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I am feeling very much proud personally because my so many householder devotees are preaching Krishna Consciousness so nicely

Expressions researched:
"I am feeling very much proud personally because my so many householder devotees are preaching Krishna Consciousness so nicely"


1969 Correspondence

I am feeling very much proud personally because my so many householder devotees are preaching Krishna Consciousness so nicely.
Letter to Mukunda -- Los Angeles 28 July, 1969:

I am so glad to learn that Mr. Ted Berk, the American poet, is now living with you as brahmacari. Let him become now a Vaisnava poet. There are so many Vaisnava poets in India. Now as Krishna Consciousness is spreading, I think there must be some western Vaisnava poets, and Mr. Ted Berk may be the first one. So far as Trivikrama is concerned, he is a super first-class brahmacari. His service attitude, his submission is very nice although he is still a new member. The thing is that he had the association of Rupanuga who is an ideal householder devotee. I am feeling very much proud personally because my so many householder devotees are preaching Krishna Consciousness so nicely. Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not make any distinction between the so-called brahmacari, householder, or sannyasi. He specifically stressed that these designations are superficial, pertaining to bodies. Krishna Consciousness is the function of the soul, jivatma. In the Vedas it is said that the spirit soul is without any touch of material contamination, but when he forgets Krishna he thinks himself as a material product. That is called Maya. But in any position, if one can understand the science of Krishna Consciousness, he can deliver many, many fallen souls. So it is my request to you all that you establish an exemplary character and show how householders can be the first class transcendentalists. When I feel that my householder disciples are preaching so nicely I actually feel very much proud.

Page Title:I am feeling very much proud personally because my so many householder devotees are preaching Krishna Consciousness so nicely
Created:13 of Dec, 2010
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=1
No. of Quotes:1