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I have seen the monthly book distribution report and your name, Australia, is first among the world distributers

Expressions researched:
"I have seen the monthly book distribution report and your name, Australia, is first among the world distributers"


1974 Correspondence

I have seen the monthly book distribution report and your name, Australia, is first among the world distributers. This is very pleasing to me and indicates you are leading all others in preaching and spreading the mission of Krsna Consciousness.

January 12, 1974


Dear Madhu-dvisha Maharaj,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 7, 1974.

Regarding the confusion you have about receiving book from India, you may go ahead and send ghee in exchange for the books. I have already discussed this with Karandhara. The books were given to India. From India there was no possibility of sending money. Therefore if you get the books you should send ghee in return.

I have seen the monthly book distribution report and your name, Australia, is first among the world distributers. This is very pleasing to me and indicates you are leading all others in preaching and spreading the mission of Krsna Consciousness.

As for obtaining a deity after the style of Bankebehari, we shall discuss that further at another time whether it is possible.

I am going back to India via Honolulu on next Monday. I am very much encouraged by your activities in selling books. So not only you shall supply ghee in exchange of books supplied by Gargamuni Swami. In the future we may need large quantities of ghee in our different centers because after going back to India I shall see that in every temple food distribution goes on nicely. Australia is famous for producing wheat and milk products. My question is whether you can supply as contribution to our ISKCON centers in India, wheat and ghee in exchange of books. If it is possible then consult with the Trustees of BBT and consider the matter and do the needful.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Page Title:I have seen the monthly book distribution report and your name, Australia, is first among the world distributers
Created:2015-12-17, 11:48:53
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No. of Quotes:1