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Preaching means to recruite more and more men. This process is called gosthananda which means pleasure by seeing increase of followers

Expressions researched:
"Preaching means to recruite more and more men. This process is called gosthananda which means pleasure by seeing increase of followers"


1971 Correspondence

So far as recruiting men is concerned, we have to create men. Preaching means to recruite more and more men. This process is called gosthananda which means pleasure by seeing increase of followers. So far I know, not a single Japanese has been initiated. What is the cause of it?
Letter to Sudama -- Allahabad 22 January, 1971:

It is very good news that your wife has taken to learn the Japanese language. So you should train your wife like that instead of fighting and creating misunderstanding. You must tolerate such misunderstandings. Train her for useful purpose and it will be a great help to both you and the society. Offer my blessings to her.

Bruce has not yet taken his initiation. He wants to remain with us independently. I have no objection for such conclusion but unless he is properly initiated, he cannot help you either in the kitchen or with Deity worship, but he can help you in translating and other activities. Our whole process in on the basis of surrender. I think he is lacking in that spirit. So I have given my permission for him to return to Japan. Try to train him to the right path.

So far as recruiting men is concerned, we have to create men. Preaching means to recruite more and more men. This process is called gosthananda which means pleasure by seeing increase of followers. So far I know, not a single Japanese has been initiated. What is the cause of it?

In my letter to your good self dated 5th December I gave my permission for Visnujana Swami to go there, but now it has been arranged that Karatieya Swami will be going there instead. He is enthusiastic for going and will accompany Bruce Prabhu.

Yes, both the boy mentioned by you as well as Bruce may be engaged in translation work and you may start with Bhagavad-gita as planned. Our beginning is Bhagavad-gita, next Srimad-Bhagavatam, next KRSNA book, and then Teachings of Lord Caitanya. And anyone who reads these books will surely become Krishna Conscious.

Page Title:Preaching means to recruite more and more men. This process is called gosthananda which means pleasure by seeing increase of followers
Created:28 of Nov, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=1
No. of Quotes:1