no end to the resources Krishna will provide, but first there must be good management. Who will manage? But I have no objection if you can develop the Press by making outside profit with commercial work and investing—that is all right.

Letter to Damodara -- Delhi 3 December, 1971:

Enclosed please find one copy of Gayatri mantra and one sacred thread duly chanted on for your wife, Mrganetri dasi. Hold a fire yajna and give her Gayatri mantra. Rupanuga has a tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra, so you can get this from him. One thing is that the tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear.

Letter to Karandhara -- Delhi 3 December, 1971:

I have received today one telegram from Rupanuga, informing me that MacMillan Co. is enthusiastic to print our Bhagavad-gita As It Is, 30,000 paperback and 10,000 hardback. This is very good news. Now see to it that everything is done smoothly, so that Bhagavad-gita may be presented to the world without further delay.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Delhi 5 December, 1971:

I am in due receipt of your letter of November 24, 1971, as well as your telegram of December 3, 1971, and I am very glad to know that MacMillan Co. is enthusiastic to print our Bhagavad-gita As It Is, 30,000 paperback and 10,000 hardback. Now you carry out all negotiations very carefully, and reserve for us all editing rights. They should not change it from our version. Examine the contract very thoroughly and consult with your GBC men for their approval. You may also send me a copy of the contract. Now let them also promote and advertise Bhagavad-gita widely all over your country, and that will help them and it will help us.

Regarding Krishna Book paperback size, I originally intended the pocketbook size for the Africans, who have not got sufficient money. And if Brahmananda is ready with at least half of the total cost for printing 50,000 copies each volume or 150,000 copies total, then let him send and we shall invest for recomposing. I think the total cost is $36,800, so he will have to supply at least $18,400 before we can spend for recomposing. So I think the best thing is to reduce our existing plates to 5 1/4 x 7 1/2 size and print Krishna Book in that way, as many as required. But I have just received a letter from Karandhara, wherein he proposes to establish a rival ISKCON Press in Los Angeles. This is a very good idea. It will accelerate my work, especially when I return to L.A. So he is thinking to buy some computerized typesetter which will reset Krishna Book type in a very short time for a pocketbook edition. So you all GBC members discuss among yourselves what is to be done, but I have no objection to the 5 1/4 x 7 1/2 size. It is still legible for everyone.

I wanted that there should be some color prints in the paperback edition, so I think 16 prints will be nice. The following is quoted from a letter to me by Mr. Ogata dated June 1, 1971:


Cover: 4 pages

Text: 250 pages

Picture Pages: 16 pages


50,000 copies per one title

150,000 copies for three titles according CIF Destination


@ $0.24533

Total: US $12,267.00

Grand Total: US $36,800.00 per 3 titles.

Karandhara has a copy of this letter from Mr. Ogata so if you need you can get a copy from him. I think some color pages will be nice, as many as possible, under the circumstances. We can get 16 color pages each volume for less than 25 cents each copy. Is that all right?

Regarding the philosophy book, some tapes were lost and we have to do them over again. And due to our moving about the work has slowed down. Syamasundara. informs me that each tape will require a lot of editing work, and that all of the tapes must be finished before editing can be completed, because each philosopher must be seen in his relationship with all of the others. As soon as this work is finished I shall let you know.

Letter to Bhagavan -- Delhi 10 December, 1971:

I very much approve of your enclosed brochure, and I am pleased by your festival plan for the colleges all over the state. Actually, this roving Sankirtana and college program is the most appropriate plan for spreading Krishna Consciousness and preaching. I have just received intimation from Rupanuga of a very large festival he is planning for Central Park. His conjecture is very nice, and I want that many such festivals should be held in every city. I have one suggestion, that on Sundays you make a tent in that backyard garden to accommodate many guests and provide profuse prasadam to all.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Delhi 10 December, 1971:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 2, 1971, and it has given me great pleasure to hear such encouraging news from you. Practically speaking, it appears my work in America and the Western countries has been now successful and everything is now going on very nicely there. Because by Krishna's Grace I have got good assistants like yourself, therefore I am successful. Now I have built the skyscraper framework, you fill it in nicely.

I am especially pleased that MacMillan Co. is now very interested to print Bhagavad-gita As It Is. I am also pleased to know that in one bookstore there were 1 doz. of our present Gita. This is very encouraging news. It means that ours is becoming the biggest-selling Gita in U.S.A., because there is not 1 doz. of any other translation stocked anywhere. I very much approve of the $4.95 price, or if you think it is better, $3.95 may also be charged. How many pictures will you include in the paperback edition? Hardback? What about India, will MacMillan versions of my books be available here, and for what price? So far I know, there is a MacMillan Co. office in India, I think in Bombay. If they will print an edition here, that will also be nice. I shall


This program of roving Sankirtana must be executed because it is appropriate for preaching. You may send out advance parties to the cities you propose to visit, with posters, etc., to intimate the people you are coming. Your plan to increase our exposure through the media is very nice and completely approved by me.

Your program of opening only a few more centers, concentrating instead on colleges and other parts of the world is also very nice. In fact, preaching in the schools and colleges is very, very important. Practically you have introduced this college program, in Buffalo. Now you make it perfect by infiltrating every school-college in your country, and give them pure Krishna philosophy, the highest knowledge. This is a great proposal for distributing our books, literature and philosophy.

I am very, very glad that you are planning your three-day festival in Central Park next summer. That will be especially triumphant celebration for me, because only five years back I was sitting alone under a tree in your park thinking that perhaps no one will join me, but let me try. Now I have got so many wonderful sons and daughters, that we require huge arrangement for chanting in the park, with many tents, kitchens, etc. Your plan is very nice. Our Delhi pandal was also very much well-received by everyone. From early morning, 6 am, to late at night, sometimes past midnight, thousands of persons came there to see and listen. One very popular feature was our "Question and Answer booth," wherein one of our elderly devotees would sit on a very high vyasasana and answer questions put by the visitors. This item became so controversial and popular that it was open at least until midnight daily to accommodate all the curious public. Everyone delights in lively debates and discussions of philosophy. Also there were many booths showing photo-displays of our worldwide activities and one exhibit of a large model of our Mayapur scheme. These things may also be included in your New York festival.

I am happy to hear that so many guests are attending your temple. Actually, that is the same story everywhere. So I have become convinced that our Krishna Consciousness Movement is finally having some effect on the world, and I am very satisfied with the work of my sincere disciples for assisting Lord Caitanya in this way. Actually, He has said that this KC Movement will spread to every nook and corner of the world—so there is no doubt it will happen. He is God, so how can He be wrong? So it will happen. So if we are intelligent we will assist and get the credit. Otherwise, someone else will.

I gladly consent to accept Surita and Paul Darling as my duly initiated disciples, as recommended by you. Their beads and 1 copy of Gayatri mantra plus one sacred thread, also duly chanted, are sent under separate post. Hold a fire yajna for all three. One thing, the Gayatri tape must be heard through earphones into the right ear. Their names shall be: Surita/ Sunita Dasi/ and Paul/Apurva Das.

Letter to Atreya Rsi -- Delhi 12 December, 1971:

I have not received as yet any recommendation from Rupanuga for initiation of your wife, but as soon as I do I shall be glad to accept her. You are a very good boy, and you are sincerely serving Krishna, so you may know it for certain that very soon all of your anxieties will disappear.

Letter to Atreya Rsi -- Delhi 12 December, 1971:

My main activity is in the western countries, especially America, and New York is the main city of the world, so why not stay there and develop your program very nicely, in cooperation with Rupanuga. If you have any questions how to do it, you may ask me.

Letter to Atreya Rsi -- Delhi 12 December, 1971:

You are a nice devotee, with good business brain and much energy for serving Krishna and thus earning for yourself the Supreme reward. So I want that you shall work nicely with Rupanuga, Karandhara and the other leaders to utilize what Krishna has given you to push on His movement very vigorously.

Letter to Kirtanananda -- Delhi 12 December, 1971:

You mention that you will open centers, many centers. I don't think there is need to open many more centers in your country. Rupanuga proposes to open only a few more centers in big cities and concentrate the balance of men in college preaching and travelling parties like yours. To manage centers requires many men, so unless we have got many men this idea will not be very fruitful. Better if there are a few important centers and travelling parties for the smaller towns and villages, going and coming back, going and coming back, like this.

Letter to Kirtanananda -- Delhi 12 December, 1971:

Hold a fire yajna and give sacred threads and Gayatri mantra to Karnamrta, Srutakirti, Kuladri, Harikesa, and Devaprastha. I think you can obtain a tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra from Rupanuga. One thing is that the tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear.

Letter to Uddhava -- Delhi 12 December, 1971:

I have got good news from Rupanuga that MacMillan Co. will be printing our Bhagavad-gita As It Is, so why not they should print our Srimad-Bhagavatam as well?

Letter to Bali-mardana -- Bombay 28 December, 1971:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 16, 1971, and I am very glad you are sincere to make an effort for managing our ISKCON Press. But what is that management? Simply taking money and no production. So I approve of Karandhara's plan not to give more money to the Press until all debts and books owed are cleared and settled up. If you think that by lowering the prices of our books that things will improve, I have no objection. But always work in consultation on these matters with Rupanuga, Karandhara, Bhagavan, Satsvarupa, and Jayadvaita. I think that you six men are a very favorable combination for successfully managing book business.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Bombay 30 December, 1971:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 12th, 1971. Unfortunately, it did not contain the two Krishna Book samples as I believe you sent them to Madras. But that does not matter, I have understood from your letter the point you wanted to make. Krishna Book should be published with the American University students in mind. Brahmananda can not send money out of Africa, so there is no need of printing a special African edition. Instead a few copies may be sent to him and he can arrange to have them copied and printed there with the Book Fund money that is in Africa. Then he can adjust the size of the book according to the African book market. So I also agree that Krishna Book of 16 color prints plus 6x9 will be very nice.

It is a fact that householders should not live in the Temple together. Whether with child or without child, householders should not live together in the Temple. Otherwise, what will the Brahmacaris and Sannyasis think? So this should be discouraged. Bali Mardan is correct in this point.

I am very encouraged by the reports of the tremendous success of your TV and radio programs. As much as possible try to increase our preaching programs by using all the mass media which are available. We are modern day Vaisnavas and we must preach vigorously using all the means available.

1972 Correspondence

Letter to Jadurani -- Calcutta 18 February, 1972:

n.b. Suzanne Brezinski has requested initiation, but Rupanuga has not sanctioned. Ask him this point.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Calcutta 22 February, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated February 9, 1972, along with two copies of the MacMillan Co. contract. As per your instructions, I have initialled same, wherever your own initials have appeared. I noticed that on the carbon-copy contract you neglected to initial the last clause (b) of Section XX Special Provisions, although you had done so on the original copy. In addition, I have added the phrase to XII. Competitive Material as follows: "as well as the 48 pages of illustrations for which the Author reserves the right to publish for any purpose he may determine," as per your instructions in the letter to Syamasundara. dated February 15, 1972. Also, because I received advanced royalties from MacMillan Co. for my first edition of Bhagavad-gita As It Is of $1,000.00, and that was before they were convinced of our ability to sell books. So under I. Rights and Royalties, please note that I have added the clause "an advance of $2,000.00 against the Author's earnings under this agreement," duly initialled, which you will also please put your initials, as also to the addition to XII., and then I think you are signing on behalf of International Society for Krishna Consciousness, so when this is completed, and when the Vice-President of MacMillan Co. has also duly signed, then the thing is done, I am satisfied. But one thing, kindly request them to publish this important book with all haste at their disposal, taking advantage of our Japanese contacts, because there is so much worldwide demand for this books that I think 40,000 copies will be sold within a few months' time. Karandhara reports that practically 5 centers have distributed 8,000 Krishna Books in only two months, so what to speak of such famous book as Bhagavad-gita. And Karandhara may publish that picture-book Bhagavad-gita with Dai Nippon right away, that will be very nice.

Upon your recommendation, I am glad to accept as my duly initiated disciples both of the girls you mention. I shall be sending their beads duly chanted by me under separate post, and also I shall be writing to them separately (please find enclosed). Also, I am including three sacred threads duly chanted herewith, so you may hold a fire yajna and give Gayatri mantra to Ravindra Svarupa, Brahmavitta, and Pancaratra, in the usual manner, with tape heard through the right ear. The fire yajna can be held for all five devotees.

You are waking up your new deities too early! Best time is between 4:30 and 5 am, with Mangala Aratik at 5 am. Although Krishna is the Master of Sleep, still, we must allow Him sufficient rest for herding cows all day and playing with His cowherd friends.

Regarding your question, this surrender to Supersoul is in the advanced stage of Krishna Consciousness. So long one is not advanced, he has to take information and direction from the representative of Supersoul or the Spiritual Master. The spiritual master is external manifestation of the Supersoul. Thus the Lord helps the living entity, helps both from inside & outside.

I am very, very pleased with your program to infiltrate the schools and colleges, especially by introducing our books and classes in Krishna Yoga. I say one thing, if you can somehow or other turn all of these students and hippies, or even a portion of them to Krishna Consciousness, then this Movement will sweep across the world and save it from the present-day precarious condition when everything has become so much degraded. If many of their student class take up this Movement, your country's government will help, and if they help, there is immense potency for spreading to all other places. Now you push very cool-headedly and tactfully on this program of reaching and convincing the student-class with our books and philosophy, and that will be your success of life and for that Krishna will very quickly reveal Himself to such sincere worker face-to-face, you may know it for certain.

You keep one copy of this contract with you, or if there is a third copy, you may send me also. On the whole I am very much pleased upon you for helping me in this way, now see it that the book is printed in very short order, they are one of the world's biggest companies, they can do it nicely, and also advertise. Our branches may help them advertise if they supply the materials and if they pay for helping us cooperatively advertise and promote this book very widely.

I am enclosing one picture which you may please pass on to the art department for panting it, or you may include it as it is in our new Bhagavad-gita. It is very nice, the Krishna's face.

Letter to Bali-mardana -- Calcutta 5 March, 1972:

I have duly received, signed, and returned the MacMillan Co. contract to Rupanuga. Has he got it? Also you were to send me a copy of the contract for distributing our other books by MacMillan Co. also.

Letter to Bali-mardana -- Bombay March 22, 1972:

I have received your letter of March 11, 1972, along with copy of MacMillan contract. Now, first thing is don't sign any contracts without hearing from me, I am thinking about the matter. There is some opinion that it may not be very much advantageous for us to enter such contracts with Macmillan Company. But first I want to know the opinion of Karandhara and others like Rupanuga and Bhagavan. So far Bhagavad-gita As It Is, that is already signed, so we must continue as we have agreed.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Sydney 2 April, 1972:

n.b. I have just now received one letter which has described your GBC meeting of nine men in New York, and I have cabled Rupanuga the following message: "GBC Meeting irregular. My strong disapproval, Make no changes. Inform others. Letter follows." So you can understand that I am very much perplexed why you have done these things without consulting me in the matter. If every time someone feels something they call for changing everything, then all that I have done will very quickly be lost. so for the time being there shall be no such changes as you have arranged, until I study the matter thoroughly.


cc. Bali Mardan/Rupanuga

Letter to Bali-mardana -- Sydney April 3, 1972:

Regarding GBC for this Australia zone, that I shall decide in due course, after I have thoroughly seen how things are going.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

n.b. Regarding Jadurani's questions, the Lord Nara-narayana appeared as twin grown-up youths, in a palace, and there are always sages gathered around.

*Macmillan Co. gives 10%

P.S. Prabhupada just received Rupanuga's letter about changes made in GBC zonal management. His comments: "I do not favor these changes. Tell them to stop everything. Why they have done this without consulting(?)

Letter to Rupanuga -- Sydney 4 April, 1972:

I am in due reciept of your letter dated March 30, 1972 and the contents have greatly surprised me.

I had no intimation that you all GBC members have met and decided such big big issues without consulting me. So I have issued one letter in this regard to all of you and you may take note that I consider that both the meeting and the resolution is irregular and immediately there should be no change. Again, I am so much burdened by this administrative work that I feel great difficulty. I was very anxious to return to my Los Angeles home to sit down for translating work. But if you all, my right-hand men, are doing things without consulting me and making such big big changes within our society without getting my opinion and the opinion of all the GBC members then what can I do? I am so much perplexed why you all had done this. I have appointed originally 12 GBC members and I have given them 12 zones for their administration and management, but simply by agreement you have changed everything, so what is this, I don't know. You mentioned that you are taking great help from Atreya Rsi, but Atreya Rsi is not a member of GBC nor has he any position in my scheme to manage the whole society. And I am wondering what is Hamsaduta's idea to leave Germany and take larger position of power in the United States? I have just sent him one letter wherein I have told him to remain permanently in Germany and the German language countries. This is his best field, and I do not think that we shall change any of our managers throughout the world except as I shall direct.

Regarding MacMillan agreement, whatever is done with MacMillan company is done, so that can remain. The introduction by Mr. Dimock is nice and it will appeal to the scholarly class.

I am considering to fill up the two GBC posts which are now, vacant, one by the resignation of Krishna Dasa, and one by Tamala Krishna Goswami taking Sannyas. I am considering several persons, among them Kesava and Giriraja. I shall let you know when I have decided on these points. Meanwhile, you many inform the other GBC members that for the time being there shall be no change within the society and that they shall manage as before.

Hoping this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Who called for this meeting? ACB

Letter to All ISKCON Temple Presidents -- Melbourne 7 April, 1972:


On April 6, 1972, the following message was dispatched by cable, one copy each to Karandhara, Rupanuga, and Hamsaduta:



On the following morning, April 7, 1972, three replies were received:







cc. All Temple Presidents.


APPROVED: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Founder-Acarya, ISKCON

Letter to Bali-mardana -- Tokyo 26 April, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 19, 1972, along with the French and German BTG's and other literature. They are very nice. I am very much encouraged by the increase in literature publication by ISKCON Press and also by the distribution by New York Temple. But they do not pay their bills, Karandhara is here and he has told me. Why is that, they do not pay their bills for literatures to my Book Fund? You can ask Rupanuga to report to me if this is true and give me accounting, and you also explain.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Tokyo 3 May, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated April 11 and April 26, 1972, along with tape of three "revelations." The tape is nice, a good advertisement. Now similar tapes should be made. Another revelation is that the needle, when put into the water, it goes down quickly to the bottom. But a big, big log, weighing one ton, does not go down. Who has made this law? If the law of gravity is there, why does it not apply to the big log? We can understand that Lord Ramacandra was able to make a bridge by causing the big stones to float n the water, so counteracting the law of gravitation is the law of the Supreme. Gravitation is caused by the Supreme Lord, so He is also able to remove that law or do anything and everything at His will. If you know something like swimming, then the law of gravitation will not work, and who knows better than Krishna how to do everything, so Krishna can change anything, therefore we worship Him as the greatest Scientist.

If a man knows swimming he can stay up. So if this much power has a man, what to speak of God. So we see that Ramacandra has the art how to make stones float. It is a question of knowing the art. Art means the display of intellectual energy. Everywhere we can see intelligence in everything, so the Lord knows the art of everything, so He can change anything, we cannot. The atheists and scientists are trying to get God out of things, we are doing just the opposite, trying to put God into everything. They are God-less, nonsense—we are God-full, God-sense or God-conscious.

Your idea to recruit many brahmacaris is nice. We need a class of men purely brahmanas. The whole world is full of sudras. The Krishna Consciousness movement is meant for re-establishing the system of four varnas and asramas, then there will be progress of civilization. We have got such a nice process that even from the base sudras we can create brahmanas of highest calibre. All the presidents of our centers should see that all the members are strictly observing the brahminical standards, such as rising early, cleansing at least twice daily, reading profusely, attending arati, like that. You begin immediately this process. That is the main work of GBC. Sometimes we see that even they do not wash hands after eating. Even after drinking water we should wash hands. That is suci. Suchi means purest. Everyone should join the mangal arati. Gradually, we should become more regulated and strict for following the rules and regulations. Otherwise we shall fall down.

You have got nice deities, now you make a nice silver throne like Los Angeles. Rukmini devi wants to install Caitanya Mahaprabhu, so Caitanya Mahaprabhu can be installed on the right side of Krishna, as you have seen in pictures from our Gaudiya Math temples. Nityananda there is no need. Simply three compartments, Gauranga and Spiritual masters in the first compartment, Radha and Krishna in the central compartment, and Lord Jagannatha in the third compartment. But if there is no room for three, then Radha-Krishna with Lord Caitanya on the right side with them, pictures of Spiritual Masters below.

So far merging of temples, do the needful. If there is waste of time they may be merged, I have no objection.

Letter to Bali-mardana -- Honolulu May 9, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 1, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully. I have written one letter to Rupanuga that he should take your help how to organize the weekly inventory and payment for books distributed, so you may see that letter from him and do the needful. I am very much pleased that you are producing so much nice literatures! You have done something since becoming manager of ISKCON Press, that is your credit. But one thing, you say that portions of Bhagavatam are missing. Pradyumna Prabhu says that he has sent the synonyms for chapters 15-33 in Canto 3 from Australia some time ago, but that the situation for receiving mail there in New York temple is not very good and that often letters are neglected or lost. Why these things are going on? I have appointed this GBC to maintain the standards. I don't do these things. I am always careful about the mail and the money. This is very serious business, if we go to so much effort to make these books available to the human society, and then no one takes care and portions are lost, and no money is paid by the temples to Book Fund, then what is the use? We must have a very efficient office at each temple, with facilities for prompt distribution of mail to the proper persons, not that the mail is simply left in a corner for everyone to pick through and find out for themselves. No, it should be delivered to the proper persons. And strict accounts must be kept. Atreya Rsi is there and he is always wanting some such engagement, why you do not engage him in being temple treasurer, keeping the accounts and records, answering the telephone? We must be very careful not to slide back into whimsically doing everything. You are GBC, and I see by the results of your being there that you are able to do these things, why you do not help Rupanuga and do them?

We have found Chapters 17, 18, 19 on one tape left by Aravinda, but chapters 14, 15, and 16 (part) are still missing. I do not know where Aravinda has gone, I have asked Bhagavan to find out his parents in Detroit and enquire from them. Or there is chance the missing parts are in a trunk we have sent from Bombay to Los Angeles. So I am very much disturbed that I shall work so hard and the manuscripts are lost. If they are not in that trunk, then I shall have to translate 14, 15, and 16 (part) again? Pradyumna is typing the chapters 16 through 20, so he shall be sending them very soon.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

cc: Rupanuga

Letter to Rupanuga -- Honolulu 9 May, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 5, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully. There seem to be vast discrepancies between your figures and those of Karandhara. For instance, he reports that since first of January, 1972, New York has remitted only $1243 to BTG Fund and $1538.20 to Book Fund, leaving balances due to BTG and Book Funds of $4571.05 and $5235.90 respectively. But you say your BTG debt is only $1,620 and BKF debt is only $3,897. If you are selling daily average of 2,000 literatures, why so little money is being paid by you on these debts? 60,000 pieces of literature per month means you should send the entire amount collected until this debt is completely eliminated. It is not good if such big temples who are setting the example for the whole Society do not pay their bills. This is most irregular. I am trying to retire from the administrative affairs, but if the presidents and GBC men make such disturbances then how I can be peaceful? Things should be maintained automatically, then it will be peaceful for me.

Karandhara says that New York is an "outstanding exception" to the regular payments of literature bills, and Bali Mardan has told me that you have "no inclination to supervise or check regularly on these financial matters, and thus it is left to a Treasurer who is also not very competent." He has suggested that you make weekly inventories and pay weekly for the books sold. That is a good idea. You can take his help, how to do it. You must organize these things in such a way that things will go on automatically and increase more and more. Now I do not know what is the real situation, they are saying one thing and you are saying another thing, but I want that this situation be immediately finished, and from now on all literature bills must be paid immediately by you.

Yes, I have no objection if some men go from Europe to India, but now I have received reports that the 30 men which you have sent there are not being engaged properly, so don't send any more until I hear that they are very much required and that the men already there are being properly engaged and utilized nicely. Now I want that we shall concentrate on making our devotees Krishna conscious and ourselves becoming Krishna conscious, and not be so much concerned with expanding ourselves widely but without any spiritual content. Just like boiling the milk, it becomes thicker and sweeter. Now do like that, boil the milk.

Letter to Ranadhira -- Honolulu 15 May, 1972:

We have received you letter dated 3/18/72 recommending Katila dasi for second initiation. Enclosed please find one copy of gayatri mantra. Hold a fire yajna and give gayatri mantra to her. Rupanuga has got a tape of me reciting gayatri mantra, so you can get a copy from him. One thing is that the tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear.

Letter to Satsvarupa -- Los Angeles 17 May, 1972:

Another thing, I am giving sannyasa to Rupanuga, Karandhara and Bali Mardan and as you have also asked me, I shall also be pleased to give you sannyasa. The others are coming to Los Angeles by the 25th May, 1972, and the ceremony will be held on the 27th May. However, as I am most probably coming to Dallas on my return from Mexico City, it is more practical to give you sannyasa order of life at that time. If possible you can also come and take sannyasa along with others.

Letter to Jagadisa -- Los Angeles 19 May, 1972:

Now I am in Los Angles and everything is going very nicely here. I think that you may also come here and see me. Rupanuga, Satsvarupa, and Bali Mardan are coming here also, at least before the 27th of this month because I am giving them the sannyasa order of life on that date along with Karandhara?. However, there is certainly no urgency for taking sannyasa. But if my senior disciples wish to take sannyasa then I shall give it. But there is no urgency.

Letter to Bibhu -- Los Angeles 21 May, 1972:

Either you or Ranadhira can hold a fire sacrifice and present sacred threads to Kutila and Mahendra. One thing, you can get a copy of me reciting Gayatri Mantra from Rupanuga in New York but the tape must be heard through the earphones into the right ear.

Letter to Bhavananda -- Los Angeles 28 May, 1972:

So you can hold a fire yajna and give them their second initiation. One thing, as you have got no tape of me reciting Gayatri Mantra, you may ask Dayananda in London or Rupanuga in New York to send you one. The tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear.

Letter to Madhudvisa -- Los Angeles 12 June, 1972:

I have instructed all of the GBC men to give up their staying in one place and to remain always constantly traveling throughout their zones from temple to temple. Recently, I have given Sannyasa order of life to Rupanuga, Satsvarupa, and Bali Mardan, and I have made Brahmananda the GBC man for Africa, and I wanted that you should be GBC man for South Pacific zone. So being Sannyasi is no hindrance for being also GBC. In fact, the duties of the GBC men are now to be just like the duties of the Sannyasis.

Letter to Bhargava -- Los Angeles 13 June, 1972:

I am feeling the tendency more and more to retire behind the scenes for translating work, and I want to turn over the management of everything to the GBC and other senior leaders amongst my disciples, so if you have in future any more matters for discussing you may assist me in training these leaders and managers by placing your questions before them. I think Rupanuga will be able to answer all of your questions satisfactorily, so you can be confident that he is giving you all good advice.

Letter to Prajapati -- Los Angeles 16 June, 1972:

Four beads also duly chanted by me have been sent by separate post. Hold a fire yajna and give gayatri mantra to Brhatratha, Cediraja, Somadasa, and Sarmistha dasi. Rupanuga has got a tape of me reciting gayatri mantra, so you can get this from him. One thing is that the tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear. So the fire yajna can be held for all 8 devotees.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Los Angeles 1 July, 1970:

I am in due receipt of your letter from Buffalo dated June 26, 1972, and I can very much appreciate the report therein. Yes, that is our main program, this traveling and preaching just as I am doing. Now you have to keep the institution in living condition in the near future, so as such you have to preach vigorously to the right point so that people will appreciate our movement and take to it. I am so much pleased that you have taken Sannyas and are preaching whole-heartedly. Do not worry about your wife and child, Krishna will take care of them. Just you save the foolish world from going to hell. Everyone has become already animals. They are not interested in morality, religion, or other subject matter of the human form of life. And when one is prepared to become animal, then what this school-college education will do? This material world seems to me like a dead body, and even though they try to decorate it very gorgeously, what use can we enjoy from such dead body? So practically we see the youth of your country have become very much frustrated by trying to enjoy this dead body, and they are seeking to find the point of real life which has been lost, but they are thinking that to become animals will give them new life, just like standing naked or growing long hairs. But without Krishna that is not possible. Therefore, it is your duty to inform them very seriously and tactfully that this dead body of material nature can only be revived if we inject it with Krishna Consciousness movement. If we do like this, then your country will become the most gorgeous place, it will be Vaikuntha.

Therefore, I am especially appealing to the GBC men to take this mission of Krishna Consciousness movement very, very soberly and without any inebrieties for advancing the knowledge of how to inject Krishna Consciousness into the dead body of material nature. And I am especially convinced that your government of your country must come forward to assist us. We may approach our government leaders with our simple formula and show to them by the practical result that we are accomplishing the reform work that they are trying to do by spending millions of dollars but not very successfully. We, on the other hand, are rescuing the most fallen members of society among the young people and giving them new life of spiritual or highly desirable qualities, such as honesty, cleanliness, truthfulness, morality, like that. Now you approach the government leaders and convince them in this way, and that will be the greatest achievement. They have got so much money for spending for human welfare activities, and practically we are demonstrating that they have given us foodstuffs in India and we are distributing them daily to not less than 500 men, and if they would give us more we could also increase more and more. Your government has got inclination to assist the unfortunate people of the world, and that is very nice idea, now they should understand also that we are very much anxious and capable to assist them in their great and noble endeavor by rendering our services amongst the unfortunate citizens. If they give us financial help in this matter of human welfare activities, we are prepared to save or rescue their entire population from the clutches of ruin and degradation of all sorts. As I think you have tried once before and you have met some important political leaders in your Washington, D.C., so I am requesting you especially should take up this task very seriously of convincing your nation's leaders to give us all cooperation, and we shall in turn volunteer our all services to help them. By our mutual combination I am certain that we can improve the entire humanity to the point of spiritual understanding and thus automatically eliminate the basis for wars, poverty, disease, inequality, insufficient supplies of foodstuffs, and so many other problems that plague our so-called civilized societies. Another thing is, wherever I shall be from now on I want the Bhagavata Seminar to go on. In San Diego, I spoke at one such seminar on "Hinduism" which attracted many scholarly persons from all over the United States. So I am thinking that if we arrange similar seminar programs in the future, wherever I am speaking at the time, that will be a great success. So I am coming to New Vrindaban for the Janmastami celebration by end of August from Europe, so if you can arrange and advertise widely for such Bhagavata Dharma seminar or festival, I shall speak for minimum 7 days on the subject matter of Bhagavata Dharma. You may invite all the intelligent class of men, like students, professors, philosophers, scientists, educationists, like that, and they can pay some fee and we shall give them all facilities for living, and they shall attend our classes daily for some set period and take away immense benefit. I am enclosing the copy of one sample advertisement for the seminar in San Diego. Similarly, we can arrange such seminar at New Vrindaban. What do you think?

Letter to Satsvarupa -- Los Angeles 1 July, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter from Cleveland dated June 26, 1972 and I have noted the contents with great pleasure. Similarly I have received such nice letters from Rupanuga and Hrdayananda, and I am very much satisfied that you are all feeling the serious nature of this Sannyasi mission.

Letter to Damodara -- London 6 August, 1972:

I am enclosing several documents relating to our food distribution program in India, and I have advised Rupanuga Goswami and Atreya Rsi to consult with you and the three of you shall approach important leaders there in Washington D.C. for getting foodstuffs and other substantial aid from your government. As I will be in that vicinity in September, if you arrange some meetings with some big government leaders there in Washington, I shall be happy to come down there from New Vrindaban.

Letter to Madhudvisa -- New Vrndavana 7 September, 1972:

Yesterday I have seen one Sankirtana bus presented by Rupanuga Maharaja, complete with kitchen, shower, and deity room. It is completely self-sufficient and can keep 8 to 10 men. Their program is to remain on the road going from town to town and village to village. Lord Caitanya wanted this business, so by the parampara system through my Guru Maharaja and my humble self, the matter is handed over to you. Now it is up to you American boys and girls to do the needful.

Letter to Kirtanananda -- Los Angeles 23 September, 1972:

So far purchasing the Allen farm is concerned, that you must decide in conjunction with Rupanuga, Hayagriva, and the others. But one thing is, we have not yet developed what we have got, so what is the point of expanding further? However if there is a good bargain and you think it is wise, I have no objection if you purchase the Allen farm, provided everyone agrees and there is sufficient money available.

Letter to Narottamananda -- Vrindaban 23 October, 1972:

Your programme for the university students is very very nice, try to do it seriously and with scholarly approach. Yes, your chief weapon will be prasadam, because everyone likes to eat nice foodstuffs and philosophy and other things will come gradually. In this way try to make many devotees, just like so many of you may top-grade disciples came from Buffalo university under direction of Rupanuga.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Vrindaban 24 October, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated nil, and with great pleasure I have read also the enclosed brochure "Who Will lead Us?" That is a new chapter for Krishna Consciousness movement. Now we shall begin to educate the politicians gradually. But they are so much corrupted by their sense gratification that we shall find it a difficult task. But if gradually we may present our philosophy in public places as you are doing in Atlanta, that will be appreciated by the intelligent class of men, and it will become well known that our philosophy of political leadership is of the highest standard and morality, and if anyone wants to advertise himself that he has made programme for the welfare of the people, he must be forced to compare his programme with ours so the citizens may judge which is better. Continue increasing this political activity, it is very pleasing to me.

But so far recommendation of the Indian government is concerned, they will not help us, that is to be expected. They are the most corrupt of all, simply levying taxes, living nicely at the public expense, plotting how to get votes, and if anyone approaches "please help us spread God-consciousness" they say "No" and make some excuse, that's all. Never mind, we do not rely upon Indian government or any government, we shall take our strength from Lord Caitanya and He has said that His Name shall be heard in every town and village, and He is God and we are doing His business, so what some government officials can do? But because we want to engage everyone in the service of Lord Caitanya, therefore we approach these rascals, just to engage them. So you may continue in this way to canvass government leaders, the Indian Tourist __ Kenneth Keating, and anyone and everyone to help us, there is no harm.

Regarding the KLM Airlines, Syamasundara. is corresponding with them in this connection and he shall write to you separately. We are trying to get one very huge and beautiful Palace of the Maharaja of Bharatapur, just on the Kesighat by Yamuna River in Vrindaban, and our devotees are living there now. He has promised to donate, so we shall know very soon if he is sincere. If we get this place, many many foreign tourists and devotees can be accommodated, it is so nice. So try to assist Syamasundara. from your side to attract many foreign tourists to stay with us in India.

I can understand from your letter that you are doing very nicely and everything is going well. But you did not inform me what is the progress on our new building in New York, whether there is any new proposal? You have loaned London the $30,000 for deposit on their new place, and they shall repay you, but if you require some money for deposit on some new place in New York I can immediately help you. Now go on collecting very vigorously and distribute books as many as possible, I think New York is the best field in the world for collecting money, and very soon Krishna will give you suitable place.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Hyderabad 18 November, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter undated, wherein you have requested me if you can again return to your wife. How is that? It will be a very bad example. It is not possible at all. Then you have to give up your sannyasi dress. So give up these thoughts. You cannot live together, that is not possible, neither you can see her or speak. If you want to keep her, she can remain separately and you can support her in that way, but you cannot see her. That means there are many other women loitering, so you may see her like that sometimes by chance, but you may not see separately or privately and you cannot talk with her, neither correspond.

Otherwise I am very glad to hear that all the programmes in Washington D.C. and other places are improving more and more, especially that you are distributing so many books and literatures. So far the Indian ambassador is concerned, I have just the other day had one meeting with Dr. Karan-Singh, the Minister of Tourism for India, and he greatly appreciates our movement and has promised all help, and he will give me free passage on Air-India if there is clause allowing. He has acknowledged that Air-India is advertising Krishna all over the world and attracting tourists in that way. Now we have seen that many foreign visitors are coming to India to see the sacred places like Vrindaban, and the KLM Airlines has requested us to guide their tourists in some scheme, so if the Ambassador may give us any assistance in this connection, so that we may not have difficulty entering the temples or we may have all government cooperation to be the excellent hosts for such tourism, that he can do quite easily. I am enclosing the letter from Dr. Karan-Singh that you may show to Mr. Shukla.

1973 Correspondence

Letter to Gunagrahi -- Calcutta 31 January, 1973:

In regard to preaching the glories of the Lord there are no hard and fast rules, we must simply always remain ourself fixed in Krsna Consciousness and then Krsna will give us the good guidance how to push things on. So since Rupanuga Maharaja is coming there you may discuss with him. I am desiring now to turn over the management of the society to my disciples, the temple presidents and GBC men especially, so cooperatively you may work out the management details.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Sydney 14 February, 1973:

I am in receipt of your letter dated 31/1/73. After conferring with my various GBC representatives I have concluded that polygamy must be strictly prohibited in our society. Although it is a Vedic institution still there are so many legal implications. Neither are many of our men fixed up enough to tend for more than one wife. Polygamy will simply increase the sex life and our philosophy is to gradually decrease the sex life till eventually there is no sex life. The policy should be that all the women are given the utmost protection. Women are looking for husbands because they feel unprotected so it is up to the senior members to give all protection to the women.

Regarding our sankirtana party members dressing up as hippies in order to increase book distribution this is not a very good plan. I am instructing Bali Mardan Maharaja that this should be stopped, that we should not give anyone cause to call us hippies, but the devotees can dress up in respectable clothes like ladies and gentlemen in order to distribute my literatures under special circumstances, but even this program should not become widespread. It should only go on under the supervision of Bali Mardan Goswami and Karandhara das.

Wherever there are individuals there is bound to be difference of opinion. Therefore for this purpose I have formulated the GBC. Therefore any new programs or proposals or discrepancies should be submitted before the Governing Board Commission and then their conclusion should be submitted to me for the final approval. In other words I am requesting you as my senior men not to tax my brain with so many details but simply come to a conclusion amongst yourselves and then present this final conclusion for my sanction. In this way I will be free to concentrate on my translation of Srimad-Bhagavatam.

I have the information of a few cases of illicit sex in our society but this is not an overall thing. And whether it is or not, the only cure is Hari Nama. You simply be engaged in chanting all day and serving Krishna and any time there is no service, simply chant Hare Krishna. Then there is no chance for illicit sex.

As far as studying my books is concerned, I have already given the order. One hour in the morning class and one hour in the evening and if there is extra time during the day it may be used for studying but we cannot expect everyone to be studious. If someone has desired to distribute books all day he may do this, but he must always follow the principles of rising early, chanting 16 rounds, etc. Just as some rich men have no inclination for studying, but still he opens many schools for others to study at. Like this, all of my students may not be inclined to study but they are very much eager to give others the opportunity to read my books and this should not be discouraged. All programs must go on but it is a fact that this book distribution program is very very important. It is real preaching work but I think this program for T.V. and radio is not so important. There are so many T.V. programs. Someone will see us on T.V. and then right after they will see some other nonsense and they will forget. Therefore it is better for them to read my books but I think your proposal for seriously organizing the college programs is first class. If this program is conducted in the proper fashion it can be our biggest book distribution outlet, I am convinced of this. You are advanced devotee and you should use your intelligence to convince the professors that they should use my books in the colleges. This will be the greatest service.

Regarding your question about taking Gaura-Nitai Deities with you on travelling Kirtana, this is not so important. When Caitanya Mahaprabhu was touring India He did not bring His Deity with Him. But if you can make proper arrangement then you may take them, but if you say you have no Brahmins then I think for the time being you may postpone this program.

I will be returning to Calcutta from my preaching tour in Australasia by the 2nd. of March and therefore I am requesting that you come to Calcutta no later than this date in order to travel with me and be my secretary for one month. If there is any difficulty in this would you please write to me at Auckland, New Zealand for I will be arriving there on the 19th of February. I hope this finds you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

P.S. I am in due receipt of your most recent letter and I can see if the T.V. agrees to endorse our books and show them on T.V., this is a good program and it must be continued.

Letter to Mukunda -- Auckland 21 February, 1973:

Just recently Rupanuga Das Goswami has had one very successful meeting with Kenneth Keating, the American Ambassador to India and he has agreed to be our chief guest when we open our center in downtown Manhattan.

Letter to Trai -- India 4 March, 1973:

That London doctor that Kesava mentioned to Rupanuga Maharaja is bogus. Depend on Krsna and consult a general doctor. Nobody can guarantee life. It is a little hellish but without Krsna nobody can be a saint or relieved from distresses.

Letter to Trai -- India 4 March, 1973:

Now I have enclosed three sacred threads duly chanted by me. In Rupanuga Maharaja's absence, you may obtain a tape and instructions from Bali Mardan Maharaja in New York and hold one fire sacrifice.

Letter to Abhirama -- Calcutta 6 March, 1973:

As far as the Deities are concerned, we do not want to repeat the same mistake again, so it is better that you wait to get some more brahmanas before installing Them again. For worshiping the banyan tree, the representation of Krsna, simply offer a little flower, incense and water. Of course, now I am trying to get more valuable time for my translating of Bhagavatam, so you may consult in these matters with Rupanuga Maharaja, your GBC representative.

Letter to Bali-mardana -- Calcutta March 7, 1973:

You have been to India so you know the importance of the life membership program here, so I am requesting that you personally attend to some items needed here for the preaching work in that connection. Rupanuga is writing the specifics to you under separate cover.

Letter to Bhumata -- Calcutta 10 March, 1973:

Now you can consult my Governing Body Commission for advice in your situation. I have no objection to your establishing a center there in Nashville, but these matters I am leaving up to my GBC. The GBC representative for your area is Rupanuga das Goswami who is presently here with me as my secretary for one month. He will be returning to the USA by the first week in April to New York City and I think you can leave a message for him there where he can reach you and he can see you personally in the matter. In the meantime you can make arrangements again with Atlanta for more literature making the proper arrangement for payment also.

Letter to Sudama -- Hyderabad 23 March, 1973:

You mentioned about your Temple bus, and that is very nice. When I saw Rupanuga's bus in New Vrndavana I wanted that there be a whole fleet. But you should not take Radha-Krsna travelling, better you take Gaura-Nitai. For serving Gaura-Nitai there is no offense, but if Radha-Krsna is there and there is some discrepancy, then there is great offense and this should be avoided. Therefore, I gave the same advice to Visnujana when I was in Pittsburgh.

Letter to Amarendra -- Los Angeles 19 April, 1973:

You are asking me to advise what should be your program, but now I wanting to leave these matters in the hands of my disciples. I have created GBC specifically for this purpose. If you the elder disciples cannot manage things, then what is the future of the society? My business now is to sit down and write my books, and I am requesting you all to please cooperate with me in this endeavor. So I think you can take advice from Rupanuga Maharaja, as he is my authorized agent. So I am sending him your letter and a copy of this letter in this regard.

Both you and your wife are nice Krishna conscious devotees. You have all good talents to use in Krishna's service. My request is that you simply remember Krishna always and I will pray for your ever increasing advancement in Krishna consciousness.

I hope this finds you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


cc: Rupanuga Maharaja

Letter to Sama -- Los Angeles 6 May, 1973:

I am pleased to accept Bhaktin Pattie as my initiated disciple and am enclosing a separate letter for her. Now hold a fire yajna and send her beads to Rupanuga das Goswami for chanting on.

Letter to Damodara -- Letchmore Heath, England 23 July, 1973:

Yes, I have recently received a full report from Rupanuga Maharaja on the activities of the Washington D.C. and especially how you are most enthusiastic about book distribution and that you are fixing to purchase the house. I am very glad that you are taking so seriously your duty as president of our D.C. center, so certainly Krsna will give you all assistance in your preaching mission.

Letter to Karandhara -- Bombay 4 October, 1973:

Herewith also find enclosed one letter from Mr. Alfred Reis written on behalf of Mr. Eustace Paul. . He wants to give us a house but wants me to come there personally. I have written to Rupanuga and Hanuman but whether they have done anything about it I do not know. The thing is that if my presence is required, then he should send round trip tickets for four. I think this will be costly, so if possible try to settle it there. You can contact Rupanuga or Hanuman of Citsukhananda.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Bombay 13 October, 1973:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 29, 1973 together with the campaign materials. Regarding Guyana, if the money is there, so you open an office and print books. That will be all right. Yes, Kesava may be GBC man for South America. That is approved by me. And you can incorporate Central America into the Eastern Zone. So do it with great enthusiasm. I am very glad to learn that men are joining in Santo Domingo. So far as getting a non-American for going to Cuba, you can take a man from Mexico.

I am very glad to learn of the book distribution. You keep the paperbook editions. Why people should pay unnecessarily? Regarding your question about the spiritual world and the material world, there may be maya, but one who is Krsna conscious has nothing to do with it, exactly like there is the police department but the law abiding citizen has nothing to do with it. In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated: daivi hy esa gunamayi/ mama maya duratyaya/ mam eva ye prapadyante/ mayam etam taranti te. (BG 7.14). In answer to your other question, yes, the heat is bodily temperature.

Regarding the initiations, I accept the following as my disciples:

Anupama Das (Rupa Goswami's younger brother)—Frank

Nikhilesvari dasi—Nora

Also enclosed is one sacred thread for Vrajajana Das Brahmacari. . So you can chant on the beads and perform the sacrifice. I also give the gayatri mantra second initiation to Bhagyavati dasi. You can give them the translation right away.

Letter to Gunagrahi -- Bombay 14 October, 1973:

See to it that they are engaged in Krsna's service, following the rules and regulations, and always chanting Hare Krsna. You can have Rupanuga das Goswami chant on their beads.

Letter to Damodara -- Letchmore Heath, England 25 November, 1973:

I am always very much encouraged when senior devotees like yourself and Rupanuga Maharaja are tending to their Lordships. This gives me assurity that our high standard will continue. Thank you very much for this, I am sure that Krishna will give you all intelligence in how you can improve your service to Krishna.

Letter to Abhirama -- Los Angeles 1 December, 1973:

So you take instruction from Rupanuga Maharaja on how to properly perform the yajna after he has chanted on their beads. Each disciple should go for collecting guru-daksine after the ceremony and the proceeds may be sent here c/o Karandhara.

Letter to Gunagrahi -- Los Angeles 6 December, 1973:

I hereby accept on your recommendation, Hasyakari Prabhu and his wife Nari devi dasi as my second initiated disciples. Enclosed find one thread duly chanted on by me and two gayatri sheets. You may take instruction from Rupanuga Maharaja on the proper performance of a yajna and the mantra may be heard through the right ear from the cassette tape recording.

Letter to Trai -- Los Angeles 8 December, 1973:

Rupanuga Maharaja may chant their beads. Take good care of them all and always be an example for them to follow in Krsna Consciousness.

Letter to Mahendra -- Los Angeles 11 December, 1973:

I hereby accept Brahma das and Sukhada dasi for second initiation. Enclosed find one thread and two gayatri mantra sheets. Take instruction from Rupanuga Maharaja on how to properly hold the fire sacrifice and have the initiates listen to the gayatri cassette tape through the right ear.

I also accept Peggy McArdle for first initiation and her spiritual name is Vidambha dasi. Rupanuga Maharaja may chant on her beads.

1974 Correspondence

Letter to Trai -- Hong Kong 1 February, 1974:

In his last GBC report, Rupanuga Maharaja wrote that you are delinquent in sending him regular reports. The system of temple presidents sending twice monthly reports to the GBC was devised by me to facilitate my receiving news of all the centers through the GBC. You are free to write me directly when the occasion arises, but do not neglect to send regular reports to Rupanuga Maharaja.

Letter to Abhirama -- Hong Kong 1 February, 1974:

In his latest GBC report, Rupanuga Maharaja wrote that you are delinquent in sending him regular reports. The system of temple presidents sending twice monthly reports to the GBC was devised by me to facilitate my receiving news of all the centers through the GBC. You are free to write me directly when the occasion arises, but do not neglect to send regular reports to Rupanuga Maharaja.

Letter to Uttamasloka -- Vrindaban 18 March, 1974:

Be sure to instruct them on the ten offenses and their obligation to chant at least 16 rounds daily, without fail. You may send their beads to Rupanuga Maharaja for chanting, and you may hold a fire yajna in the temple.

Letter to Amarendra -- Bombay 21 March, 1974:

Their beads may be chanted on by Rupanuga Maharaja. You may hold a fire yajna and speak about avoiding the ten offenses in chanting. Please instruct these students in all ways so that they can advance nicely in your care in Krsna Consciousness.

Letter to Balavanta -- Bombay 21 March, 1974:

You may send their beads to Rupanuga Maharaja for chanting. Instruct them carefully in avoiding the ten offenses, and make sure that they and everyone in the temple is chanting at least 16 rounds daily, without fail.

Letter to Hasyakari -- Bombay 21 March, 1974:

You may send their beads to Rupanuga Maharaja for chanting. Hold a fire yajna in the temple and impress on all these new devotees that they must chant at least 16 rounds daily, without fail and refrain from the four sinful activities. If one observes just these principles he will be rapid progress in spiritual life.

Letter to Damodara -- Bombay, India 23 March, 1974:

His beads may be chanted on by Rupanuga Maharaja. Please hold a fire yajna and speak to him on the ten offenses against chanting. Personally see that he is chanting at least 16 rounds daily, without fail. By your own example you have to keep all the devotees enthusiastic and that is done by strict adherence to the regulative principles.

Letter to Balavanta -- Tirupati 28 April, 1974:

Your work in America with the God We Trust Party is very inspiring to me. If anywhere they will take seriously the principles of Bhagavad gita As It Is, that will be America. We are getting good response and being taken seriously as I have seen in the reports from Amarendra there is even prospect that we may capture some post. I have written a letter to Rupanuga Maharaja and you may get information from him on the importance of our men themselves following the brahminical regulative principles, least in the midst of political work you forget the aim of life which is to remember Krsna. So go on as you are doing enthusiastically and give me information.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Tirupati 28 April, 1974:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of April 17, from Washington D.C. and I have very carefully noted the contents.

Regarding Mayapur, as you have begun this program should be regularly followed once a year: meet in Mayapur and chalk out activities for the year. Then, next year meet and see how far things are being done and if necessary make changes for responsible GBC and presidents etc. The meeting is very valuable and must be carried out regularly every year. But one thing is that at Mayapur last time most of the time was spent discussing but no program was made firm for the year. For example, our Tamala Krsna Goswami never proposed to go to the USA at the meeting but now he has decided to go back to the U.S.A. Of course you can go back, but if the matter is discussed at the meeting, then a GBC vote could be taken and they could have selected a replacement. Now this replacement I have to bother. It is not difficult for me, but why wasn't their discussion of the meeting. Now Karandhara has written asking to come back and I have called him to come to Bombay and if possible he can be engaged as GBC for India.

You are right about Sridhara Maharaja's genuineness. But in my opinion he is the best of the lot. He is my old friend, at least he executes the regulative principles of devotional service. I do not wish to discuss about activities of my Godbrothers but it is a fact they have no life for preaching work. All are satisfied with a place for residence in the name of a temple, they engage disciples to get foodstuff by transcendental devices and eat and sleep. They have no idea or brain how to broadcast the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. My Guru Maharaja used to lament many times for this reason and he thought if one man at least had understood the principle of preaching then his mission would achieve success. In the latter days of my Guru Maharaja he was very disgusted. Actually, he left this world earlier, otherwise he would have continued to live for more years. Still he requested his disciples to form a strong Governing body for preaching the cult of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He never recommended anyone to be acarya of the Gaudiya Math. But Sridhara Maharaja is responsible for disobeying this order of Guru Maharaja, and he and others who are already dead unnecessarily thought that there must be one acarya. If Guru Maharaja could have seen someone who was qualified at that time to be acarya he would have mentioned. Because on the night before he passed away he talked of so many things, but never mentioned an acarya. His idea was acarya was not to be nominated amongst the governing body. He said openly you make a GBC and conduct the mission. So his idea was amongst the members of GBC who would come out successful and self effulgent acarya would be automatically selected. So Sridhara Maharaja and his two associate gentlemen unauthorizedly selected one acarya and later it proved a failure. The result is now everyone is claiming to be acarya even though they may be kanistha adhikari with no ability to preach. In some of the camps the acarya is being changed three times a year. Therefore we may not commit the same mistake in our ISKCON camp. Actually amongst my Godbrothers no one is qualified to become acarya. So it is better not to mix with my Godbrothers very intimately because instead of inspiring our students and disciples they may sometimes pollute them. This attempt was made previously by them, especially Madhava Maharaja and Tirtha Maharaja and Bon Maharaja but somehow or other I saved the situation. This is going on. We shall be very careful about them and not mix with them. This is my instruction to you all. They cannot help us in our movement, but they are very competent to harm our natural progress. So we must be very careful about them.

Our students who are making this political program must be fixed in one point that human society unless divided into the four classes and divisions is animal society. Among the animals there is no intelligence for self realization or how to make life successful. In human life intelligence is better than animals therefore they should know what is the aim of life and to educate human society there is the whole Vedic literature, of which the Bhagavad gita is the quintessence. The Supreme Personality of Godhead orders that there must be four division in human society, a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th class, like that, and the 1st must be ideal. If the whole society is full of rogues, thieves, drunkards, cheaters and demons, where is there question of decent government. There must be division so the lower class men may aspire to be second class men. So far we are concerned we are trying to train first class men. How much great responsibility we have to follow regulative principles, chant the beads, live with personal character etc. Regulative principles means to especially execute devotional service in terms of the revealed scriptures under the direction of the spiritual master. By fulfilling the regulative principles you come to the platform of spontaneous love for Krsna. Spontaneous love for Krsna is there already but is covered by the influence of Maya. The regulative principles are a device how to overcome the influence of maya and come to the platform of spontaneous love of Krsna. If we want to exist as first class men in society all our students must be induced to following the regulative principles. One shouldn't think artificially he has come to the spontaneous platform. That is sahajiyaism.

The GBC must be vigilant by following the regulative principles and teach by ideal character the presidents of the centers, and the presidents by their ideal character must teach the others then automatically all members of the whole institution will be ideal to the human society. Then we can dictate to administrators or sometimes take hold of the administration. In the absence of competent leaders we may take the post. But we must be very careful in the flow of the political movement we may not forget our ideal life. For example, Parasaram was a Brahmin but when he found the ksatriyas were mismanaging he killed them twenty one times and some of them fled to European countries. This is the history. So far we are concerned we shall keep ourselves in ideal brahminical position and if need be if no ksatriya or Vaisya is here we can take up their work as emergency. Our business is to create ideal ksatriyas and vaisyas but beyond that our real business is to keep ourselves as ideal Brahmins. If we are not ideal we cannot create others as ideal. Training is required for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes of social constitution. Persons who are not fit for being advanced by training are sudras or less than that. At the present moment in the world state, there are sudras and less than that. There are no ideal brahmanas or ksatriyas. But these four divisions are imperative. So our business is to keep fit as brahmanas and to train others to be ideal ksatriyas and vaisyas for advancing the whole society. As Krsna says in the Srimad-Bhagavatam:

Tamala Krsna Goswami is going to Los Angeles and I shall give him instruction to join Madhudvisa Swami, Bali Mardan and Jayatirtha and reform the deficiencies. As soon as there is a little deficiency we must repair it or it will create a big hole and the ship will drown. So I have said keep fit. I saw this Vrindaban Candra and Prajapati as a little sentimental without thoroughly understanding. Without following the regulative principles advancement is doubtful, and one may fall at any moment.

As for drugs, not just one party, but everyone was involved. Our process is to reform. Everyone is under the clutches of maya. If we follow the regulative principles we can get out and come to spontaneous love. A diseased man is always under the clutches of disease. But if he follows the prescribed orders given by the __ __ he can be cured. Now, how to reform? If we ask him to go away the whole society will be finished. In the hospital many patients are there and the attempt is made to cure them, not to tell them to go away or to kill them. They try their best to cure them. If they tell them to get out of the hospital or if they kill them, that is easy.

Initiation should be given as a future hope, but we should be careful about the second initiation. As recommended by the president or GBC they should only do so when they are quite confident of a man. Otherwise, he should not be recommended. If you follow this principle it will be successful. Every day I am getting request for second initiation, but I do not know. The responsibility goes to the presidents who pick them. Unless they are thoroughly convinced second initiation should not be given. In the beginning we may be a little lenient. But if someone falls down after being initiated he should not be credited with second initiation.

Letter to Amarendra -- Bombay 29 April, 1974:

So I am very much encouraged by this political field in America. The people there are very intelligent and they take your statements seriously. I do not need to tell you to push on with this work in serious concentration because I see you are already very determined. In this connection you may see a letter I have just sent yesterday to Rupanuga Goswami in which I have described the need for our political devotees to always stay firmly fixed up in the regulative principles so they will be actually brahmanas. Preach on the basis of the division of the society into four orders, as without this the society is useless and people cannot be happy or even have the necessities of life.

Letter to Trai -- Rome 27 May, 1974:

Sometime in the past Rupanuga Maharaja reported that you were not sending him regular reports so he could compile his GBC report to me; please cooperate with him in this so our huge organization can run smoothly in all its parts.

Letter to Rupanuga:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 21st, 1974.

I am not interested to spend money for your political party neither engage our men to divert attention from spiritual progress for political propaganda. So studying your letter thoroughly I have come to the conclusion you may stop the political program. It will not benefit our real spiritual position.

My only idea was to point out to the public that unless you have purified leaders there is no possibility of advancement even in the material condition. I had no idea to spend money and energy of our society in a way which is not our real spiritual life. As for the Harmonist articles, they are not bad, but the same thing could be presented in our Back to Godhead.

Letter to Damodara -- Paris 8 June, 1974:

You have asked about Rupanuga. So I have asked him to not remain secluded but to work vigorously as grhastha now that he has returned with his wife. There is nothing wrong in his preaching as you are and so many GBCs, as grhastha. So although it is officially a falldown from sannyasa, there is no loss if he will become more enthusiastic by this way. So please continue to cooperate with him and implement all our regular programs.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Paris 8 June, 1974:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 3, 1974 and I have carefully examined the contents.

Yes, I could observe that your mind was disturbed on account of meeting your wife privately. There is no need of hide and seek. Better live as husband and wife as householders and in great enthusiasm execute the Krishna Consciousness movement. There are many GBC who are grhastha. you can remain for management of the temples and also work in the schools and colleges for introducing our books in the libraries. The recent reports of this work have been very favorable. Take up this line more seriously helped by your good wife and that will be nice.

I have stopped the political movement because it will not help us. It is a very filthy atmosphere. Better you do not indulge in those things with expenditure of money and spiritual energy.

So you should not consider taking sannyasa again, but in your country it is not a great thing. Although officially it is a falldown from sannyasa, in your country no one understands sannyasa. The more important principle is that we should purify our thoughts and engage them in Krsna's service. Please try to understand this important principle: being disgusted with their nasty thoughts people sometimes attempt to become thoughtless, but this is never possible. We should encourage everyone to not become thoughtless but to purify their thinking by always thinking of Krsna in the recommended ways. So I request you to go back preaching vigorously along with your wife who is also a good preacher.

Letter to Abhirama -- Vrindaban 16 August, 1974:

As you have suggested, you may hold a fire sacrifice and the beads may be chanted upon by Rupanuga Prabhu. You should impress upon the new disciples that they are taking vows before Radha and Krsna, the spiritual master, and the Vaisnavas. They must always chant at least 16 rounds daily and avoid the four sinful activities.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Vrindaban 4 September, 1974:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated August 17 1974 and August 26, 1974 and have noted the contents. As you are appreciating my books, so if all educated people in your country also appreciate, that will expand our missionary activities.

One thing I received one letter from Gurukula regarding the Krsna Bowl contests, and I want you to know that nothing new should be added. Whatever I have introduced should remain. Nothing new should be added. New things means their brain is not clear. Carefully manage things what I have established.

I am glad to learn that in Philadelphia they are increasing Sankirtana. It is our life and soul. Sankirtana should be increased as much as possible. Side by side is book selling. Then our mission will be successful. It is also good that in Atlanta they are doing college courses. Similar attempts should be made in other places.

Regarding the Buffalo project, New Vrindaban is the example. You should develop in a similar way. Have milk, vegetables, simple living, and chanting Hare Krsna. The whole world is engaged in unnecessary hard labor with their factories. It is a brain killing civilization. Let them come to free life. Spend time chanting Hare Krsna, reading books and making their lives successful. This is very essential propaganda. People must be informed.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Mayapur 1 October, 1974:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 12, 1974 (sic) and have noted the contents. We do not allow divorce, but in your country it is a common thing. Although we do not like it, according to the country, what can be done? There is a Sanskrit saying, Do according to the country's laws. If both the present husband and wife agree to divorce, then they can do it and re-marry, what can be done?

Letter to Kirtanananda -- Mayapur 5 October, 1974:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 24, 1974 with enclosed check for Dollars 500.00, color photos, building plans, and one letter and check for Dollars 50.00 forwarded by you. I was thinking that I have not received any check from Kirtanananda since considerable time passed, so immediately Krishna has sent the check. Thank you.

Regarding New Vrindaban I was very happy when I was there, not only myself but all devotees and GBC members all enjoyed the atmosphere of New Vrindaban, especially the cow protection scheme. May Krishna give more facilities to advance the cause of New Vrindaban, and I am expecting very soon to go there and live in my proposed palace at least for some time.

From the pictures anyone will see that you have organized New Vrindaban very nicely. It is just like Krishna's Vrindaban. Now they are happy in New Vrindaban both animals and men. Here in one picture is Kirtanananda instructing the cow to chant Hare Krishna. In another picture the boys and the cows are being taken equal care. Everyone is living very peacefully and eating very nicely. There is so much land. This is real Vrindaban life. In Vrindaban Krishna calls the cows each by his own name. When cows were purchased in the beginning I have seen them crying because the calf was taken for killing. They can understand. Not that they are animal and cannot understand. The neighboring farmers come and they are astonished at the nice preparations made from their milk. I see in the small cottages they are living very, very happily. The cows are grazing, and the male members are doing the work. Local flowers are used for the garlands. Yes, New Vrindaban is almost a small state. Some of the rogues are envious. Rogues are always envious when they see something nice. Even Hayagriva will not leave that place. He is living very happily there.

The plans for the palace are very nice. It is a temple, like Jagannatha temple. It is very calm and quiet there. I like it. In the beginning when Hayagriva purchased, I immediately gave him the idea of New Vrindaban—cow protection. On the whole our New Vrindaban scheme is successful.

There is one vacancy in the GBC Board, so myself in consultation with Brahmananda Maharaja and Jayatirtha Prabhu, we have decided you can fill up the post. This will be confirmed in the next GBC meeting. In the meantime I wish you may accept this responsibility. My desire is that some of our experienced members who have proved their sincerity of service may form the GBC Board so that the management of the whole institution may go on smoothly, and I may be relieved of affairs of management which hampers my writing of books because my attention is diverted. At present the following members are on the GBC Board: 1. Jayatirtha, 2. Hrdayananda, 3. Rupanuga, 4. Jagadisa, 5. Satsvarupa, 6. Brahmananda, 7. Madhudvisa, 8. Hamsaduta, 9. Bhagavan, 10. Bali Mardan, 11. Tamala Krishna.

So I request you all to follow strictly the regulative principles, especially the chanting on the beads. GBC means to be a practical example to all residents of temples and devotees. If all of us follow this principle of purity, our spiritual position will remain sound, and maya will not touch us. mayam etam tarantite. A fully surrendered soul always remains untouched by the hand of maya. Otherwise it is not possible.

Recently there has been some provocation in our Society regarding Bali Mardan and his wife. Jayatirtha has received a bunch of complaints. Similarly Brahmananda Maharaja has also received, so far so that his wife is eating chicken in the temple. This has hampered me very much, so I wish to form an investigation committee. of three members, namely Tamala Krishna Goswami, Rupanuga Prabhu, and yourself. I am informing them also in this connection with a copy of this letter. So you combine together and investigate about the charges against Bali Mardan and his wife made by the following devotees: 1. Tosana Krishna, 2. Cindy Liston, 3. Kirtiraja, 4. Omkara Dasi, 5. Navadvipa 6. Ramesvara das, 7. Sudama Swami, 8. Jaya Ram das, 9. Sunita devi, 10. Gopala Krishna, 11. Atreya Rsi, 12. Anonymous. Kindly try your best to stop this provocation in our Society and I shall be much obliged to you all. Please submit your combined report as soon as possible.

Also regarding the devotees you have recommended, I have accepted them and their names are as follows: Mike Hoare—Manonatha dasa, Tony Riccardi—Tejomaya, Alfred Tarantino—Ajeya dasa, Terry Sheldon—Tapahpunja dasa, Catherine Conners—Khastha devi dasi. I have also accepted the following as twice initiated: Candramauli das, Krsna-sravana das, Gopinatha das, Krpacarya das, Vahna das, Cirantana das, Gomata devi dasi, Vidya devi dasi, Bhaktiniddhi devi dasi, Vrajasana devi dasi, Vrajeswara devi dasi, Visvadika devi dasi. The threads duly sanctified are enclosed. You can impress upon the initiates that they are taking vows at the fire sacrifice before Krishna and Radha, the spiritual master, and the Vaisnavas, so they should not deviate or fail to follow our principles.

I Hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


cc: Tamala Krsna Goswami, New York

Rupanuga Prabhu, Miami

Letter to Rupanuga -- Mayapur 19 October, 1974:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 22, 1974 and have noted the contents. Regarding Sankirtana and book distribution, book distribution is also chanting. Anyone who reads the books that is also chanting and hearing. Why distinguish between chanting and book distribution? These books I have recorded and chanted, and they are transcribed. It is spoken kirtanas. So book distribution is also chanting. These are not ordinary books. It is recorded chanting. Anyone who reads, he is hearing. Book distribution must not be neglected. If things deteriorate that is another thing, but it is not the fault of book distribution.

In Gainesville the students can live with us, why not? Anyone who agrees to follow our rules and regulations can be admitted.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Bombay 7 November, 1974:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 1, 1974 with enclosed clipping. But, I have not yet received the report of the inquiry commission investigating the charges against Bali Mardan. (Later on heard something by telephone message to Brahmananda)

Regarding your GBC report, at the Buffalo farm the deer were eating daily the crop or all at once? Regarding Boston, it is a better house they have now purchased? What is the price and what are the facilities? Regarding the book distribution increasing in Philadelphia. yes we are getting such reports of increasing book distribution from all over. In L.A. they have sold over 600 copies of the new Srimad-Bhagavatam in one weekend.

Atlanta facility of 10 acre and 3 building sounds very nice. Purchasing or renting doesn't matter. Only here in India is a purchased house more important than a rented house. The prasadam program must be continued and increased. It is very good program for attracting the students. They have never tasted this kind of foodstuffs. Regarding Miami that you want to replace Abhirama, yes a capable man must be there, what can be done. But I have already written that he can marry that girl and divorce his wife. Regarding Washington, D.C., that Damodara is also resigning, we are increasing in so many ways, but our men are deteriorating. What to do? Regarding Gainesville installation of Gaura-Nitai, where did you get the murtis from?

I hope this meets you in good health.

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


N.B. Regarding replacing Abhirama and Damodara I refer to the "Direction of Management" as follows: "Removal of a Temple President by GBC requires support by the local Temple members." Therefore you should take a vote of the Temple members and do the needful. A.C. B.S.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Bombay 8 November, 1974:

I have seen your letter dated October 31, 1974 addressed to Brahmananda Swami and have noted the contents with care. I have not yet received the report from the Enquiry Commission, but there are four points to be enquired. The first is the meat eating and chicken eating in the temple and even in the Deity kitchen where the prasadam for the Deities is prepared. This is the most serious complaint. And, in spite of the meat eating Taittiriya was allowed to worship the Deity.

The second is the complaint of abusing the devotees and exploiting their service for accumulating money and for aggrandizing himself and herself both. The third is her real identity. And, the fourth is whether actually the building negotiation is going on.

So from your letter the first and second points are corroborated by the Enquiry Commission. Regarding the fourth point about the negotiations for the building purchase, I have written one letter just now to Taittiriya whether according to her letter dated September 11, 1974 she has taken possession of the 5th Avenue house. If it is not taken and no proper reply is received, then surely it is all bogus; and if the transaction is bogus, then the third point, her identity, is also bogus.

So the conclusion is I like Bali Mardan and love him, but if he is still after this bogus wife then I shall have to take action. There is no alternative.

Regarding Abhirama, in your letter you mention that in Miami it is so important center, 65 devotees, growing each day, ideal location. So Abhirama, has done this. He has done much service. He cannot be removed whimsically. Sex disturbance is the permanent disease of the Western people. Anyway I have already written you that the local members must agree for him to be removed by you, according to the "Direction of Management." Regarding his divorce enclosed is one letter dated 1/10/74 regarding this.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Bombay 8 December, 1974:

If there is a possibility of moving the Press within a year, then you may not move the Press now. It will be a unnecessary expense. Rupanuga's letter in this connection is not yet received. Yes, New York needs a big house. I am not expert in giving my opinion in this matter, so you three, Ramesvara, Radhavallabha, and yourself consider and do what is best.

Letter to Gopijanavallabha -- Bombay 12 December, 1974:

I was tolerating because she was to give the buildings. Bali Mardan said she was this and that, and so I believed. Anyway somehow or other they are out. This is nice. So you all have acted very sensibly. So go on with your Krishna consciousness business. Rupanuga and Kirtanananda Swami I understand are going there, so organize things nicely. We shall try to save Bali Mardan from this fall down. He is a good boy, but he has been mislead.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Bombay 18 December, 1974:

I am in due receipt of your two letters dated Dec. 4, 1974 and Dec. 16, 1974 and I have noted the contents very carefully. I was very much relieved to hear all of the good reports coming from you about New York and I thank you very much for seeing that everything is going on nicely there. As you mention in your letter that the United States is probably the most fertile preaching ground in the world and that the East coast is the best out of that, therefore our New York city temple is an extremely important center and the standard of purity in Krsna Consciousness must be maintained there by all means. If somehow or other we can convince the majority of the United States population to take to Krsna Consciousness then the whole world will become Krsna Conscious. This is a fact. The United States is the leader of all other nations. You simply educate the people in this Krsna Conscious philosophy and then there will be no difficulty in capturing the government. In your country there is very good system of democracy. As we have seen just recently the people, as the common people have so much power, that they were able to get down this Nixon, who is obviously a rascal. So if we can simply convince a good majority of persons then they will automatically want a Krsna Conscious leader. And if there are Krsna Conscious leaders in the government then they will act as Krsna's representative and will be able to save the world from the disastrous condition of life. At the present moment there is nothing but great calamity but by injecting Krsna Consciousness into the masses we can change this situation greatly. Because New York is such an important center we must have a very good building. Therefore I want that you somehow or other get this New York Theological Seminary building at once. From the photographs it appears very big and capable of satisfying all our needs. And according to your letter it is an excellent location. And we can arrange for the money. So there is no difficulty. Try to get it as soon as possible. This will be very pleasing to me.

Your sankirtana reports are very encouraging, especially that one girl, Gauri dasi, who has set an all ISKCON women's record of 108 big books. This is very wonderful. Formerly this would have been considered impossible, but now by Krsna's grace everything is becoming possible. Encourage them all to increase more and more. Now Tripurari Prabhu is there and he can train the others. This book distribution is the essence of our mission.

Our farm projects are an extremely important part of our movement. We must become self-sufficient by growing our own grains and producing our own milk, then there will be no question of poverty. So develop these farm communities as far as possible. They should be developed as an ideal society depending on natural products not industry. Industry has simply created godlessness, because they think they can manufacture everything that they need. Our Bhagavad-gita philosophy explains that men and animals must have food in order to maintain their bodies. And the production of food is dependent on the rain and the rain of course is dependent on chanting Hare Krsna. Therefore let everyone chant Hare Krsna, eat nicely and keep their bodies fit and healthy. This is ideal life style. We do not condemn modern civilization but we don't like to get it at the cost of God Consciousness, that is suicide. Your farm in Pennsylvania sounds very nice. As far as Bali Mardan beng involved with the management he will have nothing to do with that. The two men you have appointed, Paramananda and Devakinandana Prabhus, are both capable and experienced men from New Vrndavana and I am sure they will manage everything very nicely there.

What do you think of exporting nice United States cows such as the ones you have there and in New Vrndavana to India so we can raise them in our Vrndavana and Mayapur projects and provide nice milk? Is it possible?

This isolation that has been imposed on the New York temple that you speak of is not good and it should be dissolved. Your program of travelling to the nearest temples is a good program. You should continue that. Our GBC members should always visit the different temples to see that everything goes on well, and to see that the management is being done very nicely.

In connection with the devotees coming to India for the Mayapur festival in 1975, if they come on the 20th of March that is alright. Our installation for the Krsna-Balarama Mandir in Vrndavana will be on April 20th so the devotees should get visas that will allow them to stay until this installation ceremony takes place in April. I think if you make a special request to get these visas explaining about our two very important festivals that there will be no difficulty and they will give them. But I want that the devotees will stay until the temple in Vrndavana opens.

Your idea about Gopala Krsna going to L.A. to see how things are going, for a week, is a good idea. He can do that. But I do not want him to give up his job. If he could manage Spiritual Sky without giving up his job, that would be one thing, but I don't want him to lose that job. And your second suggestion about him coming to India for GBC business that is also a very welcome idea. He is fully capable and qualified for being GBC of India. But I want him to maintain his job for now anyway. Immediately although, you can make him one of the GBC men. His name can be added to the list. We can decide about the idea of him coming to India at our next GBC meeting in Mayapur. You asked in your letter whether Gurudasa Prabhu is authorized to collect money from US temples for Vrndavana project. No, he is not authorized to do this.

In regards to the $180,000 that was received in discounts. That money should be reinvested in printing books.

New York is now saved from the hands of this woman. Unfortunately it has victimized our Bali Mardan. He is a very nice boy but somehow or another he has become victimized by this woman. I do not know how he could be victimized by such a woman who is of mothers age. Somehow or another we must save Bali Mardan as he is very much attached to this woman.

You mention that in our Buffalo project that Saptaratha Prabhu is there making nice doll display for the temple. You should tell him that others should also learn from him how to make these dolls. We have to make these doll displays for all of our temples all over the world, on all different subject matters, from the scriptures. It is a very nice way of attracting all people especially in the West.

Please continue as GBC there in New York and make sure that everything is going on in a fully Krsna Conscious manner. Everyone should be engaged and everyone should be staunchly following all of our principles. We must pray to Krsna to save us from the attack of so many bad elements.

Letter to Gopijanavallabha -- Bombay 21 December, 1974:

I think by this time all of your questions in your letter have been answered. I am very anxious to get that building in New York City. Rupanuga has given photographs as well as floor plans in his most recent letter. I like it very much, so I want you to immediately take it. As far as the $300,000 down payment I don't think there will be any difficulty with that. Keep me informed on this matter as the negotiation has already begun. So you along with Rupanuga keep the atmosphere there very pure by holding regular classes, having morning and evening arati and kirtana programs and ensuring that everyone chants their 16 rounds and follows the four regulative principles without fail. And try to increase my book distribution as much as possible.

Letter to Gopijanavallabha -- Bombay 27 December, 1974:


I have answered your telegram also by telegram but I am confirming with this letter and also enclosing threads and mantra sheets for the second initiations.

Letter to Hrdayananda -- Bombay 27 December, 1974:

As far as my coming there is concerned, I can come immediately. And the programs that you mention in your letter would be very nice. Try to arrange many such programs with all different kinds of respectable gentlemen, philosophers, scholars, educationalists, etc. We will be coming by way of London where we will probably stop for a few days. Also we will be stopping in Bermuda on the way from London to Mexico City for one or two days to have a program there if it can be arranged. In this connection we have contacted Rupanuga das. One telegram has already been sent to you to inform you of this and to request tickets immediately. If you have not sent the tickets as of yet please send them without delay.

1975 Correspondence

Letter to Rupanuga -- Bombay 9 January, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated Jan. 2nd, 1975 and have noted the contents carefully. Regarding the new building, if it is suitable, never mind if it is a little more or less, you should get it. We can rent the unused space, and the householders can live in the building as long as they have separate floors. One thing is that they must be fully engaged. Don't make a hotel for free boarding and lodging. Everyone must be full-time engaged and the best engagement for them is to sell books. That will be very nice. Don't allow anyone to simply eat and sleep. All should attend classes 2 or 3 times daily, chant 16 rounds, and go out for street sankirtana. Eating should be minimized. Too much eating leads to too much sleeping, and then sex desire. So, management should be done very carefully to see that there is not easy-going, lazy attitude which will only end in fall down.

Regarding the controversy about book distribution techniques, you are right. Our occupation must be honest. Everyone should adore our members as honest. If we do something which is deteriorating to the popular sentiments of the public in favor of our movement, that is not good. Somehow or other we should not become unpopular in the public eye. These dishonest methods must be stopped. It is hampering our reputation all over the world. Money collected for feeding people in India should be collected under the name ISKCON Food Relief. Not any other name. And every farthing of that money must be sent to India, or better yet, buy food grains there and ship them here and we will distribute. But every farthing collected for that purpose must be used for that purpose. I have already sent one letter to Ramesvara explaining these points.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

N.B. Your idea of having the "summer institute" at your farm is nice.

Letter to Tripurari -- Bombay 16 January, 1975:

I have written letters to Ramesvara and Rupanuga in regards to the recent controversies about book distribution methods to be used by our men. You may refer to those letters if you like.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Bombay 17 January, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated nil and have noted the contents. Why is it that money that has been collected on behalf of ISKCON Food Relief program has not been sent to India? Where is that money? This is not good. If you are not intending to send for food distribution, then do not collect in the name of Food Relief. Whatever is collected for India food distribution, must be sent as soon as it is collected, to India. You should send it to: Bank of America, International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Mayapur-Vrndavana Fund, account no. 16026 in Bombay. It must be sent, otherwise it will be a discrepancy. The plan that the lawyer has proposed to you is very good. There can be two separated accounts, ISKCON Food Relief, and BBT.

Let Gopala Krishna come to India immediately. When he comes, he can get approval from Delhi for importing grains.

Secure the new building. Be cautious. Do not spoil the negotiation. That building is very nice. We want it.

The Bulletin that you have sent is very nice. Pancaratna has done very nicely. Maybe you can approach all the constituent members of the CSR (mentioned on the 2nd page) for giving us facility to expand our preaching work even more.

Regarding Harikesa, I thought he was going to London to take standing orders of books from the libraries there. Anyway he is there now, he can be engaged as you both see it fit. Consult amongst yourselves.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Honolulu 2 February, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated nil and have noted the contents. Regarding the idea of suing the U.S. Government, it is better not to make such a move. Try to solve all problems with the local scale. The GBC men who are here now have considered this point and decided that it would not be wise to sue the Govt. at this point.

According to Jayatirtha prabhu, Jagadisa's proposal for BBT loan has already been rejected.

BTG is not meant for advertising ISKCON Food Relief.

Regarding instruments for temple kirtanas, karatala and mrdanga are sufficient. There is no need of other instruments.

Keep negotiations going for that building. It will be very nice if we can get that building.

Letter to Gopiparanadhana -- Mexico City 15 February, 1975:

Regarding your problem of not being able to get married, this is not the proper type of question to place before your spiritual master. I think you should discuss this matter with Rupanuga das. Anyway, you should be sure to follow all the regulative principles without fail and to chant at least 16 rounds daily. If you do these things, then in any position of life you will be satisfied. Krishna is fully aware of your every necessity and he will surely provide everything that you need for your bodily maintenance. You should have this kind of faith.

Letter to Svarupa Damodara -- Mexico City 15 February, 1975:

I will be coming to Atlanta around the first week of March. Rupanuga prabhu has informed me that he will call a meeting of all the scientists in the movement at that time in Atlanta. So I will be seeing all of you there.

Letter to Satsvarupa -- Honolulu 4 June, 1975:

The Miami situation is a great discredit for us because we have made such a bad impression on the neighbors that they have had us kicked out. This is because of nasty management. Rupanuga was the GBC, and now you are, why it cannot be made clean? Abhirama has proved his poor management, so he must be replaced. If you sell the old buildings and buy some land as proposed, it may be very nice. One thing is though, if the management continues to be so nasty, then that place will also be ruined. Management must be done very nicely otherwise it is useless.

Letter to Rupanuga -- New Delhi 21 August, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 3, 1975 and have noted the contents. Regarding the Washington temple why are you selling the present building? Why are you changing it? We are not businessmen that we sell for profit and then move the Deity. Develop the farm in New York nicely. Show by example what it means plain living and high thinking. Regarding the letter to the lawyer, I have heard from Brahmananda Swami that the lawyers did not like the letter and threatened to Ramesvara that if it was not retracted then they would bring suit. So if necessary then retract it. Do not write in a way to accuse them. Just terminate their service. So after retracting, then write a new one.

Regarding your questions, no, the large Deity can never be moved, not at all. Regarding remarriage, no, remarriage should be always discouraged. Remarriage means encouraging sense gratification. Our mission is to curtail sense gratification. Three times marrying in a year, this is not good, and they are doing this.

Letter to Gatravan:

I do not know why you are bringing this matter to my attention. I have appointed Rupanuga das as my GBC to take care of these matters. Do not bother my brain. I cannot understand what has gone on but I simply request you to return to the temple and take part in the activities. In addition you should chant Hare Krishna and read my books and cooperate with the authorities. If you engage yourself full time in preaching then there won't be any other time for these other activities. You should approach the other Vaisnavas in a very humble state of mind.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Vrndavana 18 September, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letters dated August 29 and September 7, 1975 with enclosures. The matter regarding by-laws and the articles of incorporation should be definitely brought up at our annual Mayapur meeting. One thing: why is that so few temples are sending the affidavits? You should see that this is done. This is the important thing. No one should go against this principle. We have discussed this matter thoroughly. Please see that it is done. Regarding Washington, D.C. temple, it is the capital of your country. Therefore, the building there must be suitable. Do things very nicely there.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Ahmedabad 29 September, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 19, 1975 and have noted the contents carefully. What is the street address of the new building in New York? The consent letter has been sent from Vrindaban. You should minimize the expenditure and increase the income, otherwise how will you liquidate the debts? I understand that you are saving on the milk bill by supplying your own milk from the farm. This is wanted. If these farm projects are successful, then all this industry will be closed. We do not have to make propaganda, but automatically people will not want. The people are innocent. The rascal leaders say it is primitive to remain on the farm, but to do business in the city and become rogue and rascal, that is advanced. They have dog race, horse race, gambling, coca cola, pepsi cola—all unnecessary. There is no use for it but the business is going on. They take to cigarette and T.V. because they have no good engagement. They are chewing the already chewed. That is nice that the parents are donating. They will donate more and more, because they see here is something good.

Regarding the new New York house, yes, let me know when I shall have to go there to see. I have more houses than anyone else in the world, but I am not allowed to stay. The richest man in the world does not have such facilities. They have one or two, but in each place it is fit for prince, and they do not have as many as I have. And, the wife of Bali Mardan how was she giving such a bluff? This woman is very dangerous.

I see that in every center we are getting good income, and it is all from the sale of the books. Philadelphia temple must have a proper place. Regarding Washington temple yes Brisakapi can be now recognized as the temple president. I give my consent for the present temple to be sold and you may purchase the other one as you have described it.

Regarding Boston, yes you may utilize the funds as you have indicated. People are coming forward to donate. They are actually seeing. These boys were drug addicted, and now they are saintly. They do not smoke even. They talk only of God.

So you get from all the farms all your necessities, then it will be successful. Fodder, milk, grains, vegetables, and animals and man will be satisfied, and you can chant Hare Krishna. No unnecessary cow killing, and no unnecessary needs of the body. The woman's SKP party, that is very good.

Letter to Gurukrpa -- Bombay 30 September, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter addressed to Rupanuga das dated September 16, 1975 and have noted the contents. Why is there this politics? This is not good. If politics come, then the preaching will be stopped. That is the difficulty. As soon as politics come, everything is spoiled. In the Gaudiya Math the politics is still going on. My Guru Maharaja left in 1936, and now it is 1976, so after 40 years the litigation is still going on. Do not come to this.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Bombay 9 November, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated October 21, 1975 and have noted the contents. It is not good that all of the temples are spending more than they are receiving. They should rather save more and not exceed on the expenditures. I do not think that the jewelry business should be encouraged. We are after preaching, not money. Their endeavor should be utilized for selling books. That is different from the endeavor of selling jewelry. I do not think that this attempt should be encouraged. Our principle is tyaga, or renunciation, which means to renounce material activities as far as possible. What plans are there for the book distribution for the bicentennial celebration in Philadelphia?

Regarding Baltimore, again deficit. This is not a good sign. Regarding the Sankirtana Newsletter, then stop it. If the BBT does not pay for it, then stop it. The temple cannot afford to publish it, and if the BBT does not pay for it, then stop it. But it is good attempt.

Regarding Atlanta, everywhere again expenditures more. Why was the airport distribution closed down in Atlanta? I am glad that their farm project is successful. Milk, fruits, flowers and also food grains can all be produced in the farm. Cannot flowers be produced in the farm? This will reduce their expenditure and tulasi also.

It is good that the New York income was more than the expenditures. The description of my room there in the new building sounds very nice.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Vrindaban 7 December, 1975:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 24, 1975. Upon seeing the pictures of the doll exhibit I thought it was some of our devotees play acting. This boy Saptaratha Das has done the dolls very very nicely, now make a museum for the public. This doll making was one of the programs of my Guru Maharaja, and the exhibit used to tour India. That same exhibit, although falling apart, is still touring India today and people are appreciating it. So develop this program, I am very pleased with this boys work, encourage him.

Our cows are happy, therefore they give plenty of milk. Vedic civilization gives protection to all the living creatures, especially the cows, because they render such valuable service to the human society in the shape of milk, without which no one can become healthy and strong. In your country the dog is protected, and the cow is killed. The dog is passing stool and urine in the street, he is considered the best friend of man, and the cow is all pure, stool, urine, and milk, but they are taken to the slaughter house and killed for food. What kind of civilization is this. Therefore we have to preach against all this nonsense.

How is the New temple building in New York?

1976 Correspondence

Letter to Rupanuga -- Bombay 11 January, 1976:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 26th, 1975, and I have noted the contents.

The bombastic distribution of Krsna Trilogies in New York is wonderful. I have read the report given in the Sankirtana Newsletter. But one thing is whether they have collected enough to cover all the costs. I have heard that despite all this distribution, now there is a big debt to the Book Fund. The GBC has to manage so expertly that there will not be debts. This debt to the Book Fund must be cleared immediately, if possible by the Mayapur meeting. Now we require so much money for the Temple projects in India, but if the Temples do not pay their book bills from where will I get the money?

Svarupa Damodara has written me about the Bhaktivedanta Summer Institute. It is a very good idea. If possible try to accommodate it on one of the farms we already have. To buy another farm simply for this purpose is not very practical. The Institute should not only stress book study but there must be equal time given to kirtana, arati, prasadam, etc. There must be spiritual life, then book study will have meaning.

Many people have mentioned the nice prasadam distribution program in our New York Temple. I have heard also that on Sundays there are 500 people attending. So there is tremendous scope for preaching. Now this building must be organized very expertly. I want to come in April or May, but whether my quarters are ready or not?

In the six day book distribution, Eastern zone was first. This is our most important work. All the leaders should tax their brains for increasing the sales of our books. I have always said that if we simply rely on book distribution all our needs will be met.

We shall never use this artificial fertilizer on our farms. It is forbidden in the sastras. If you plant easily grown crops once in the year, then the earth will not become exhausted. Don't overuse the land.

I accept Bhakta John as my disciple and also Padmamalini dasi for second initiation. His name is Amara das. Now hold a fire ceremony. She may be allowed to hear the mantra through the right ear from the tape. Instruct them both on the meaning of first and second initiation respectively.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Mayapur 21 January, 1976:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 17th January, 1976.

Madhudvisa Swami has come here from Australia and as he is free I am sending him to New York. I have discussed with him how I want my rooms to be. As things have generally not been so well managed there I have asked him to be ad-hoc President of New York Temple until the coming GBC meeting.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Mayapur 14 February, 1976:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 31, 1976.

I have before me the Sankirtana Newsletter for January 12-18, so why are you standing third? Regarding Philadelphia's move, yes, that is all right. And yes, we require many Ph.D.'s for our Bhaktivedanta Institute for Higher Study. The program in Amherst is nice, continue it and develop it more and more. As far as New York is concerned, that is nice. Let Madhudvisa be in charge.

Letter to Gabhira -- Mayapur 21 February, 1976:

I have received one article from Rupanuga entitled, "Officials approve Krishna Ministry". Thank you very much. We have succeeded by Krishna's blessing. Now do it nicely. It is a great stride. We can start in other places, too.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Mayapur 21 February, 1976:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your two letters dated January 30 and February 13, 1976 respectively.

Regarding the examination, I never meant that the examination would be held this year. It will be held first next year. The examination is meant for the intelligent class, not all. Neither it is compulsory. So to pass the examination means one must have knowledge. There are higher intelligent class of disciples, otherwise it is not compulsory. So how to organize it, how to do it, you GBC can decide. I have given the idea, now how to do it is up to the GBC.

Regarding the purchase of the Washington temple, that is all right if it is certain that all the monies paid out will be applied toward the cost price. Better purchase than rent. And I think that Brisakapi should follow the example of Rupa Goswami. Rupa Goswami took sannyasa and gave 50% in charity, 25% for family use, and he kept 25% for emergency. Krishna wants to see that the life is sacrificed, but also accumulation, money, should be given to Krishna. Life to Krishna and money to wife is not a good decision.

Thank you for getting this chaplaincy. Now it should be done nicely and started in other places. It will be very nice if we can get it in every school.

It is nice they are maintaining and increasing the Rathayatra program in Philadelphia. Last year's program was very nice. That is good they have sold the jewelry business; we have got so nice book business, why shall we have this? You say Atlanta has pledged $33,000, that is nice, whose business can give us profit like that?

Yes, this supplying of milk to the temple is wanted. Thank you. In the way that Atlanta is doing, every center must have a farm so we can get all milk and if possible vegetable, even fruit, flowers and milk.

They are getting a flat-bed truck, then no blocking. They can sit comfortably and chant and people will hear. He (Madhava das) is giving a class at MIT, that is very good. I challenged them where is the technology to understand the distinction between a dead man and a live man.

Regarding relocating New Kuruksetra and beginning the Bhaktivedanta Institute there, first of all decide among the scientists, Svarupa Damodara and party, and if they agree then I have no objection.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Vrindaban 23 September, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 13rd September, 1976 and have noted the contents. Regarding the editorial policy of BTG, if the editorial board is not expert enough they should be changed. Dr. O.B.L. Kapoor also had put a similar complaint. Yes, scientific articles must be published when sent by our men. I cannot see every article, but some of you should examine why nice articles are rejected. See if the board can be changed. If experienced editors are not there it will be unpopular magazine. These things are to be seen to immediately by the GBC. The board should be judged immediately and be changed if required.

Letter to Makhanlal -- Vrindaban 24 October, 1976:

I am pleased to accept the devotees you have recommended for initiation. Please be very sure that they all know and follow the regulative principles and chant minimum 16 rounds daily. Hold a fire sacrifice and have Rupanuga chant on their beads. Their new names are: Willard—Vaisnava dasa, John—Jivapati dasa, Adam—Akruranatha dasa, Nancy—Nitya-manjari dasi.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Vrindaban 8 November, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated October 28, 1976.

Yes, we should take advantage of this opportunity to preach. I see it that somehow or other they are chanting Krsna. Either they criticize or chant. The article you have sent from the college newspaper can help our counter-propaganda. Ramesvara should be informed.

This incident with the president of our Washington temple is not good. He can't even maintain one wife. Just see how lusty he is. Now he'll dare to take another. Anyway he cannot live in the temple. If he wants two wives it must be done outside. He should maintain his family by working and give 50% to the temple. He may not live off temple funds. Temple president is generally meant for sannyasi, but a grhastha may be if he is restrained. It is not good if he remains as president.

Our place there is very nice, now develop it. It is nice if you can begin Bhaktivedanta Institute there.

You have mentioned that they are looking at a new building in St. Louis, a church, that's nice. It is very good that there are now 55 devotees at our Montreal temple. It is a big temple, a good place.

Regarding our men becoming lawyers, yes do it. For a graduate it is not difficult. You can also take a degree. However, five years is too long for our men to work as a clerk. That is not good.

Hoping this will meet you in good health. Your son has arrived here. I am happy to see him.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Vrindaban 11 November, 1976:

I will accept the devotees whose names appear below for first initiation and also the one you have recommended for second initiation. Please hold a fire sacrifice and instruct the new initiates to follow the four regulative principles and chanting sixteen rounds daily avoiding the ten offenses. You may chant on their beads. Play the tape of me chanting Gayatri mantra in the right ear of the second initiate and teach him how to count on his fingers.

Bhakta Andy—Ananta dasa

Bhakta Randy—Raghunatha Bhatta dasa

Bhaktin Gayle—Gopamatrka Dasi (from Baltimore)

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Bombay 20 December, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 29, 1976.

Kirtanananda's offer to Brisakapi is good. If one is fully engaged in preaching, his mind will be subdued. That is the only way. Yadavadhi mama cetah krsna-padaravinde.

Your description of the steps being taken to rally support is nice. It is wanted, both from the parents and the Indian residents. If you can take the lawyer training as you have described that's nice. The cover for Sa-vijnanam is very good. Yes, Makhanlal is very sincere, so try to work with him.

Page Title:Training of Rupanuga dasa (Letters, 1971 - 1976)
Compiler:Visnu Murti
Created:25 of May, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=140
No. of Quotes:140